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Everything posted by Airbrush

  1. That's right, once humans have achieved the ability to travel to other stars, that means they were comfortable in their spacecraft for decades or centuries. Local exo-moons or asteroids would be needed for water-ice, to make water, air, and fuel, and other minerals. Nice place to visit but you wouldn't want to live there.
  2. Any food that so fun to eat that the average person will probably eat too much of it, that is bad for them. That is their "junk food." There are lots of food that are not junk foods, but are engineered to be so very delicious that people will inevitably eat too much of it. People love freedom, especially when it comes to eating. Also people will structure their day around having more opportunities to enjoy their favorite foods. I like to think of it like gas for your car. Food is fuel and medicine, not a form of entertainment. That is why 2/3 of Americans are over weight or obese. People should get their jollies in other ways than eating.
  3. Are you saying that since at the first Planck time the temperature was already astronomically high, that would mean that BEFORE the first Planck time, the temperature would be even higher? It would not make sense for the temperature to change from zero to trillions of trillions of trillions of degrees in such a short moment?
  4. TRUMP: "I mean, had Andrew Jackson been a little later, you wouldn’t have had the Civil War. He was a very tough person, but he had a big heart. And he was really angry that — he saw what was happening with regard to the Civil War. [Andrew Jackson died in 1845.] He [Jackson] said, “There’s no reason for this.” [Trump just stated that Andrew Jackson said that there was no need for a Civil War which started 15 years after Jackson's death.] People don’t realize, you know, the Civil War — if you think about it, why? People don’t ask that question, but why was there the Civil War? Why could that one not have been worked out?" Deciphering this word salad, it looks to me like he is saying that Andrew Jackson was "a very tough person, but he had a big heart." Trump sees himself in Andrew Jackson, tough with a big heart, so Trump thinks he could have compromised with the South or convinced them to give up slavery without resorting to war, just as his idol Jackson would have done.😜
  5. This was posted to "Trump and social media" which was off topic. Sorry for getting off topic over there. Would any mod please delete my post over there, and this will substitute for it. I think this should be a separate topic. Thank you. In the recent interview by Harris Faulkner of Fox News, an African-American, Trump stated that what Lincoln did (freeing slaves) "is always questionable." What the heck is he suggesting...that Lincoln freeing the slaves was a "questionable" thing?! The slaves should NOT have been freed in HIS opinion, it would seem. Trump used his mob-boss sign language on Faulkner: "Lincoln did good, although it's always questionable, you know [WHO knows?!] ...the end result [what the heck is the "end result"?! The "end result" is freedom for slaves. What's questionable about that?!] Then Trump states that HIS people are free - "WE are free." Faulkner replies that Lincoln "did pretty well." However, Trump could not agree but rather hint again "You understand what I mean" which we can infer is a dog whistle that means that the slaves should NOT have been freed. Trump's people are free, but Faulkner's people are not necessarily free. Faulkner replies yes AND no. Mr. President, what the hell do you mean by "And let's take a pass on Abraham Lincoln, 'cause he did good, although it's always questionable, you know, in other words, the end result [Final Solution?!]. Please explain what this means." https://www.rawstory.com/2020/06/trump-said-abraham-lincolns-legacy-is-questionable-but-a-black-reporter-pointed-out-we-are-free/ Trump: "So I think I’ve done more for the black community than any other president. And let’s take a pass on Abraham Lincoln, ‘cause he did good, although it’s always questionable, you know, in other words, the end result" Faulkner: "Well, we are free, Mr. President" Trump: "But we are free" Faulkner: "So he did pretty well." Trump: "You understand what I mean." Faulkner: "Yeah, no, I get it."
