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cameron marical

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Everything posted by cameron marical

  1. Is a brain simply just nuerons? I know that there is the hippocampus, the cereberal cortex, etc... But are all of those just made out of nuerons?
  2. So they{nuerons In our brain} do not form algorithms, just connections to seperate spots? Then why do computer chips not have a mechanism similiar to that?
  3. granpa, thanks for the subjects, Im still reading them as I write them. Qoueted from wikepedia on logic programming; My question is, Is that actually how our brains work? Do our nuerons form algorithms in order for us to remember events and have commands tagged with them?
  4. There has actually been like 3 other threads regarding very similiar assignments, wich, in my opinion, Is quite strange due to the relatevelly different means of achieving kinetic energy. You can check them out too, for extra info. {search at the top} How big would this thing be? Sorry if you already said it, I just skimmed over it, but would something with 2 ski paddle looking things on the sides, and then have the mousetraps move them up and in a circle so it progresses the device forward work? {sorry I cant find a pic to help out, I know that similiar designs were used for early moon rover ideas} Good luck.
  5. I know our brain Is the one that processese all info that we take in, so in that sense it is, but, surely, the brain does not have a whole bunch of transistor like devices making up processer unites do they? Im not really sure how the brain takes in info and decides what to do with it, has nueroscience found out yet? What has it found out about the brain? If I understand right, CPU's work on algorithms and logic gates{ wich I really dont understand, I just read about on a website}[like to though], And that is how we make things like robots and computers{right}? but, our brains do not work the same way, do they? instead of doing every calculation to find something out, we kind of do a more educated guess and check method dont we? Has anyone found out how this works? I just do not know about any of this stuff and would like to. thanks.
  6. I conqer. Though, I am lost at how to make something so.
  7. Wow. ha. holly kundalani. I get it. thanks guys! Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedWhy Is It that when you put two wires touching the negative and the positives of a battery It produces heat then? Why does It not just go back into the battery?
  8. Is that why caloric restriction helps with mice and possibly us? hmm. I had no idea. So with a higher excersize lifestyle your to have a higher metablosim, and with a higher metabolism, your to have a shorter life? Is It actually bad to be working out? Oh. no.
  9. What about someone of abnormally small size? Midgets have a lighter muscle to weight ratio do they not?
  10. But caloric restriction means quite near If not all the way anorexya, right? That can not be healthy, since anorexya stems multituds of other problems with it{right}{hence why It Is bad to be anorexic}, can It?
  11. I think I understand. Though, that pops up another question, how do recharable batteries work then?
  12. Yes, It passes on, but what replaces It? The Electromagnetic induction pushes those already existing in the conductor being used, but that means that It would have to supply electrons to keep the flow going doesnt it? Where do these electrons come from? Im sorry If I am just asking the same question over again. Im sorry, I am kind of new to electronics, What is the difference between the positive side and the negative side of batteries? I thought electrons were just electrons, and they just have the usual negative charge. Thanks for the help guys.
  13. But what about In the front where the first electron left and there was nothing In front of It to pass an electron on? Also, when you take those electrons elsewhere{generator connected to a batterie, then the batterie Is charged, disconnected, and taken elsewhere}, then the copper gets a lesser net number of electrons than when It started with, am I right? If so: Then how can electricity be continued to be generated using the same materials for an extended amount of time? Electrons surely do not just "pop up" from the energy. {please ignore positron and electron generation from lasers and gold, those do not count, as that they would cancel each other out and become energy again and I am not talking about lasers, I am talking about simpler electricity means than that.}
  14. So the copper {or silver, or whatever your using to induce the current} would eventually become ions?
  15. After mitosis and the mitochondria are seperated, do they repair themselves or anything along those lines? Would the cells eventually run out of mitochondria after several mitosis cycles? Thanks for the info on all this stuff. I would love to have the pdf file, but my computer seems uncooperative with pdf files for some reason and I can never open them up. Is it available on the web anywhere? Thanks.
  16. I notice In many international cross-country events Is that Ethiopian athletes tend to win and excell quite a bit. Could natural selection be due to this or Is this just coincidence?
  17. ok. so what can we do to stop telemores shortening from happening? Does anyone know what SENS has done with this? oh, My bad.
  18. I am responding to mm6's information, And I did not read any mention of antioxidants In the OP's question.
  19. spin the gears on a generator for a while.
  20. Why can our bodys not make new stem cells after the originalls die? And what is the role that antioxidants play In the aging process?
  21. Hello, I came up with the idea of a space elevator being, instead of Konstantins original idea of a straight one,{lse},It Is curved outward and away from earth. In the shape of a sideways j. Obviously the chord would be rooted to the ground, and with a little "push" to launch a load off and get going, it would get into space using earths revoloutions. It would work right? getting back, you would just have to go faster than the chord Is spinning due to earths revoloutions right? Not that fast. Less energy overall? Is this good? Thanks.
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