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About Kohila

  • Birthday 12/14/1999

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Profile Information

  • Location
  • Interests
    Reading books,magazines,etc. Watching movies,serials. Studying.Researching and writing various topics. Spending time with my friends and family. Hanging out with my favorite ones.
  • Favorite Area of Science
    Human Evolution,Archaeology,Astronomy,Biology
  • Biography
    My name is Kohila Ganesan from India. I am 13 year old naughty girl who is insterested in science so much. I love to pursue my career in one of my favourite fields researching about them. I love to parents.
  • Occupation

Kohila's Achievements


Lepton (1/13)



About Me

Hi.Everyone. Thanks for stopping by to read about me smile.png My name is Kohila Ganesan. And i am from Chennai,India. I love to read,learn,research about science. My favourite topics are Human Evolution,astronomy,archaeology and biology. I joined this online community to enchance and share my in-depth knowledge. I love to add you as a friend. And together we both explore!!


Visit my new blog : http://curious-and-creative.blogspot.com. Here I share the most with all of you!

Also be a friend of mine in facebook : https://www.facebook.com/kohila.Ganesan.jee smile.png


And thanks to scienceforums.net for creating such a platform smile.png

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