  6. 2/3 of Americans are either obese or overweight. Any fans of "Real Time With Bill Maher? His last 2 episodes had nutritionists who made the case for about 80% of Americans are not metabolically healthy. Bill keeps asking them why doesn't the government ever mention that people could be healthier and have better immunity by healthy living habits, including healthy eating. It is hard to get an answer so I'm beginning to suspect the topic is a can of worms that governments don't want to open. Because it questions personal freedom. The most important personal freedom people have is to eat all they want of whatever the hell they want. Who wants a government to tell them what to eat?
  7. "...temperature is the measurement of the average kinetic energy of the molecules and represents the motion of molecules." https://www.bing.com/search?q=heat+is+molecular+motion&form=ANNTH1&refig=9be9ea3c8025480ca952a6dd3e8bea9d&sp=1&qs=HS&pq=heat+is+&sk=PRES1&sc=8-8&cvid=9be9ea3c8025480ca952a6dd3e8bea9d "...Based on observations of distant objects and measurements of the cosmic background radiation, scientists have deduced the temperature at the Planck time, which is 10 million trillion trillion trillionths of a second. At that instant, the temperature was 100 million trillion trillion kelvins (180 million trillion trillion degrees Fahrenheit). The universe underwent a period of accelerated expansion that ended well before a second had elapsed. By this time, it had cooled to a temperature of 100 billion kelvins (180 billion degrees Fahrenheit)." https://sciencing.com/temperature-universe-during-big-bang-4822.html My question is how can the universe be so hot at the first Planck time when the universe was so dense that the particles could not move? BTW, at the center of a black hole are molecules in motion? It seems to me that at near infinite density there is no space for motion.
  8. Very interesting joigus, welcome aboard. We don't know anything about interstellar travel. Maybe it is far more difficult than we imagine. Maybe intelligence is much scarcer than we can imagine. Suppose there was an ET that was so advanced that they could travel here. They would more likely send robotic probes. Why would they want us to know about them? With their advanced technology, they could easily conceal themselves from us. Why would any ET civilization advertise their position in space or allow themselves to be seen?
  9. 1. Creating civilization centers: Since the first thing a civilization needs is fresh water, deliver huge quantities of sea water to inland deserts for desalination. This fresh water is used to irrigate areas that were previously only desert, first for subsistence farming for the workers. As these oases grow in size, they also create forests to remove CO2 from the air. They get power from solar and wind. Desalination could be solar powered in that you have hundreds, then thousands of shallow concrete ponds of sea water a few feet deep. Covering the "pond" is clear plastic or glass (made from desert sand) lensed to magnify sun light to vaporize the water and pass it thru condensers to add to the water supply. 2. Measuring wave height for big-wave surf competition. Have a drone that hovers exactly at the height of the crest of approaching waves, as scanners (laser or radar) on the drone detect the lowest point of the trough in front of the wave, relative to the crest. This would allow the drone to constantly monitor the EXACT height of the wave as it breaks.
  10. People love gadgets, especially when they think it will do some work for them. Your device could be a big hit, don't let me or many around here dampen your spirit. All ideas are welcome here! This is a brain-storming session. Does anyone think it is possible to install a car-cabin cooling system (intake vents in the floor and exhaust vent in the ceiling) that is powered by solar cells on the cars' roof (and/or hood) to power an evaporative cooling system for an additional cost of $500 including factory installation? The system needs to cool the air inside the car at least 10 degrees F below the air temperature outside the car. During cooler weather you can turn off the system. But if temperature should climb to 90 degrees F inside the car, the system would start. You would need to fill your car reservoir with 5 or 10 gallons of water, but only during hot weather. We use evaporative coolers in Southern California in the summer and we can often avoid using our power-hungry A/C system, except when it goes up over 100 F.
