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Everything posted by Airbrush

  1. "Everywhere" is located at any point in that FINITE volume (not "area" because AREA refers to 2 dimensions - review your geometry), and beyond that. To use the word "everywhere" refers also to what exists outside our observable universe. We don't know about that, the big bang may have an edge or not. No I don't listen to ANYTHING. Are you satisfied?
  2. "The Big Bang happened everywhere". False! The word "everywhere" assumes a universe that is INFINITE in size. In a finite-sized, bounded universe "everywhere" includes outside the boundaries of the FINITE universe, beyond our big bang. Maybe our big bang is only one of an infinite number of big bangs in a larger multiverse. To be correct the statement should be "The big bang happened everywhere, IF the universe is INfinite in size." Also to capitalize Big Bang implies something special about the big bang, like it is the only one that could happen. We don't know that, and maybe never will know that.
  3. Did you see Trump & Hillary give speeches at the Al Smith Fundraiser? Trump pushed to the limits of civility to see how far he could go. He said Hillary hates Catholics, she is totally corrupt, but there was no joke to go along with it. He used the word "hell" gratuitously. Finally the audience had enough and booed him. Then he said "Are you booing me or Hillary?" Like it wasn't obvious. The only one sounding hateful during this entire campaign is Trump. He sounds hateful, looks hateful, and acts hateful, then he unabashedly projects that onto Hillary by calling her hateful, nasty, etc. This is a man with a personality disorder.
  4. Airbrush

    Third Debate

    Anyone watch last night's debate? What did you think? Here is one I noticed. Trump said in regard to criminal illegal aliens, "We have some bad HAMBRES here". Anyone who speaks Spanish must have noticed this gaff. He intended to say we have some bad HOMBRES. His accent was just wrong. In Spanish "hambre" means hungry. "We have some bad hungrys here". Yes Donald you are obese, a bad hungry. How many examples of projection? "In the final moments of the final presidential debate, Donald Trump said Hillary Clinton was "such a nasty woman" while she was answering a question about how she would raise taxes on the rich to tackle debt and entitlements if she were to become president..." After acting like a nasty man throughout the debate, contorting his face in every nasty grimace he can, acts nasty for his entire campaign, then he calls Hillary what he is which is the king of nasty. He was judged "pants on fire" about his claim that $6 billion was missing from the State Dept. It was not missing, only contracts for that much had no supporting documents which extended to before she was in the State Dept.
  5. My first opinion of Trump formed 10 years ago when his feud with Rosie O'Donnell was in the news too much. I was thinking what an idiot this billionaire is to get in a war with a comedian. When I heard he was running for president I thought "Fat chance" for such an idiot to get anywhere, but was I wrong! "...Trump has made similarly vile comments about other women, but his vitriol for O’Donnell has always been next-level. The duo's longstanding feud dates back to 2006, when O’Donnell, speaking on The View, questioned Trump’s decision not to fire controversial Miss USA Tara Conner over drug abuse, calling him "a snake-oil salesman." O’Donnell also said of Trump: "[He] left the first wife—had an affair. [He] had kids both times, but he's the moral compass for 20-year-olds in America. Donald, sit and spin, my friend." "Trump wasn’t pleased. He told People that O’Donnell was "a woman out of control," and that "Rosie's a loser. A real loser. I look forward to taking lots of money from my nice, fat little Rosie." http://www.newsweek.com/behind-donald-trumps-sexist-debate-comment-rosie-odonnell-pigs-fat-view-360701 With Trump's tendency towards psychological projection, don't you think that when Trump proposed a DRUG TEST for himself and Hillary before the 3rd debate, he was projecting his own drug habit on Hillary? Isn't that the way it works? He knows the drug test will never happen, so he safely says he wants the drug test to make himself look drug-free and cast suspicion on Hillary. I find it hard to believe a man-of-the-world like Trump, who was born in 1946, was a young adult at the time of the hippies avoided using drugs. What is that sniffle he has all the time, from cocaine up the nose? Sometimes he looks so wired he may appear to be on some kind of stimulant.
