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cameron marical

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Everything posted by cameron marical

  1. i think its perfectly beleivable that electricity could travel through the floor and shock her, maybe theres a loose wire thats touching her floor underneath. do you live in an apartment, or a house? and apartment, it sould make more sense, and it would even be something to look out for, the wood and other substances probably releive most of the electricitys umph, so your getting little zaps, which probably twitch you muscles as your sleeping. it actaully probably gives you a bit of a workout. are you sore when you wake up? or get out of bed?
  2. what is the universe expanding into? it has to all go somewhere, whether it be compress the outside while inplode the inside, or simply expand into some sort of space between spaces, where does this giant terrarium we live in expace to? any ideas?
  3. ya, i do, but if we can solve that problem, than this can solve alot of other problems too. this is only in theory, im not saying we can do it now.
  4. ok, so i know that we can acheive fusion through heating ditrium and triteum atoms to a plasma state so they collide and connect with themselves, creating hydrogen, and somehow energy,{how?} but, the process of heating the plasma up and keeping the electromagnets on to hold the plasma uses more energy than it creates, not to mention we can only have it on for a matter of seconds becuase plasma is too hot, well, why not do it in space? that, to me, seems like the perfect solution, the no gravity effect will keep the plasma in plasma and you dont have to use so much energy keeping the plasma in the air, just a little to keep the plasma on course around the doughnot bowl, and it can be a huge container so the plasma isnt that close to anything at all, therefore not heating anything up so drastically, you use a fraction of energy for keeping the plasma in the middle of the curved metal tube, and you can keep the machine "hot and running for longer periods of time". its perfect right.!?
  5. energy=mass x circumfrence squared. yes ok, and the atoms and energy are the same thing? at least thats what einstein proposed, well, if we can take the energy out of an atom{i.e. atom bomb}, can we take the atom out of the energy. well, not take out, more like make out of.? if so, this can be used for alot of things, i know that this will take alot of energy, but, if we can supply it, then we can use these things on spaceships and make food and water and elements for repairs with this, and send these things to places like africa and solve world hunger by making food out energy. i know this will take alot of energy, but this is mostly future tense{hopefully neat future} and im assuming we have other forms of getting energy wich are very efficient, like fusion, and sending probes near the sun using modified solar panels and get huge amounts of energy from gamma and solar rays.
  6. hey there, im 15, live in madera CA, and am obsessed with all science in general. i truly do love it all, so long as its real science.

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