  11. "Vote fraud in the United States is exceedingly rare, with mailed ballots and otherwise. Over the past 20 years, about 250 million votes have been cast by a mail ballot nationally. The Heritage Foundation maintains an online database of election fraud cases in the United States and reports that there have been 1,285 cases of vote fraud...." https://thehill.com/opinion/campaign/494189-lets-put-the-vote-by-mail-fraud-myth-to-rest "Mail-In" voting is a misnomer. It is really "at home" voting, since in many states most vote-at-home ballots are returned to the polls personally, without mailing them. 250 million AT-HOME ballots over 20 years and 1,285 cases of voter fraud. That is an average of 64 AT-HOME ballot fraud cases per year. Out of 250 million votes cast gives a voter fraud rate of 0.00051% (1285/250,000,000) about ONE AT-HOME ballot fraud out of a total of about 195,000 AT-HOME ballots (250,000,000/1285). John Oliver made a case for the difficulty, high risk, and low reward for voter fraud. To commit MAIL ballot fraud you need to know dead people and have their personal info. Then you can request absentee ballots for each of these dead people. You need to fill out a change of address form for EACH one, substituting YOUR address for theirs. Then you need to forge their signatures. These are crimes with your true address attached to the evidence! Voter lists go thru periodic checks, such as social security notifying the polls of deaths. If you get caught you may be charged with several felonies that may include jail time. All of this effort for only ONE vote. Each act of fraud adds to your prison term. Advance this Youtube to minute 8:00 for the part about mail vote fraud.
  12. This means I need to buy a number of floss loops for the device. When a loop breaks then replace it. Someone, like me, with much resistance between teeth will break the floss loops frequently. For this to work you must use some thick, tough floss loop to not break so easy. How long is the loop? My device, just rubber finger tips, don't wear out. Any floss can be used. I hold a piece of paper towel in one hand and catch the gunk with it as I floss. But now I am using Plackers, little plastic floss bows, which last up to a week before they break.
  13. It's a matter of experience. Taste is subjective. If you grow up eating exotic foods they seem normal. If you don't....they don't.
  14. Then that means (maybe) there is little resistance between all or most of your teeth. When there is resistance it causes the floss to constrict my index finger tips so they turn purple, leaving ligature marks. By using rubber finger tips that removed all pain from flossing! The other idea is a toy that encourages kids to floss. What's wrong with that? Would you care to describe a little more about how to use this? Do you press a button to advance the floss? I still think my idea is simpler, cheaper, and does the same thing. Ok you got me. It is absurd to say anything will prevent anyone from dying in a hot car. However, a system using solar power and evaporative cooling could be devised to lower the temperature in the hot car enough so that you may reduce such sad events. Also people may take a nap in their car on a hot day with the windows up, unless it is really hot, like 110 degrees F. You guessed it, I like to take naps in my car.
  15. So I guess nobody can think of an invention idea that they would never bother to develop. Too bad. As for flossing using rubber finger tips, does anyone still wind floss around their fingers to floss? My mom taught me to floss that way. I suffered many years, daily, from the pain of constricting my index finger tips until about the age of 35 when I thought of using rubber finger tips. That was a huge improvement. It gave me great control in flossing, with no finger pain at all! Later I discovered those little flossing "bows" called Plackers. Now imagine a cartoon alligator finger puppet that is a rubber finger tip, but it makes flossing FUN FOR KIDS. They could imagine wrangling an alligator and tying the gator's mouth shut with floss. Plackers are too difficult for a child to handle properly. Using the rubber finger tips is easier for a child to use. Doesn't anyone want to save millions of children of the world from suffering from flossing? Or maybe they will not floss at all and suffer dental decay.
  16. What about the fact that the longer you are in contact with a virus in the air, the higher the probability of infection? Just reduce the time of contact. If the airflow is downward, as CharonY suggested, even a slow, steady downward airflow will move the virus, in whatever form, down near the floor. It drops below breathable range in seconds. That is a slow, steady, downward airflow. That will actually push skirts made of tissue paper downward. That would be a big improvement over the virus lingering in the air for hours. There may be a virus residue on the floor, and near the wall exhaust vents, but that can be sprayed with sanitizer after people leave the building. There may even be a way to retro-fit indoor spaces with additional fans to push and pull the air. The business owner may rightfully boast about this to attract employees and customers. Wouldn't you like to work or shop where the air is fresher and cleaner?