  6. The universe expands into space and space is not nothing. It just seems like it. If a big bang can happen once, then it probably can happen again. Maybe big bangs happen every Trillion years or so. Or maybe another big bang will happen not too far away and it would destroy our current universe.
  7. Melania Trump says she has "two boys at home, her son and her husband..." Interesting to know he doesn't act like a 5-year-old only in public, he acts that way at home too. His childhood was a spoiled, bad little boy. He got into a lot of trouble, so his Dad sent him away to military academy to learn discipline. He was the only one of his siblings that was sent to military academy. It is very important to remember that Donald was a bad little bully as a child, which created his personality disorder. With above average intelligence he excelled and performed well in high school. Not long after that he got a loan for $14 million to start a business from his wealthy father. That would be about $50 million in today's dollars. At a young age, after that loan from his Dad, he entered a bubble. He could hire and fire, so soon everybody around him was a yes-man, yes-woman, and yes-lawyer. That is how he grew so obnoxiously delusional and acquired his personality disorder. They say he can turn on the charm when he wants to, but I don't remember ever seeing a "charming" Donald in front of a microphone. That mike is a drug that he cannot and will not ever give up. Even if he has to bank roll it himself and it is not profitable, but it may be, it has to happen as surely as his own breath. Welcome to Trump TV. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump
  8. The only way the balloon analogy would make sense is if the thickness of the skin of the balloon is greater than the diameter of the observable universe. It's time to think up a better analogy.
  9. Interesting how Trump's mannerisms resemble other dictators. A Clinton ad should have a split screen showing Trump giving a passionate speech next to Kim Jong Un, Reverend Jim Jones, Mussolini, Hitler, etc. Trump very much resembles Kim Jong Un at the start of a rally, walking around for a prolonged period of time applauding himself. Notice Trump's response to the firebomb attack on the GOP office in North Carolina. "Animals representing Hillary Clinton and Dems in North Carolina just firebombed our office in Orange County because we are winning @NCGOP" Use of the word "Animals" for people sounds like Hitler, Mussolini, or any dictator dehumanizing a group of people. "Because we are winning..." Yes, Donald you are absolutely winning!!! That's the ticket, you are winning, terrific, spectacular, sure you are winning, (and yet the system is rigged?)
  10. A finite torus does have a center of gravity. No matter how irregular the shape of the finite torus, it would definitely have a center of gravity. Could be. What I mean is a universe that has a finite-size. Then let's suppose the universe was finite and bounded, for example. That universe would definitely have a center of gravity. Not in a finite, bounded universe. A finite, bounded universe would exist within something else, within the next higher structure, within a "bulk" in multiverse theory. The bulk outside our tiny, finite universe could be empty, or there could simultaneously exist a finite, or infinite, number of other big bangs. The other big bangs could be giant, but not infinite. "The brane multiverse follows from M-theory and states that our universe is a 3-dimensional brane that exists with many others on a higher-dimensional brane or "bulk". Particles are bound to their respective branes except for gravity." "...Proponents of one of the multiverse hypotheses include Stephen Hawking,[16]Brian Greene,[17][18]Max Tegmark,[19]Alan Guth,[20]Andrei Linde,[21]Michio Kaku,[22]David Deutsch,[23]Leonard Susskind,[24]Alexander Vilenkin,[25]Yasunori Nomura,[26]Raj Pathria,[27]Laura Mersini-Houghton,[28][29]Neil deGrasse Tyson,[30] and Sean Carroll.[31] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiverse
  11. No that is the center of a finite big bang. It does not matter what shape a finite universe takes, there is always a center of gravity, assuming a finite-sized universe. I don't know if the center of gravity would be the same location as where the finite big bang originated.
  12. I mostly agree with you, but IMO his success is a combination of both factors, reflecting the bigotry of his followers AND his use of one and two syllable words, and don't forget how often he repeats what he says, so the knuckle-draggers can follow his speech. He is like a clever used-car salesman who can read his crowd and tell them exactly what they want to hear, in a fact-free zone. Hillary is not very good at that, and her obvious introversion hampers her.
