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cameron marical

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Everything posted by cameron marical

  1. That sounds like a viable method to eliminate virus problems in the cells. Could this method work? What are the kinks?
  2. I dont understand...
  3. Could the insertion of genes to cause cells to make certain chemicals{that kill viruses and dont harm cells} kill viruses? Also, what is it in soap that kills viruses and bacteria but doesnt harm skin cells? thanks.
  4. Are their any other methods of slowing virus replication other than a fever?
  5. Would massive {to a degree} satelites that collect as much solar energy as possible while radioing it back to earth be a good idea? I know that the radio would have to be in a laser-like form, would that be possible using something like a reflector cavity?
  6. the question just popped up, i thought it would be interesting to talk about.well so-rr-y. facepalm?
  7. The measurment of what has happened since a starting point to an ending point. Im not talking about the any galactic arms, im talking about the persons relative perspective that is traveling at the speed slower compared to everyone elses.
  8. After shaving, does hair really grow back thicker and darker? If so, why? Thank you.
  9. If someone was to find a way to slow virus reproduction down while co-evently doing nothing to the cells of the body, that would be a cure for hiv and many other diseases right? Also, what are the effects of lower temeratures on viruses?
  10. You are not misinterpreting it, i merely wrote it slightly flawed. I do beleive that science should of be top priority, especially in time of a crisis. Now to say "At all costs" is a bit close minded sounding in itself, because everyone else beleives that their point of veiw and interest should be of top priority and at all costs. I understand your stance in this discussion, yet i will continue to play mine. I think that science should be above the others. Im not saying that we should reject everything else, rather, instead look into the science of those others themselves and see if it has any scientific merit. If not, then i do not see a point in further consideration of that subject.
  11. Does any one here know any information about swine flue in scientific form? I want to find out more informaition about its molecular setup, but it seems that everything i can find is presented for the layman. Thank you.
  12. I do beleive in science spending at all costs, and yes, i am definately biased. Though that may sound wrong,i can not see why it is. i do not see why we are not that way either. science uses facts to come up with solutions, i think thats the way to do it, Not dreams or mutterings of 3000 year old prophecies. Though i do see why some people think that the ladder is the prevalent and natural way, it is just due to a lack of education and curiosity.
  13. as strange and actually kind of scary as that is, that doesnt really answer my question if how viruses are replicated in the lab. thanks for the info though. also, i dont beleive that viruses are alive. they replicate, thats all. copy machines replicate stuff, are they alive?
  14. ok, i was actually wondering that. thanks. does that mean that there are every amino acid possible "codes" from these tRNA in every cell? is there different ones for different cells depending on what proteins are synthesized? if so, how do the cells regulate what types of tRNA codes are in it? thanks.
  15. I never though about it that way. With that said: Does anyone have any tough questions?
  16. yesssss!!!!! Screw you bush!!! Science is coming back!!!
  17. im not sure if flys can withstand cold temperatures just below freezing though.i might be wrong, this is just a speculation. though my amount flys have increased by 3x since the beginning if i do this, i think i will. do you guys think that this{pre-freezing in the freezer first} should be applied to the frozen nitrogen set too? im thinking that it will be of no use of if anything be negative for the flys because of small ice crystals bulding up from the slow fridge freezing versus the instant freezing of the liquid nitrogen. how long do you guys think i should keep them in the fridge before freezing? im curios how i should go about submerging the flys in the liquid nitrogen itself...should i submerge them all at once inside of a container with holes? will they freeze together and cause trouble? or do them one at a time...any suggestions? good thought. maybe ill split half of all the flys im testing on and half the containers theyll be in and have the extra glucose fed ones on one side and the normal diet ones on the other.
  18. ok, thanks. how does the mitochondrian replicate at the same time as the cell in mitosis? does it? what are the advantages of adult stem cells? thanks for your answers.
  19. how are viruses replicated in the lab? do they put cells in a petry dish and let the viruses copy themselves through them? if so, what cells are ideal? thanks.
  20. i dont see why aliens wouldnt do tests to try to bring us back and reaserch us, judging by the fact that their snooping around through interplanetary systems, science seems to be their drive. im in highschool. freshman. looks to me like some sort of record player. judging by the fact that it was invented by big ol TE, im sure it is of some kind of usefull.
  21. could you clone the cells of the delta 32 to make it a match to yours? would that stop Graft VS Host Disease?
  22. its ribosomes that synthesize that protein from the mRNA codons right? i do have a question about transcription, what is it that moves the rna into the nucleolus? also, how does it know where to start? I read that the find a certain combination of nucleotides{i certain codon} and start form there, but then how does it "know" that that codon is what it is? Also, dna is a big polymer, so just one codon is bound to pop up more than once, and i dont understand how the enzyme helicase can identify that one codon in the first place, let alone for different codons for different proteins, but again, dna is a big polymer, how does it not have certain "start here" codons for different proteins twice? and how does it recognize say ATA from GCG? big load, but anyone who can answer them all gets reputation points. thanks.
  23. Id say that science is the scientific method. State a question. Research. Experiment. Record results. Conclude and explain data.
  24. How does a lower in temperature make molecules align differently? Thanks.
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