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Everything posted by TeaParty

  1. A lot of what Obama has done to effect the economy is what he hasn't done or refuses to do. I am in the transportation industry I drive a truck for FedEx. Obama has refused to allow drilling in places that have previously had drilling. The Gulf oil spill has been used as a reason to not allow drilling. He refuses to allow the pipe line from Canada which would add thousands of jobs and reduce the dependency on foreign oil which would reduce the cost of fuel which in return would help everything and everyone. My company has made huge changes based on fuel cost alone. Most of my disposable income comes from overtime but the company has to cut back and customers have choose different ways to ship packages because the company has raise their prices. He also refuses to lower taxes. They always throw out the tax cut for the rich argument yet when it came time to let the Bush tax cuts expire he didn't do it. That's because he knows how much those tax increases would hurt the middle class and the poor. He absolutely refuses to deregulate anything or even eases regulation on companies which forces companies to make changes which cost money and gets passed on to the consumer which always hurts the poor and the middle class. The regulations on auto makers as caused so much damage and raised the prices of cars so much that most people can't afford to buy a new car. Like me they're driving around in a 12 year old car and piecing it together because they're afraid to buy a new one because I might not have a job in two years. Obamacare has been the law of the land for 3 years, it's just now getting all of this attention because it is at the point that you as an individual have to get involved. Companies on the other hand have had to get prepared to be in compliance with the new law once it took effect and as such a lot of people have been effected by those changes. The law is so ridiculous that no one knew how it was going to effect them so as companies slowly learned what was in the law (because Nancy Pelosi said we had to pass it to find out what's in it) they made the changes. People are being dropped because the policies they had no longer comply with the new law. By law the insurance companies can not offer these plans. People that do not receive insurance through an employer and bought plans on their own have had their policies canceled and are now being forced to buy much more expensive plans that comply with the law. Nope it's just the opposite. Those obstructionist have actually stop more destruction from happening. BTW, why is it the republicans are obstructionist when they oppose socialism but libs aren't when they oppose freedom and individualism? Funny how that works. BTW I don't even know how I got to this forum. I was reading something and clicked on a link and ended up here. I read some of the comments and I had to register to respond because I can't stand to read such uniformed drivel. I probably won't be coming back so do yourself a favor and think for yourself and look for the answers based on your own life's experience. Look around you and see what's going on and apply that to what you hear and read because regardless of which side its coming from it's almost always painted in favor of the party it comes from. For example the attacks on the TeaParty are completely outrageous and unprovable. It's just that they are making a difference and shaking things up and that makes the establishment of both parties nervous. Also a little know fact that is never reported - the TeaParty is made of people from all walks of liberal made up labels. White, Black, gay, straight, rich, poor, republican, democrat, independent (me), young, old, male, female, pro life, pro choice etc. etc.
  2. Actually I wrote a whole paragraph explaining how Reagan turned around a failing economy and Obama has not. Secondly I was being facetious when I said Carter served a 3rd and 4th term, I am referring to Obama's terms as Carters which I did mistakenly said 3rd and 4th when I should have said 2nd and 3rd. Obama has only benefited one person since being elected. He moved Jimmy Carter out of the top spot of being Americas worst president. I'll have to go back and look but Reagan had 2 recessions to deal with in his first term so a double digit unemployment is probable. However it ultimately comes down to what steps where taking to recover from it and the results of the recovery. I have yet to see anything recover under Obama. The economy is joke even Mexico has had a better recovery then use. Gas prices are ridiculously high ever since Obama took office. Food prices are up and steadily climbing. Even his signature legislation is a complete and udder failure which is par for the course for this administration so I'm not surprised but I'm sure you have a zillion excuses as to why he's not responsible - none of which I'm interested in hearing because I don't care for made up BS.
  3. Your CNN is showing. First of all if you want to see an extremist just turn on the tv the next time Obama is giving a speech. Secondly as was pointed out earlier there is no 99%, I'm neither in the 1% nor am I poor. I used to be in the middle class but I am quickly moving backwards under the Obama and democrat lead Senate. It's always amusing to listen to leftist throw out unsubstantiated facts about how the rich are soaking the poor and middle class and they refuse to acknowledge how under the leadership of a republican lead administration the economy was chugging along and I was receiving raises and overtime on a regular biases. Since Obama has been elected and the democrats had control of all three branches for 2 years I went two years without raise, overtime is almost nonexistent, my gross income has decreased $10,000 a year and the price of everything I need has increased by as much as double of what it was when George Bush was president just 5 years ago. Back when George Bush was president I didn't have a single problem with my health insurance, but after Obamacare law has passed my insurance has changed every year at enrollment. My prices have gone up and my coverages have gone down. Since Obamacare my insurance no longer pays 100% for preventive visit to my doctor yet before that it did. Even my dental insurance no longer pays 100% for cleanings and my vision insurance no longer pays 100% for regular checkups. It's depressing that so many people refuse to think for themselves, they regurgitate everything they hear from propaganda "news" organizations but they can't offer a single shred of factual evidence to backup anything they say. Their arguments are purely emotion and zero facts. BTW I don't watch FOX in case you missed it I had to have my directv turned off thanks to this democrat booming economy and unlike you I can actually point to and offer up proof of the lies and exaggerated facts passed off as news on CNN. Give me something FOX has lied about.
  4. You write a lot of words but fail to say anything. I suppose you support Obama but that clown has yet to fix or even make anything a little bit better. I am in the worst position in my life and I can show you physical proof that it all started when the democrats gain control of the government in 2007 and got worse from 2009 when Obama took office. To use the words of the incredibly stupid current resident at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. When Reagan took office he inherited double digit unemployment, ditto inflation, ditto interest rates and probably the worst economy since the great depression. Unlike Obama though he turned it around and left a booming economy by the end of his second term but had everything well on it's way by the end of his first. Obama and his progressive policies have yet to do anything and he had to beg for a second term because he couldn't point to one thing he had done that fixed anything in his first. Five years in and everything is worse then it ever was. Even under George Bush who spent money like a democrat I had plenty of disposable income but yet under Obama I haven't lost any income as in hourly wages I even make more per hour now then I did then but I had to sell my truck, I had to have my directv turned off, I had to lower my 401k from 10% to 3%, I had to discontinue my charitable contribution that I had taken out of my pay check ever since I started with the company in 1997. My daughter graduated from college and was lucky to find a job working at planet fitness for $7.75 an hour because there aren't any freakin jobs out there. If you add up all the people that are out of work the unemployment rate is around 17% not counting the 9 million jobs that don't even exist anymore since Obama took office. So do you want to tell me again how great everything would be by going back to what it was like before Reagan? I think we already see what it's like and I'll take a Reagan economy over Jimmy Carters 3rd and 4th term economy any day of the week.
  5. The TeaParty doesn't like Fascism the TeaParty is a group of people that wants the government and those in love with government to leave them the hell alone. We don't want someone telling us we have to buy health insurance when we don't need or want it. We don't want government getting in the way of our businesses and making it impossible to be profitable because some idiot thinks that they are entitled to everything we have when they themselves haven't done anything but show up and punch a time clock when they're told to and almost can't do that. The democrat party is in love with fascism and wants everyone else to be forced into it. If you support Barack Obama then you support fascism end of story. The democrat party is the party of sheep they believe that the government is the ends to the ends and don't you dare try to get in their way because they will take you out - that is until the teaparty came along.
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