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About mattrsmith88

  • Birthday 01/12/1988

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    Perth WA
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  1. they harnessed the power of the earth, just like tesla, the pyramid was basicly the same as tesla's wardenclyffe tower.
  2. maths can't solve everything. If there is a equation for an unbounded universe, it will be an endless one
  3. i did not mock the mods. a joke is a joke. everything is taken so seriously
  4. ok almighty moderator.... it has everything to do with my op, my op was about investigating the pyramids with a different approach other than they were just tombs, but because science isn't as open minded as it once was, people are not willing to investigate the possibilities of what could be the just sit in front of a computer... and procrastinate as i am doing now
  5. science has become like religion, people do not realise nothing is certain, and when we discover new things we are just uncovering what was already there.
  6. i get that you can have a infinite universe in a bounded sphere, sort of like the pi ratio of a circle. that makes a little more sense but still doesn't answer my question on if space itself is timeless, this big static sphere must sit somewhere
  7. i do not believe the universe is a sphere, any evidence? i picture the physical universe as a massive nebula, but i'm asking what is beyond that and i do not need to get to grips, nothing is proven in this field.
  8. if their is a creator HE must be timeless, but i do not think there is a creator, and space can not be finite, it has to be infinite. because if there's boundaries what is past them. (MORE SPACE) My view on a creator is the universe and it's laws
  9. im not thinking it as a fixed quantity i'm thinking it as limitless and in itself timeless, it will always be there and alays has been we are just in a cycle, the big bang was more than likely a super sun that collapsed, and turned into a crazy black hole, that was so dense it was the size of a single particle. I'm not saying this is how it is, because none of us know how it is. http://www.universetoday.com/104863/
  10. it wasn't a desert 5000 years ago..... and i don't think slaves built the pyramids.... they are to perfect
  11. what evidence, their has never been a mummy found in the great pyramids, and they don't mention it in any of their hieroglyphs..
  12. that doesn't answer my question... what is it expanding into? if space has boundaries, what is past them boundaries? It has to be limitless
  13. most history is fiction, we do not know who made the first steam engine, they had hot running water in santorini about 5000 years ago. The ancient way of life was to live with the elements, they were more in tune with nature than we are today.
  14. sounds to me like a black hole that went kaboom is the big bang theory (on a massive scale) still you seem to be still talking about the physical aspect of space, if space is expanding what is it expanding into? More space.... if space has boundaries what lies past them boundaries?
  15. the universe is expanding the space it is expanding into was already there.....
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