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Everything posted by Wallesteino

  1. The possibility of acting and operating the personal will in direction of what ones think is best for itself in its own social and material sphere, of which limits are law and economical consequences and natural impredictable things.
  2. I share with you this idea that came to my mind wandering on the world map years ago, and that I havn`t been able to challenge in the correct way as the people I interact with during my daily routine aren`t the most recommended to help me out. Have anyone ever considered using the natural temperature gap that occurs in some part of the planet during the day-night transition? what came to my mind at first was a system of "containers filled with a liquid that weight more during the temperature transition" connected through a pulley to a counterweight and an electricity generator connected to the pulley: when the temperature changes the container with the liquid will weight more and drop to the ground spinning the pulley and producing energy?
  3. I think the world with the robots that we all think of must be reconsidered outside the current system we live in. If the robots are really to take over what is done by men, society will have to be reinvented, and most probably many things that we now use and businesses that we now have won`t be necessary anymore as they are.. Think about the car that replaces the horse... the stable owner in busy cities and the car factories that incorporate his workforce...
  4. Hi guys, I am new at the forum this particoular topic catches my attention as I am an admirer of the Zeitgeist movement (http://thezeitgeistmovement.com/ for who is not familiar with it) and there is a lot of talking on robots around the resource based economy that the movement promotes. Have you ever consider the fact that the advanced developement of robots as the supermachines that will replace human labor would be perfect to satisfy the basic needs of life and eliminate dependence from work? Think of food, clothes and shelters that robots could make to perfection without the need to rest... It is true that there isn`t the need of having as much engineers to manage the robots as the labourers that are being replaced, but if the society will be structured so that there will be more engineers working just few hours a day there will be space to absorb everyone in and we will all benefit of the free time we will have....
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