This is very interesting. The most energetic things we know about (GRB, supernovas, quasars, bipolar jets, etc) involve black holes. This must mean that when gas, dust, and other matter gets compressed into a black hole, just before it enters it is crushed into such high temperatures that whatever is outside the event horizon is accelerated away at near light speed, making the hydrogen bomb look like a tiny spark.
I don't know about matter and antimatter reacting. If there was any antimatter around it would have been annihilated immediately on contact with matter, before approach to the black hole.
From Wikipedia:
"Because of the enormous amount of energy needed to launch a relativistic jet, some jets are thought to be powered by spinning black holes. There are two competing theories for how the energy is transferred from the black hole to the jet.
"Blandford-Znajek process - This is the most commonly agreed theory for the extraction of energy from the central black hole. The magnetic fields around the accretion disk are dragged by the spin of the black hole. The relativistic material is possibly launched by the tightening of the field lines.
Penrose mechanism - This extracts energy from a rotating black hole by frame dragging. This theory was later proven to be able to extract relativistic particle energy,[7] and subsequently shown to be a possible mechanism for the formation of jets."