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Everything posted by ryan2006

  1. Measuring gravity is deciding whether gravity is a wave or a particle or a gravity wave or a graviton first of all. By placing a pendulums and magnet that swing the pendulum back and forth on planets or moons with varied gravitational forces then you can deduce that the pendulums swing at different rates or speeds assume that because of the varied rates you can thus have acceleration you can use the equation to tabulate the weight of an object. In this experiment you would have to land a pendulum and magnet on all the planets to prove the theory? Or could you experiment with simply knowing that 9.8m/sec2 divided by 1/6 the gravity of the moon is the rate of the speed of gravitational force on the moon x the pendulum and magnet compared rates to equal the weight of an object. Understand or too confusing and not articulated enough. I welcome your kind responses.
  2. Albert Eienstein said that E=MC2 which means that Energy weighs the same as mass x light squared. When you look up a google search it says that energy does not weigh anything and further the synonym for "weigh" = ignore and neglect. Let me put my attention and focus on my equation Energy x acceleration=Force. At first glance people would say that it is impossible to weigh energy. So I did a little research. First, I went to a car show. There were many mean cars with souped up engines and one that had forced air into the intake. The man showing the the car had it calculated that 10,000PSI was being forced into the intake. PSI is pressure per square inch. Since pressure can be weighed I wondered if it was a way to measure the weight of energy. For example, in my equation Energy x acceleration=Force is an example of saying wind energy x acceleration= the number of turns the propeller on the turbine/sec. So I said Wind Energy Pressure per Square inch x acceleration 0-5 seconds of acceleration= Wind Energy per square inch measured in Pounds of Wind energy pressure x a gust of a wind to accelerate it=force or number of wind energy pressures/square second. Since I am not the greatest mathemetician I may say 10,000psi of wind pressure x 0-5seconds squared/meter=so the force would be 50,000 PSI/meter seconds. Energy can be measured in PSI when I talked with a physics professor he said in 5 seconds without thinking that it was correct and that I thought that mass does not wiegh the same in zero gravity so energy must weigh 1/6 the amount on the moon. However wind pressure remains accelerated in zero gravity. Is any of this making sense? Ryan Henningsgaard
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