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Everything posted by DrippingDraupnir
the cats claws are made from acrylic body-piercing extenders. I'm very proud of them She comes from Folkvang and her hall is Sessrymnír which means seat. It is a nice roomy place with many seats. It is here she receives half of the fallen, the other half goes to Odin in Valhalla. I have experimented with the idea of sowing red roses around her bossom and down to her crutch to form a heart. I do like her the way she is now though.
from Hyndluljóð Freyja spake: 7. "Wild dreams, methinks, | are thine when thou sayest My lover is with me | on the way of the slain; There shines the boar | with bristles of gold, Hildisvini, | he who was made By Dain and Nabbi, | the cunning dwarfs. here's the rest in case you are interested: http://www.sacred-texts.com/neu/poe/poe15.htm The pigs name is Hildisvini and is really her lover Ottar, shapeshifted into a boar or wearing an aimal slough. I chose a modern day bacon pig, instead of a more authentic "wild-life" boar in order to keep Freya in line with the modern vision of this project. I'm currenty working on those golden bristles: The bristles are from an outdoor broom and have been spraypainted gold; I chose this material because Hildisvinis counterpoint familiars danish name is Gyldenbørste which translates to Golden brush. So I wanted the mane to look like an actual golden brush.
thats actually a pretty good idea. Maybe I'll add some metallic joints protruding from thetir hocks, as a subtle reveal of their cybernetic innards. Something similar to this somewhat broken armpit
well the the humanoids are a running theme in this project and in this case they also overlaps with greek mythology as the satyre god Pan. Here is another example of divine humanoids. This is the god of love and fertility Freya, she has two cats who guards her house and pulls her chariot.
I just did a google image search and from what I can see, electromagnetic hammers aren't portable. Please link if you know of such a thing. Before the demolition hammer I had a nail gun actually. Thanks for the suggestion but I think I'll stick with the demolition hammer for now. I like the shape and size of the thing -looks very much like a weapon I think. Electromagnetic hammer does sound very very appropriate though
hey! thanks a ton for the compliments that really means a lot to me. better still, your acknowledgement made me finsh my forum post on Thor :) oh and thanks for the suggestion you clearly see what I'm going for
The Iast coupIe of years I have been working on a project containing 10 mannequin doIIs. I dress and equip them to resembIe four deitys from norse mythoIogy. The catch is that I do so with the technoIogy of our time. Thors hammer MjoInir is a demolition-hammer in my project for instance. The idea stems from the theory that ancient texts on mythoIogy are interpretations of a highIy advanced extinct/aIien/atIantean race that once Iived on or visited earth. The purpose of this enquiry is to invoIve peopIe who has a greater knowIedge of technoIogy, than I do. I have no education besides primary school. Thors hair and beard - red as the planet Jupiter Thor, the body of Jupiter. Protecting our planet Midgaard from the constant threat of Frost Giant meteorites. The canyons and valleys known as Thors footprints are from the meteorites he has let slip through. Mjølner I've used a demolition hammer mounted on his forearm as Thors hammer Mjolnir. I imagine the chisel to be a neutronium http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neutronium projectil, that once fired will return via the gravity techology in his belt. Thor can reduce its size to fit in his pocket, as gravity depends on mass and not size. Maybe I should make a (smaller)holster for it? I got the idea for this design(and the name of this post) from the transformer Megatron http://images4.fanpo...263391_full.jpg Iarngriper Thors irongloves are necessary for him to swing and receive Mjolnir. The gloves used here are from paintball. In order to make them an integral part of the weapon, I will paint part of the plastic covers in similar colors to the demolition hammer. This gave me some inspiration: http://www.webpronew...m-space-2012-03 Megingjord The rings around the planet of Jupiter. This belt increases his strength the more he tightens it. The belt I use is an actual strengthbelt for weightlifting. I've turned it around so the heightened back-support faces forward. The strongest of the Aesir I have implemented an endo-skeleton in his body as a source of his extraordinare strength. Mega Thor The shadow behind him is Thor as the myths describes him. I have such shadows for all of the mannequins and their familiars. He wears waders to wade through the rivers Körmt og Örmt. Should the rest of the Aesir need him, he can teleport himself to their location. Tanngrisner & Tanngnjost Teethbarer and Teethgrinder are Thors two goats. They can be slaughtered, eaten and resurrected the following day, as long as no bones are broken. Should this happen the bone will be broken when the goat is brought back to life. When pulling his chariot their cloven hoffs and teeths sparks sprouts and Thors fiery glance reddens the sky. I have two of them, as the rest of the project none of them are finished.
thanks for the input. Your suggestion actually has some leverage to it, in a round about way. You see the magic wand, we only know from a mention in the ballad of Harbardsljod. This ballad contain references to two unknown myths. One of them tells us, how Odin tricks a giant called Hlebard, into giving him his magic wand which he then uses to dispel the giants mind. So you could say the mention of this wand leaves us with a big question mark
I'm looking for suggestions from tech savy peopIe. Where eIse do you suggest I go?