  17. Maybe "the last straw" but certainly a perfect political storm. You have a once-in-a-century, global pandemic. You have VERY high unemployment, so lots of people out of work and school. More people than every watching the news on TV. The protesters were upset to begin with and they have plenty of time to protest. More time available for protesting than in decades. Then the murder of George Floyd was so blatant and documented on video. It is horrifying. Then Trump's "law and order" response only poured gas on the fire. Will the White House be surrounded by protesting, angry mobs in the thousands, all the way up to the election in November? I don't see any relief for the White House for a long time.
  18. Then have the airflow moving downward. Fresh air enters thru the ceiling and bad air is sucked out near the floor against the walls. All we are trying to do is reduce the amount of time the bad air hangs around, reducing the probability of infection.
  19. Anyone have ideas for inventions that you know you will never bother to get a patent and try to promote? Here are a few ideas I have had. Please take them and run if you like. 1. Use "rubber finger tips" for flossing your teeth. In office supply stores they have little boxes of rubber finger tips for clerical workers or anyone to manipulate paper. The medium size are just right for me. For decades I have used rubber finger tips to wind the floss on my 2 index fingers. The most painful thing about flossing is the constriction of my index fingers. This can be made fun for kids by having rubber finger tips look like cartoon alligators. The kids will put little alligators on their index fingers to wind the floss and NO PAIN!! I actually have been using Plackers, a tiny plastic tool with floss on one end the past 10 years. 2. The super duper windshield wiper blades. Ever notice that your windshield wiper blades don't remove the most stubborn bird dung crushed insects? Have a sharp metal or plastic, double-edged blade that is serrated like shark teeth, under the rubber blade. This will sharpen itself as it operates and it will slice thru the most stubborn spots on your windshield. 3. The passive car cooler is a solar-powered system, using an evaporative cooler, that makes it impossible for any pets or children to die inside a car left accidentally in the hot sun. Solar cells power fans that pull cooler air from under the car and expels the hot air out the ceiling. This will also allow people to take naps in their car with all the windows up. The "how to do it" of any of these is above my pay grade.
  20. You adjust the fans' speed to move the air as necessary thru experiment. If the force of airflow is balanced with gravity, then all you need to do is slightly increase fan speed to just barely overcome gravity. Right, that is why I would only say the air is replaced quicker than other businesses that have standard A/C. The probability of getting infected indoors is reduced by accelerating air replacement. We will assume that outdoor air is good. Once the bad air get outdoors the virus dilutes and dies from sunlight.
  21. I agree because the strange way Trump twists his lips as he produces "word salad" it is hard to follow what he says. When someone lip-syncs it with great expression, then it is more striking and highlights the insanity.
  22. According to Bill Maher there was a study in China that out of 7300 cases of Covid transmission only ONE was outdoor transmission. That means that 99.999% of Covid-19 transmissions occurred INDOORS in China. Yes and the indoor spaces may become ghost towns. The economy won't recover until consumers have the confidence to enter INDOOR spaces. "Build it and they will come" unless consumers are spooked, then they won't come. The USA economy is mostly consumer driven. "...In a study published by the City and Environment Interaction journal, scientists.... argue that the lack of adequate ventilation in many indoor environments -- from the workplace to the home -- increases the risk of airborne transmission of Covid-19. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/05/200528115750.htm
  23. Any volunteers for this analysis? "Step right up folks! Come into my new business (restaurant, offices, stores, markets, Disneyland, etc.) and enjoy AAR (accelerated air replacement). My competition has poor, weak A/C that just pushes the air with virus around for an hour before it finally slinks out the ceiling. That gives you plenty of time to get infected right thru your cloth mask. My business, however, has fresh air ALL THE TIME for you to enjoy! We have extra powerful fans to move the bad air out and good air in."
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