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Everything posted by valy

  1. To me, one of the most sriking things about puplic education today is that, although students are required to remember ever increasing amounts of information, they are not actually thought the principles of memory and learning methods, especially with regard to textual information, wich makes up most of the curriculum, and where great improvements are actually achievable. It's like asking people to read books without teaching them how to read. To be able to efficiently commit textual information to memory, a skill needs to be developed in the same way we develop a skill to incode and decode the meaning of textuall information (reading and writing) in the first place. These are not things our brain evolved to do naturally. The paradox is that we have had the means to acopmlish this since the time of ancient Greeks and Romans, anchient scholars would use visual mnemonic systems (not the A,B,C,D,E,F,G type) to memorize entire books. And these where only primitive versions of what is available today. So I think any one who is interested in effective learning should seek out and learn these things for themselves. Here's what I use: [[MOD NOTE: LINK REMOVED AS SPAM]]
  2. You don't need that. [[MOD NOTE: LINK REMOVED AS SPAM]]
  3. Why are you against mnemonics? I use a system of visual mnemonics, the Giordano memorization system with great success, you can have a visual synopsis of an entire book in your mind, with images representing every paragraph or information within pargraphs, if you want. The thing is that most mnemonics, except visual ones, are useless and with the visual mnemonics you still need to build a memory skill through training. It's like learning to write. But we need this to memorize textual information efectively. Our brains are not naturaly adapted to memorizing textual information any more than they are naturaly adapted to understanding it, it takes a skill wich is learned, and I think this is what keeps many peple from mastering memory techniques, they are not thought in school and most people don't dedicate the time to learn a skill outside of school. [[MOD NOTE: LINK REMOVED AS SPAM]]
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