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Everything posted by Chriss

  1. When the human mind will be discovered ?
  2. Chriss


    You should give some titles.
  3. Chriss


    Hy. Can you recommed me some books to learn physics ? I know classical physics. I need something about quantum physics.
  4. What does the spin like 1/2 1 etc stand for ? of what ?
  5. How two electrons become entangled ?
  6. What do they use to observe a particle ?
  7. But what is the reason for this slowing down of science ?
  8. I still think that we need good minds in science for advancements like it was from Renneisance to 1930. Today advancements in science are not known/understandable for all people like are the ones untill 1930s, like X-rays, radioactivity, photoelectric effect, particle accelerator, electronic microscope, alternating current and so on. That is my main ideea. What about the human mind. I don t know if that is in crisis, but what about this subject ?
  9. What can be done to have again names like Marie Curie, Roetgen etc. like they where in 1900 to 1930 ?
  10. I was wondering after reading a Dean Keith Simonton article about geniuses http://izt.ciens.ucv.ve/ecologia/Archivos/ECO_POB%202013/ECOPO1_2013/Simonton%202013.pdf if Nobel Prize is to blame because science it became a trend, fancy. And people who can have ideas are rejected. What you think ?
  11. I know that they measured vacuum energy in space in Voyager spacecraft. So they used casimir effect ?
  12. Hy. How the vacuum energy and density is measured ?
  13. What electron-spin coupling is ?
  14. Does the spin value changes in excited atoms ?
  15. So displacement current is the charging of a capacitor ?
  16. So the current does not flow between the capacitor plates but it's just creating an electric field, let's say + -, and then when the voltage alternates - +, and that change in electric field creates a magnetic field ?
  17. I think i understood the first part. You can post the second. Thanks !
  18. Why is the magnetic flux trough a closed surface always zero ?
  19. I see. I got it.
  20. What does S1 and S2 means ? That can only be magnetic field i think.
  21. I posted the topic and after that i realized that i posted wrong. If someone can move it... And what is the easy way to understand displacement current ?
  22. That path is electric field ?
  23. First question is that i don't understand what that path P means ?
  24. Hy. I am stuck at the displacement current. Here is a picture. Thanks !
  25. Yes. I think i asked a stupid question. Is it possible to delete it?
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