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Everything posted by Skies912

  1. Thanks for the replies. No, I am not looking into free energy; I agree it's impossible with our current knowledge of the universe & mathmatic understanding. However, what I am looking into is converting mechanical vibration energy into electrical energy, assuming I have a way to keep the object in the coil vibrating at its resonating frequency.
  2. When you force a material to vibrate at its resonate frequency, what's the path of movement it vibrates at? example :: Tuning fork - strike the fork against any surface. Does it always vibrate on a single axis or radial arc? reason :: I would like to create an experiment where I can force vibration to occur only on one axis; continually moving back and forth. This action, coupled with a magnetic coil, might generate enough electricity to power a small device. Also, if an object keeps vibrating at its resonate frequency, will it eventually degrade?
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