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cameron marical

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Everything posted by cameron marical

  1. mmm. an experiment is an experiment, and as long as its done scientifically, then i think that it should be regarded as usefull. no matter what its on. besides, i agree. galileo was ridiculed and now we know he was right. lets not be the close minded scientists who ridicule any new idea, no matter how offlandish they seem.
  2. i know this sounds okey, but my grandparents have a lemon tree in their back yard. they both told each other that their not feeding it at all, because they supposedly had agreed on an organic means of growing food. secretely, they both wanted better and bigger stuff, so one would feed it alot of miracle grow in the mornign without the other knowing it, and same thing with the other at night. they got a lemon the near the size of a bowling ball! they made multiple lemong pies out of just that one lemon!
  3. how long can stem cells last?{by themselves} let me make sure i know what i think i do, stem cells are cells that are "hybernating" until needed, then they turn into a cell that is needed. wether it be skin cell or nerve cell or whatever? if so, stem cells have a reason to be fussed about. theyre very intersting.
  4. so cells go through mitosis for the body their in right? thats how they copy themselves? and meosis is for sexual reproduction?
  5. no, it looks to me like divafav. and then next to it is stinafia. i know its in somekind of language and not just gibberish. they may be abbreviations for something, im not sure. who was antonius pius? what other languages were back in roman times? thanks.
  6. hey, i am wondering if any one here knows latin for a quick translation for me. what does divafav mean? and also, what does stinafav mean? thanks.
  7. i have acid reflux too, i just have some little acid reducer pills that seem to work just fine,you can get them at wall mart or maybe even a corner store. tums help too. because of the lack of acid to take care of it.
  8. its not really time slowing down though, its us speeding up in emergency situations. right? and with drugs, as in the rats, it alters the amount of "snapshots"our brain takes in, altering our perception of time. am i right?
  9. so http://learn.genetics.utah.edu/content/begin/tour/ is a website that i looked at to learn as much as possible about genetics, and on the link it talks about in the dna section{the first one on the top left of the little black screen} how only a and t can connect, and c and g can connect. yet in the next slide it shows how they get put as dna and include what appears to be random sequencing orders, is that just a typo or am i misenterpriting? thanks.
  10. im pretty milked on money, would it be in any way possible to make a good enough for near this job microscope? like say put a magnifying glass over another over another etc... wouldnt that just do the same thing? ya, you have to adjust the spaces inbetween so their not all blurry but it seems like it would work. Right?
  11. too people with all the same dna except the ones that would have to seperate them as male and female. could they reproduce?
  12. the body repares itself, just find a way to make it repair itself indefinately. wouldnt that work?
  13. what about using your brain by thinking, versus learning things? is it the same as using existing neurons versus making new neurons and connections?
  14. what about excersizes that actually make your intelligence higher? is their any that are good?
  15. i dont want it to be an any way altered to change its outcome, an experiment isnt an experiment if its done in a way to please the experimenter, what i mean is to just speed up the process. a billion and a half years is kind of alot. and it still would be creating life out of abiotic things. thats really cool, and pretty revolutionary i think. it means that many would throw away the concept of creationism and look towards scienc, wich could start off a chain of events and get us to do so many more things with science and technology, itd be amazing.
  16. but we couldnt throw in a couple artificial mutations of our own to speed it up? or at least make a cell that is just the most basic form of life possible, yet, still a life form, therefore proving abiogenesis? maybe just start an experiment that was geared for the future, and just have your students keap it in check and their students in check, and record all that has changed and all that has evolved.
  17. why do you need a perfect model of earth in the first place? why cant you just have a simple rna strand "evolve", artificially or naturally, into a life form of any kind and have it in a different container than the one we started in. just develop a supersimple cell from this rna. Also, does the rna have to become dna before this?
  18. i beleive the same things, yet, i would like to be able to say that science actually gave things like god a chance and at least be able to show data proving his non-existance. to me science is the least close minded thing we have, and it is my world, and i like to consider that every idea is equal until proven a pile of shit. { wich i beleive he is nonexistent, or just a hole other being evolved like us and formed like us, just "out of our radar", im trying to clearly state that im not trying to in any way defend religion}
  19. i see. and its really too complicated to just form this simple rna strand, and then just wait to see if it mutates even a little bit over time? or maybe mutate it yourself and speed up the evolution process? well, i guess that isnt that simple either, but still. thanks.
  20. i usually just stare at them and wait for them to say something. if they do, i reply something smarter. if they want to fight about it, ill stand there and drop my things and stand up to them. youd be surprised at how many people actually do back down to this. ive stood up to groups like this and they all just shut up and avoid eye contact. or you could just work out alot and pantemimely further establish survival of the fitess. dont know many people who screw with buff guys. though, people shouldnt have to get buff in order to avoid confrontation, i guess that you could have just scared him a bit by stopping and staring him down or something. then if he continued, just laugh like he's dirt trying to be gold and walk away.he might even get a little life lesson out of it. little shit.
  21. geothermal heat from iceland. what an oximoron. way cool though.
  22. i see. thanks. ok, now that thats cleared up, i have some more. this is completely off topic and possibly should be in another post, but here goes it. why cant people today re-form the abiogenisis process? i watched a couple videos on it, and it seems like people have it all mapped out, so why hasnt anyone done this yet? whats stopping them?
  23. so say my grandparents were both obese born on both sides of my family, yet my parents were all skinny, due to working it all off or getting lucky and not getting the "fat" gene, would that mean that i would be more prone to be obese? when do gene or allele frequency's get disregarded after being passed down so many generation?
  24. the body size doesnt get passed down? i thought it was the same, isnt it fact that if 2 obese people have a child, that child is more likely to be obese? that doesnt mean that they can work it off of course, but that would be the same as muscle wouldnt it? how could something like a higher baseline be passed down due to genetics not be the same thing as what im saying? maybe i misinterperted.
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