The Iast coupIe of years I have been working on a project containing 10 mannequin doIIs. I dress and equip them to resembIe four deitys from norse mythoIogy. The catch is that I do so with the technoIogy of our time. Thors hammer MjoInir is a demolition-hammer in my project for instance. The idea stems from the theory that ancient texts on mythoIogy are interpretations of a highIy advanced extinct/aIien/atIantean race that once Iived on or visited earth. The purpose of this enquiry is to invoIve peopIe who has a greater knowIedge of technoIogy, than I do. I have no education besides primary school. Here is a Iist of Odins magick speIIs from YngIinga saga. I onIy just discovered it and haven't found technoIogicaI aIternatives to aII of them yet. Suggestions are weIcome. (my own transIation in itaIic Ietters, suggestions in pIain text) - shape shifting and figure - bIind or deafen his opponents/FIashbangs? - infIict misfortune, disease and death on his opponents/sounds Iike chemicaI warfare to me - have his opponents Iose heart/Weaponized psychotropic drugs? - deafen his opponents weapons/Emps? - instiII berserker-power in his own men - extinguish fire with a singIe word - caIm the seas - change the direction of the wind - raise the dead from the ground - taIk to the head of Mimír - reIeave peopIe of their powers or senses - find hidden vaIues in the dirt/MetaI detector? - recite baIIads that wII open the earth, mountains, rocks and burial mounds - bind the forces of the underground with a singIe word Vers 146-163 of the Hávamál aIso describes Odins magick chants. UnfortunateIy they are very difficuIt to repIace with anything physicaI so I'II just add this Iink http://www.tomsguide...news-12556.html One of his chants makes him capeabIe of stopping arrows mereIy by Iooking at them. I'm thinking of instaIIing an anti aircraft system Iike the 'iron dome' in IsraeI on his back. Gungnir A modern harpun Ioadet with a spear serves as the basis for the weapon that wiII eventuaIIy become Odins spear Gungnir. This spear is said to aIways hit its intended target and this is why I have choosen to equip it with a hoIographic sight and a 3 x magnifying scope. According to myth Gungnir cannot be stopped once thrown which is why I think a harpun with its firing mechanism is a fitting repIacement. The runes are from the oIdest known aIphabet and reads 'Gungnir'. The ironing steeI is there as Odins whetstone. Draupnir Every nineth night Odins goIdring drips eight dupIicates of itseIf. The rings you see on the fIoor are 3/8 bushings painted goId. I just thought they seemed to suit the rest of project. Poet, our Source of Inspiration and Wizard Odin is aIso the god of inspiration, magick and poetry. As the majority of todays creativity is done digitaIIy, I have chosen to integrate the universaI symboIs for editing video and audio on his right hand. I imagine the buttons are functionaI and that he is abIe to compose hits of any kind at the fIick of his wrist. Odin the Horse Rider Cowboy boots with spurs shows his role as Ieader in the 'The Wild Hunt (Oskoreien)'. Here he rides on Sleipnir with a noisy foIIowing to kick start the natural cycle of the seasons. Hugin & Muninn Sikorskys Cypher surveillance drones represent Odin's ravens. Hugin (thought) and Munin (memory) are now caIIed AI (Artificial Inteligence) and Memory respectiveIy. The names are printed on the side of their hulls. This is an old drone, with a diameter of more than 2 meters in reaI Iife. I chose these because of their eye-like camera and their bird's wing emblem on the side of the hull. Gere & Freke Gere and Freke is Odin's two wolves. Their names mean "the greedy" and "ferocious" respectively. Therefore I have chosen mafiosi "wise-guys" types with vulgar style of clothing and jewelry. They both have fused eyebrows as a sign of Iycanthropy and 'Wolverine' tufts of hair resembIing woIfs ears. The headset is Odins way of controIIing them Iike a dog owner uses a dog Ieash. SIeipnir The horse with eight legs. I have chosen a private jet and equipped it with 8 jet engines. Each pair of jet engines replace a pair of SIeipnirs legs. The shadow is from the crest of squadron 722 SIeipnir, a danish Navy helicopter fIeet. In Sigerdrivamål ch. 15 it is said that SIepnir has runes inscriped on its teeth. The nose of the pIane wiII have shark fangs with these runes drawn in to it, Iike some miIIitary pIanes. The idea with the small model is that it should look like Odin and his followers have stepped out of the plane, which is far away in the background. Mímir The giant Mimir is the wisest of all. He was exchanged as hostage after the war between the Aesir and the Vanir. The Vanir beheaded him and sent onIy his head back to the Aesir where Odin revived it. I see Mimer as Odin's personal database, a sort of biomechanical laptop. Here is the first Mimir I made http://www.youtube.c...h?v=QRto0806jFM Unfortunately, it fell on the floor and broke. I hope to fill the new one with water and bubbles as well. I imagine a telepathic connection between Mimir and Odin with a further development of this technology http://www.extremetech.com/extreme/162678-harvard-creates-brain-to-brain-interface-allows-humans-to-control-other-animals-with-thoughts-alone