A particular problem must be diagnosed. There are different hypotheses h1,h2,....hj as possible solutions, with required probabilities for acceptance p1, p2, ..., pj. The hypotheses are mutually exclusive and exhaustive, that is P(h1) + P(h2) + ... + P(hj) = 1 at all times.
There are different tests that can be performed, t1,t2,....,tk to provide information to assist in the diagnosis. The tests cost c1,c2,....,ck. The result of each test r1,r2,...,rk is qualitative taking on only three possible values: true, false, or not yet performed.
The probability vector that a given hypothesis is correct <P(h1),P(h2),..,P(hj)> is a known function f(r1,r2,...,rk).
Tests are performed one after the other until a hypothesis hn is proven at the required level, i.e fn(r1,r2,...,rk) > pn. If all tests are performed, there exists at least one <r1,r2,...,rk> that would provide for acceptance of each hypothesis.
What is the strategy for selecting the next test to be performed in each case which minimises the expected total cost of diagnosis?