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cameron marical

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Everything posted by cameron marical

  1. ok cool thanks. back to the diagram, what exactly are the described wedge bonds? are they the ones that are two parallel lines are the thick boomerang looking ones? whats the third bond {whatever the one that means the atom is coming at you or away from you} mean? thanks.
  2. Ill meet you both half way and say that biochemistry is a big one ill start reaserching right now. I was thinking that same thing, biology is the study of life, so it could be the most helpfull to it too, but then again chemistry and physics have contributed to alot of life help too, i think ill just learn alot of it all and stop worriying about labels for what ill do, and just do it. thanks guys.
  3. I like it all... Is their like a universal scientist that works on many different aspects of science? Can i just go through multiple classes in college and specialize in multiple areas of sience?
  4. It does thanks. What are Benzenes?
  5. thanks for the help. whats with the hexagons? and whats with 2 lines right next to each other, or the little lines getting bigger or smaller at a bond? I thought that the o and h were oxygen and hydrogen. i guess i was wrong.
  6. In those little wind up flashlights their is small generators, wich, like insane alien said, are just small electric motors run in reverse. There is also small generators in well many different peices of technology. Anything that vibrates will have them, anything that moves by electricity in a circular motion... This is something i like to think i know about, i take alot of stuff apart.
  7. Cool thanks. Does inorganic chemistry have models like this too or is it just organic molecules that are sketched as these designs? Sorry if i sound illiterate at this, i am so far.
  8. Hello. I was just wondering if any of you guys would be cool enough to tell me or give me some links to how to read what diagrams like the one below are called, and what the different bonding signs mean. Im kind of new to chemistry, but i crave to learn some. thanks.
  9. Does it kill the bacteria? I will try it, thanks. Will clearing my sinuses take care of any bacteria in there? thanks. My mucus is pretty much yellow tinged now, but it was green when i was coughing up chuncks, when it seemed to be at its peak. also, can plack balls be associated with this? I cough up those smelly little things sometimes. its disgusting.
  10. Ok,cool thanks guys. Off topic but too lazy to make another thread: How much mathmatics is needed for chemistry?\ Thanks.
  11. I do believe in the primordial soup theory. So are you saying that chemistry would be a great aspect of science to get into for the betterment of life in general? Interesting, i wouldnt have guessed that, I Thought that chemistry was just recording data people found out ages ago and using it for various things that are already around, like making better fuels and stuff. Chemistry is quite interesting, and i love the aspect of it being much memorizing, Im quite good at that. The reason why i would like to know others opinions is because im still deciding what part of science to specialize in, and quite frankly, i love it all, but i can not reaserch it all regretably, so i must choose, and i choose by which would be the most helpfull to life. thanks for the replys.
  12. I agree. I am not undermining him in any way, the guy rocked, hes one of my heros. I am just saying that he did beleive in chi and that he claimed that that was what he used to propell a person in action. Maybe he just did not beleive his own strength and said that it was due to chi since that was quite a big thing in aisia in that time period. He was able to hold 120 barbell out infront of him!? and he was only 135!? wow! I did not know that, I thought he was more tone than bulk anyways.
  13. I am wondering wether or not i have allergies, a sinus infection, or something else. My symptoms include: -nasal congestion -pressure in the upper sinuses above my eyes -darker mucus lined with a tiny amount of blood thats visible sometimes -a productive for the most part cough My symptoms change on me too, right now, im barely feeling anything, and ive been conciously trying to clear my sinuses for a couple days now. At the begining, it was postnasal discharge in the mix, and alot of mucus just coming out and i couldnt stop it, then, later on, just a while ago, the mucus i coughed up was chunky alot of times. gross. My questions, {other than what do i have}, are does sinus infections make you have a cough? also, can sinus infection be deadly if left untreated? Also, i have been this way for about a month id say now, and my symptoms are gradually decreasing in extremety, though im still a little woried. I was kind of hoping to hear from a doctor who happens to go on this forum, thatd be cool, but any info would be great. And i know someone is going to say that i should go see my doctor, but, well, i cant. im kind of a little low on money. thanks anyone for the help.
  14. Is not randomness to the contrary of Newtonian Mechanics? For every action there is an equal opposite reaction...
  15. I want to hear some opinions on what was the most helpfull area of science for life in general,{not only humans},there is. What do you guys think it is?
  16. Why is there ribosomes floating around at random? Why arent all ribosomes attached to the rough endoplasmic retticulum and the golgi apparatus? and how does the smooth endoplasmic retticulum find the proteins? thanks. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedWhats the difference between virus rna and mrna? Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedare all virus's retrovirus's? thanks.
  17. Was this recent? That sounds quite interesting and i wonder why it had problems...
  18. I think that being intelligent is more of a choice than a set in stone inherit. Yes, some people do naturally have a high level of intelligence due to heredity, but many others who are born with that level of intelligence never even try to go up to it. I cant name of one person in my school that is as curious as they can be, wich, may not be the only measurement of intelligence, but i beleive it is a great necessity to have a high curiosity level in order to establish a high intelligence level. a lack of acceptance is to me a sign of not being interested or wanting to beleive something else.
  19. Maybe its the case of natural selection playing on the selection pressures of good looks rather than smarts in the modern day human habitat.
  20. Well said Vortigon.
  21. Bruce Lee was able to push a guy in the chest with his palms and he would go sprawling across the room. Im not saying that i beleive in this, but Bruce Lee is a pretty well respected character in my book, i think that he beleived in this and thought he could do this "chi" so much that he disregarded any other explanations.I think that its just the fact that they use all of their body muscles instead of the usual few in the specific area through practice.
  22. A retrovirus is a virus that transplants foreign genetic coding into a host cells dna right? so whats a normal virus put its genetic coding into? thanks.
  23. I wonder why whe like music? Why would it be bennificial to the survival of our lives? Is it for pleasing predators to get out of things? Music seems to stop the thinking process for me, at least when im experimenting on myself, i just seem to go into a quite "lights off state", im sure thats the dopamine{I wonder what releases dopamine when i listen to music and why}, and its not really something i like now that i think of what its affects are on me. Though listening to music Ive not heard or doesnt have words helps me focus and concentrate while keeping me from drifting off in my studies, so its not of only brain-frying for me. This are just my small amount of data ive recorded in my free bored time. It may have other affects on other people.
  24. Right now you are weak. Rise to the top. or MORE SCIENCE
  25. Ive read that blue eyes are a recessive allele, and are becoming less common as time progresses. Though they wouldnt fully run out due to the combination of recessive alleles can happen, but their supposedly running thin. At least thats what I read, I may be wrong though.
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