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cameron marical

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Everything posted by cameron marical

  1. Why do you think that? I am not saying that your veiw is wrong, just questioning. I think that an emotionless consciousness is not meaningless, we could make it have a better memory and have it surpass humans, it could benifit humanity in many ways in my opinion. Thanks Bascule and YdoaPs for the info and the videos by the way.I downloaded them all. I tried to give you rep points YdoaPs, but I guess I gave you some recently or something because it doesnt let me.
  2. I think that people who want to kill are going to find a way to kill regardless of laws, whether it be guns, pipebombs, knives, shovels, whatever. They will if they really want to, they will.
  3. Is global warming happening too fast for evolution to occur? Wont we and other life forms evolve to fit our environment?
  4. I know that Bacteriophages are used in the former Soviet Union and eastern Europe {Wikipedia}, and the US uses Antibiotics for the most part, if not for all the part, so what is better? What are the pros and cons? thanks.
  5. I was curious as to whether or not mutations differ by what they are caused by. Do they? I notice that most mutations {I think} acquired through things like UVA or UVB or certain chemicals just cause cancer {wich is from what I understand, a mutation}. Why is this? Why is cancer so frequent, instead of mutations that do something like change your skin color or the like? Can you, or a plant, or a virus, get a mutation from external sources in the same way as you get them from internal? Mutations are just changes in the DNA right?They are just copying errors or externally promoted, {so I have read}, so I am guessing that their is no difference. Can an externally caused {say UVA} mutation be passed down to future generations? Can viruses mutate in ways other than their own "copying errors"? Like by sunlight, etc...? thanks guys, I know this is alot.
  6. Second Law of what?
  7. Well, the only {not very efficient} way that I can think of is use the heat to make light, and then have that light input directly to a laser, and the beam of photons from the laser would heat whatever they were hitting, but as said, that is not very efficient.
  8. If we all know nothing, then how could Zeno out wit anyone? Thats why I am not a fan of philosophy, many philosophers give off the impression that their so deep and wise, but really what they do is just nit pick out possible solutions to problems or blandly state warped "facts" that they thought up while not doing any tests or experiments to try and prove them, so people just go off what they say because over all they dont truly understand what the philosopher says {because it doesnt make sense} and trust that they are just smarter so they go off his/hers crap. Our scientific theories are our facts, and we subject them to experiments, equations, peer review, facts, in order to establish them. Your fighting a childish battle, and taking shots that are not even relavent to what we are talking about. Come on, man. Hey Rush Limbaugh, cute little rant, but it is irrelavent and random to what we are talking about. Also, yes. Evolution does extend to that point, it extends to however long biologicall life will be present. Say that, what your "fat lout" does, is also what the majority of a population does, then the theory of natural selection would come into play by allowing the people who dont have quick metabolisms or genes that promote better fitness than the average person or other health risk promoting genes to be elliminated by deaths caused of diabetes, heart failure, and other obese, bad nutrition promoting diets and habits. The people who do not have many health problems that are genetically inherited, would be a little better on the runway and last a bit longer, and after a quite a while {if the majority is still having these bad habits[unlikely, but]} evolution would have made the population more prone to be able to digest foods with high fat and calorie amounts, with less negative effects on the body. Though, having those habits are not good for anyone and will harm anyone regardless of genes, Some more than others.
  9. Do you work for SENS?
  10. Scientists from Germany introduced the Foxp2 gene in a mouse {through gene therapy I am guessing} in order to hopefully provide clues to language development in humans. Quite interesting, I wonder if the mouse has an advanced form of communication compared to other mice. Full story on "http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/06/090624093315.htm"
  11. The gravity difference would be insurmountable for the person, if they were born in space {wich is still not a positive that humans can be born if space} then they would have a much weaker heart, less dense bones, less muscle mass, though the upside would be that they would have less wrinkles once older, be taller, and not have any sagging exterior anatomy parts either. The downside, you would probably die if you ever went to Earth, or at least gravely crippled.
  12. Id take out kim jong ill first.
  13. I agree that emotions are very helpfull in memories, and very helpfull in survival, not to mention enjoying life itself. But, I agree in that I do not think that emotions are a hard-core necessitie in concioussness. Emotions, beign as usefull as they are, do not need to be preasent for cognitive states of being in my opinion. I may be wrong though.
  14. From Inows links, I think its more of a set rythm of releases of chemicals from the substantia nigra, and we compare that to amounts of time {like seconds, or minutes}
  15. Plus new instruments in the future.
  16. Why would you not be able to use something like a magnetic feild wich has either charge {positive or negative}, and see if the particle is attracted or reppeled?
  17. Post it in Turkish, I myself dont speak the language, but I have a freind who speaks English and Turkish fluently. I can get him to try and translate it for you if you want.
  18. Yes, that would be problematic.
  19. Ya. Your right. My bad. I didnt think that one much through.
  20. I think that it is more of a theoreticall particle than a proven particle. Although, many theorys include it, I dont think that there is any tests to prove its existence. {I dont know the answer to your first question, sorry. Im standing by awaiting the answer myself.}
  21. Because my parents named me Cameron, the light bulb is already invented and lightning is already explained quite well.
  22. I have never heard of that theory before, but it sounds simple. Has this been tested and implemented? Im guessing not, because we havent {Or at least I} havent seen any consciouss machines. {though Im not a nuerologist, and havent done much research in the feild} Ive always pondered upon neural networks and artificial nueral networks for means of concioussness. I like that thought process alot. Although with this, we be able to maybe implant some senses to perceive what it {a computer} puts out and then have it stored into a data bank. Do you think that conscioussness would form? Something tells me theres more to it than just reflection, but I really dont know that much about conscioussness to say anything of the sort.
  23. Oh its all cool. So back to the original Q, so, due to blue shift the radio would send out high pitched, fast sounds?
  24. Ya, thanks. I migrate through all feilds of science over time. I just hope I find the right one for me so I can stick with one.
  25. But what sets the rythm for us to acknowledge a second? Is their some sort of pendulum like device in our body that we compare according to a second or any other amount of time? Does their need to be? Do we relay the electricity shooting through our brain and use that as a stopwatch like mechanism? What?
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