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cameron marical

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Everything posted by cameron marical

  1. the pond, of course. unless there were already fish somewhere else and then a pond was formed by rain.
  2. ya, but you can add 1diminsional objects together all you want, the hightest its gonna get is 3d, and thats only if you change veiws to a more eye level view instead of birds eye. if you add 3d objects together, it just becomes a more jumbled, fatter 3d object. it could doe do more, but we just cant visualize it because we dont know what it would look like at all. weve never expereinced it, and probably never will in this lifetime.
  3. maybe you could use two different materials. one for each opposite side of the magnets on your shoes, and all have opposite currents.
  4. say we put solar panels all throughout space surrounding our planet, and also put lightbulbs in the atmosphere {for artificial sunlight of course}, could we literally recylce everything that happens on our planet energy-wise? would we still eventually run out of energy somehow?
  5. both the men would stay the same age, no matter how fast they go, or how fast they stop. i know, this is the opposite of what relativity says, but the best way to learn things for me sometimes is when i lose to an argument, so im just saying this so someone goes and explains the reason why not.{it worked with the first post i put on here}
  6. why cant we just recycle every form of energy we produce?
  7. but wouldnt a 3d geometrical shap placed adjacent to another still just be 3d.?
  8. i think that, no, time doesnt only pass if an observer is there to see it, i think that time doesnt apply at all, unless theres an observer to apply it. time isnt real, its just a way{we created} to measure things in space progressing in just the same way as everything else does. from a to b. it can happen whether or not theres an observer, just like a meter of grass is a meter of grass no matter whos paying attention to that exact meter of grass.
  9. i read an article a while back that stated that the universe doesnt have enough of anything to make it stop exploding and start inploding, including even speculative things like dark matter and stuff too. is this true? if so, is this a good thing? that means that life could exist even when all the galaxies are so strung apart its unmeasurable. it would have to be intelligent and more advanced life than us right now of course, but if they already had a space ship, and found a way to recycle everything, life could make it yet, right?
  10. so, back to what moontanman said, about the 100mph winds being a breeze. why? is mars's atmosphere less dense than ours or something?
  11. only joking. just the same thing as saying . not like its actually a virus, as in a bad thing, like its a way of understanding that, once in your head, is rather hard to get out. like a virus. its kind of an inside joke i guess. my bad.
  12. and so the virus spreads:)
  13. i think its neither time doesnt allow movement, energy allows movement, and movement doesnt create time, time measures movement. so theres no creating or allowing, its just measurment. time is man-made. i think that movement is indepedent of time and time is just the measurement of any moving bodys selected lifespan amount. like the measurment of a selected amount space is meters, feet, kilometers, time is just like that, and we use things like seconds, days, hours etc... to express it.
  14. man. it sucks that we have to rely on something to live. if only we could be like photons all arranged and connected to be just like our bodys, except we wouldnt rely on anything at all. just pass through space, unseen and everexistant. at least until you run into something, or fall into a black hole. what is energy like as it radiates into space? in what form is it in? protons?
  15. so, we use up all this energy from our star, and it just keeps giving. what happens to the energy that the star just gave out to us? where does energy go after heat? it seems to just fade away.
  16. ya, thats what i was thinking, just have something like these dishes all in a little sphere almost and have them direct everything to one way.
  17. why would you lose some? and also, if everything is fueled off of something else, somethings gonna have to run out right?
  18. ok. i thought up another one. i know, been a while. my bad. alright. so, if say, we filled mars with alot of windmills, and then brodcast that harvested electricity through radio waves back to earth, well, after a while, wed be getting all this free energy, but what would be happening to mars? the wind wouldnt just stop would it? but, judging on this post, theres only the energy that there is, no more no less.{if that makes sense}. so what would happen on mars after we harvested all that energy off of it just through wind. and solar, but thats external source anywhay, so no need to worry about that one.
  19. could you have radio waves only travelling in one direction? like a laser, just with radio waves? if so, how?
  20. what about having alot of springs. im not talking about one big one. i mean the cars like almost full of them and its just one after the other after the other. ya, once you run out that would suck, but you could just have a mixture of solar panels and mini-windmills to crank them back up. and you can even have it rewind as the other ones are going.
  21. oh, ok. so a flywheel is just an energy saver thing, like a brake that instead of wastes the energy as heat and friction, is transfered as kinetic, reusable enregy for the car. a big ball of spinning metal indeed.cool. do many, or any, cars have these? what does?
  22. cool man, thanks. who knows, maybe{hopefully} i get in and win. thatd rock.
  23. could a flywheel power a car? i still dont really understand this thing. is it just like something spinning constantly and when energy is needed it is just transfered by a chain or something along those lines? what gets it spinning? could you use that little windmill thing idea to get it spinning and speed it up and use that to help out the enrgy?
  24. i dont think i like this game.
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