  13. There is another thing about the Access Hollywood recording of Trump. He tells Billy Bush in essence "You can do anything when you are a star." Listen to it, emphasis is on the word "anything". In the context of Trump's other crude remarks, this is equivalent to the old, wise, Hollywood star, Trump, advising the young inexperienced star, that when you are a star, you can do anything to a woman, including sexual assault, but that is not the limit to "anything". There is also rape, and forcing someone to perform unusual sex acts, physical or mental abuse of any sort, anything! Remember in the recording emphasis was on the word anything. Trump is the master of evocative hyperbole, he can talk circles around Hillary who sounds boring in comparison. The problem for Trump using his gift for evocative hyperbole, he clearly maps out, for the world to see using plain, simple language, his deviancy, sense of extreme entitlement, and thus his personality disorder.
  14. That is hard to visualize. If the universe had a finite size, for example about twice the size of the observable universe, imagine the finite universe is an irregular blob, roughly spherical in shape about 180 Billion LY across. The distance between opposite edges of the universe can be divided in half to find a center point. Even an irregularly shaped asteroid has a true center of gravity. So why not with the finite universe?
  15. Trump's boastful confession to Billy Bush about how he gropes and kisses women at will, has the tone of the wise old Hollywood star explaining the ways of the world to the young Billy Bush. "This is what I do to women because I'm a star, you can too, just be bold like I am bold. Fortune favors the brave." He is actually advocating or coaxing​ sexual assault. Almost like contributing to the delinquency of a minor, except Billy Bush is not a minor, just a young star, who should realize that he also can grope and kiss women.
  16. If the universe was finite in size then would that not mean there was a central point of origin? This would be in a multiverse of big bangs occurring in a larger structure. An infinite number of big bang occurring separated by incredibly vast distances.
  17. Do you think Trump will give up, roll over and play dead, just because he loses the election? You think he will not try to insert himself into the political process at every opportunity? Trump TV is coming. His narrow die-hard core supporters will continue to listen to his rants for the rest of his life, and build a shrine to worship him at around his grave.
  18. We can all agree that most if not all effective politicians will lie as needed, if they can get away with it. I would like my president to be good at lying. Trump shows how bad a liar he can be IF he is experiencing emotional turmoil (or whatever a megalomaniac narcissist feels). After stuttering and stammering, juggling sentence fragments, he finally answered by saying: "And women have respect for me. And I will tell you: No, I have not. And I will tell you that I will make this country safe. See how far removed he is? He says no by saying "And I will tell you no, I have not..." extra words to distract the reader then immediately jumps to his policy points to evade what he just said, like a coward (or like a politician). Most of his words are "I will tell you", "believe me" (please believe me because I'm on your side), "ok?" (as self-approval), "give me a break", and hyperbole ad nauseam. He is a carnival huckster who wants the ultimate thrill, constant attention as president. Are you entertained?
  19. From the second debate: ANDERSON COOPER: You describe kissing women without consent, grabbing their genitals. That is sexual assault. You bragged that you have sexually assaulted women. Do you understand that? DONALD TRUMP: No, I didn't say that at all. I don't think you understood what was said. This was locker-room talk. I'm not proud of it. I apologize to my family. I apologize to the American people. Certainly I'm not proud of it, but this is locker-room talk. You know, when we have a world where you have ISIS chopping off heads, where you have...(Trump goes on for a minute about ISIS) COOPER: Just for the record, though, are you saying that what you said on that bus 11 years ago that you did not actually kiss women without consent or grope women without consent? TRUMP: I have great respect for women. Nobody has more respect for women that I do. COOPER: So, for the record, you’re saying you never did that? TRUMP: I’ve said things that, frankly, you hear these things I said. And I was embarrassed by it. But I have tremendous respect for women. COOPER: Have you ever done those things? TRUMP: And women have respect for me. And I will tell you: No, I have not. And I will tell you that I will make this country safe. We're gonna have borders...." First off he makes the absurd lie that he didn't say that at all after millions of people heard the recording. How can anyone not understand what was said? Again blatantly absurd on the face of it. "It is just locker room talk" which he and his surrogates have been repeating ever since. He is apologizing for locker room talk then pivots to ISIS chopping off heads for a full minute to distract from the question, until Anderson could