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The Nacho

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About The Nacho

  • Birthday May 31

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  • Location
    There. Not there, there.
  • Biography
    I like cheese. Oh, and it's pronounced mycroh-ehks.
  • Occupation
    Hah! Occupation!


  • Quark

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Quark (2/13)



  1. Of course, we could all be wrong and there are ducks on Mars and they created the earth and humans! Seriously, they should teach evolution in public schools. Let the nuns and the priests teach creationism. And aren't God and creationism just theories too?
  2. Just press "Print Scrn". Then go into Paint or Photoshop or something, right-click, and click on "Paste". Then you just have to save it and upload it.
  3. Are you on MAC or Windows?
  4. Ha ha ha! MORE icons!
  5. I'm not saying that the Linux games are bad, it's just that major game develepors like Atari and EA and Ubisoft, etc. don't make any games for Linux. (Even if they did, I would NEVER be able to play any games that MICROSOFT makes on Linux. It's sad. Everbody should get along. Somebody should fuse Windows and Mac and Linux. It could be called "Windacux". Win-dah-kuks. It would have the games of WINDows, the U.I. of mAC, and the stability of linUX...
  6. I have a Linux desktop. I partitioned about 10 gigs to it. I'll post a screen soon. (Frankly, Windows is only good because almost all games run on it, Linux is much more stable.)
  7. Update! More icons! (Or rather, different ones)
  8. Yeah...that makes sense. So, you could ask your teacher if you can take your timed test in some really hot place...
  9. Wait...if time goes slower the more gravity you get...then, wouldn't the inside of black holes not be affected by time? (Which would mean that you can't go through a black hole to another universe) And, if you stopped time with gravity, the gravity would still be there, wouldn't it? I have one more question: If you stopped time with gravity, how would you start time back up again? How would you get rid of the gravity if you were stopped in time?
  10. Exactly!
  11. I know that, I just want to know if you think that the gravity would still be there, even if it wasn't affecting anything.
  12. First of all, does "afaik" mean afraid? Second of all, what the crap do you mean? Use gravity to stop time...?
  13. Ok, I have a question...if you could stop time, or if time stopped, would gravity stop, too? Because in movies, (I'm not saying movies are always right ) whenever time stops, water and stuff freezes in midair, but the people can jump through it and land on the ground. (Of course, it might be that gravity is always there, but it doesn't...act on you...if...time is...stopped? I don't know. What do you think?
  14. Is it too late for me to get a part...? Name: Unknown (Everyone calls me Nacho) Occupation: Explosives guy Age: Unknown (Around 15 or 20) Looking like: med. size with blonde hair and brown eyes Gender: Male Stuff: I like to blow stuff up. I also like cheese. Humor is good for me, too. Side: Evil or good, I don't really care. (Switching sides/both sides?) I hope you can still add me in...
  15. When you give a dog a command over and over again, the dog doen't "know" what you're saying, they just know the sound. Just like, if, instead of teaching your dog "sit", you teach him "oogleys". Then whenever you say "oogleys" he will sit. That's how you can teach a dog any language.
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