pull him back to the issue. Here is the key to the whole issue. When asked if he ever did those things, Trump was evasive when he could easily have inserted a convenient lie and say "No I never did those things." He looked so rattled that he seems to have lost his train of thought so he blurts out his stand-by response "I have great respect for women. Nobody has more respect for women than I do." So Anderson repeats his question and Donald still can't answer. Again he is rattled so he stutters and then blurts out the same thing in other words "I’ve said things that, frankly, you hear these things I said. And I was embarrassed by it. But I have tremendous respect for women." For the 3rd time Anderson asks "Have you ever done those things?" Finally, the most important questions is finally answered with "And women have respect for me. And I will tell you: No, I have not. And I will tell you that I will make this country safe. We're gonna have borders....etc" After asking 3 times if he actually did those things Trump finally says "No" but he will make our country safe. How badly he wants to avoid that question! He failed miserably and looks like a scoundrel. And that is exactly what prompted those women to come forward about him assaulting them with groping and kissing. http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_slatest/2016/10/13/anderson_cooper_debate_questioned_opened_floodgates_for_donald_trump_accusers.html
  20. After Trump loses this election, his base will be hooked on Trump for life through Trump TV. For such a megalomaniac, Trump's taste for nearly constant attention for the past year is something Trump is now addicted to more than being on The Apprentice. Trump is obsessive about attention and approval. He will not be able to live without being in the news constantly. Thankfully he will not be president, but he will dedicate himself to making hell of a Clinton administration, as much as he can.
  21. That is true. I have always believed deeply that for every person that has great success in any arena of life, there are at least 10 others that would have done just as well if they had the same opportunities. Many others are just as smart as Trump is, but they are considered "losers" by Trump because they did not have the good fortune in life that he did.
  22. Has anyone heard the news point out something about Trump's recent so-called "apology" for his lewd remarks on tape? In the 2nd debate Anderson Cooper asked Trump about his boasting of sexual assault if in fact he actually did the things he boasted about? Trump could not answer it directly. He went on and on about how nobody respects women more than he does. Anderson had to ask Trump 3 times if he actually committed the assaults he bragged about. Finally Trump said "No" that he did not do the things he boasted about.....as if it was an afterthought! What is the matter with Trump? I thought as a skilled entertainer he would be better at lying than that. If he really never acted out what he boasted about then anyone with any brain in their head would begin their "apology" by stating up front he never did the things he boasted about. Instead he made it appear like he actually did what he boasted about. Amazing idiot. Now all the Trump surrogates are explaining away Trump's boasting about habitual sexual assault that it is just "locker room talk". That makes it OK. It is normal for men to casually boast about fictitious, habitual sexual assault in locker rooms!! It seems to me that the Trump supporters that easily brush away Trump's predatory behavior must have grown up in a house where the father talked that way so it seems normal to them?!
  23. Caution: When you see this picture of Trump grasping his chair, it will be hard to get it out of your mind. http://www.gq.com/story/donald-turmp-likes-his-chair
  24. Trump is famous for his many examples of psychological projection. "Psychological projection is a theory in psychology in which humans defend themselves against their own unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive and negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others. For example, a person who is habitually rude may constantly accuse other people of being rude. It incorporates blame shifting...." "...the projection of one's unconscious qualities onto others is a common process in everyday life...." "Projection tends to come to the fore in normal people at times of personal or political crisis but is more commonly found in the neurotic or psychotic in personalities functioning at a primitive level as in narcissistic personality disorder or borderline personality disorder..." "Projection may help a fragile ego reduce anxiety, but at the cost of a certain dissociation, as in dissociative identity disorder...." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychological_projection
  25. She should allow Trump to say all he wants about Bill's affairs, then decline to comment, or address it with a short sentence and pivot. There is really not much to say about it. She should call Trump's behavior deplorable. I think it is important that she uses that word as much as possible but only about Trump, not about tens of millions of his followers.
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