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Everything posted by husmusen

  1. You have my deepest sympathy and I hope things turn out okay. Cheers and good luck. P.S. Is she your only child?
  2. And I'm partial to Vegemite. No accounting for taste I guess. But why do you hate it?
  3. Canon by Pachelbel. Bach - All of it. I once heard Bach on a huge organ nothing like it, they played Toccata . Morning Symphony by Grieg. HOTMK by Grieg. Some of the slavonic dances by whatsisname . Johan Strauss, especially Blue Danube, Pizzicato Waltz, perpetual motion, But I've got the New Years Concert performance and I like em all. Cheers. Edit: P.S. I like a lot more besides but that's what comes of the top of my head.
  4. Yes I believe so, A huge moon hanging low in the sky. It also had a spooky orange-red colour to it. Superb to look at though, pity I didn't have my telescope with me. I wonder if detail is enhanced or just size? Cheers.
  5. If you live in the U.S. I'm not sure of your medical records. But some means. Visit the Red Cross blood bank. You may be able to get a kit from a pharmacy. Or go visit a doctor. Cheers.
  6. Wow, feels like the marie celeste. . Oh well, it's preferable to those forums where you get a whole bunch of answers from people who evidently don't have a clue. They gave us a recomendation on the vaccine list, so I'll go with that one. Cheers. P.S. Where the lock topic button?
  7. It won't be the greatest sadness of my life . I decided something was not quite right with the series on that episode where they got the borg in. In every other startrek borg episode, except some of the voyager ones, they explored some theme, BOBW, I-Borg etc... In ST-VIII the borg where, every so slightly, creepy. This was I think due to good directing, the acting of fear by well known characters, and little touches such as the borg looking up suddenly whenever they messed with the panel. But in the enterprise episode, I didn't feel anything, not to mention the absurdity of such a primitive crew being able to touch the 24th century borg. You remember the same borg who had adapted to every modification that Laforge had engineered, being taken out by a primitive pre-tog phaser. Cheers.
  8. Your post reminded me of the Bill Leek cartoon, 'Sprung Chickens'. Sadly I can't find it on the web anywhere, but you've probably seen it. It's the one with the three chickens, the less said about the aussie chicken the better, and the farmer shouting, "there they are liar birds." . Cheers.
  9. There seem to be an awful lot of varieties. 1) Are they much use if you are working in acute care(road trauma etc). 2) Are any better than the others?(Effectivness, safety etc...) 3) Have you had one? If so which? What about the combo vaccines? Any differences between yeast, dead organism, and synthetic protein vaxes? Cheers.
  10. Sometime I'll have to post a more detailed reply to this. In the meantime, I believe it was Solzhenitsyn who said the line dividing good and evil runs straight through the human heart. I do not know if any of the people reading this have watched Babylon 5, but if they have was Londo a good person, a bad person, or a monster? Cheers.
  11. Actually I suspect that Australias voting against the UN anti-torture convention along with such other human rights luminaries like Cuba, Sudan, Libya etc, gave a much more powerful impression. Even the Americans had the sense to merely abstain. Cheers.
  12. Heh, heh. I'm studying to be one at the moment. So I know there is a bit of a shortage on. I could perhaps of put it better as, the way they're sacking people at the drop of a hat, It's hard to believe there is a nursing shortage. But to get things back on track, A second question, Is there anything this nurse could have done to avoid being sacked without doing something wrong? If she hadn't moved the equipment and some patient got crispy, She would have been sacked(rightly). She did remove the equipment after first going through management and getting the problem noted by other nurses. Management ignored her and then sacked her when she moved it. So I'm just curious wether anyone can think of a course of action. I might raise this in the OH&S class this week. Cheers.
  13. It would vary, do I have children in the house? Are there one or more of them breaking in? Do they have visable arms? How do I know they are burglars? My response would vary depending on the circumstances, in general I would go for 'minimum required' with caveats for circumstances including the above. I've heard of people who've found burglars in their house and just walked up to about 5 meters away and called out, 'while you're busy pinching my stuff how about a cuppa tea', and this guy was about 90 not quite the intimidating prescence. The burglar just up and ran for his/her life. The psycho 'SAS-tough' pcp-munching homocidal burglar is I think more myth than reality, at least in Australia and Sweden. That said if six dudes with assault rifles broke into my place , I'd be hiding in the sleeping-bag's bag on the top shelf of the built in wardrobe. It's not called running it's called eluding. Cheers.
  14. Posted by Choral Rhedd "No one in an ICU staffed by inexperienced nurses should ever be left alone. You need people -- family or friends -- with you to watch and question the people who are "treating" you." I had an experience somewhat similar to this except I was the one doing the watching. A relative of mine collapsed and was taken by ambulance to hospital, where I had a great deal of trouble trying to get her seen. Turns out she had been classed as a 'geriatric fall'. That was only the beginning of things. Oh and what country were you in? There is no way in *&%^* that an ICU should be staffed by inexperienced people, are you sure they just weren't on their third shift? Mokele: I'm not sure I'm greatly enamoured by one or the other . If what I posted before makes you afraid of hospitals I could probably give you a coronary/stroke just by talking. . Oh I believe she is in the union, not unusual in Australia, nursings fairly unionised. Cheers.
  15. Gilded: "and Swedish(Fairly well)" Actually this applied to both English and Swedish.
  16. My apologies, on the computer I posted this from clicking took me straight through, but on the other computer, I got the registration screen. I suspect the previous user that day had already registered or the library has some arangement. Had I known, I would have posted the summary. I assumed they'd given up on the whole registering business. From the article: "No one had acted on her complaints and there had been another three or four complaints about the machine being unsafe by other nurses." It really seems that she had made every effort to go through proper channels. The thought of a nursing culture where anyone who sees something awry says nothing, lest they get sacked, scares me. ed84c: Note 'complaints' plural, she did ask people.
  17. The link. Thoughts and opinions? It seems a kind of damned if you do, damned if you don't scenario. Hard to believe we have a nursing shortage in this country. What happened to a formal caution anyway?
  18. Combining those who claimed they were learning or speaking, but excluding those who said just a tiny bit or a few words. That gives us (by my quick count) 24 respondants of which, 8/24 are speaking or learning Spanish. 7/24 are speaking or learning Japanese. 6/24 are speaking or learning French. 5/24 are speaking or learning German. 3/24 are speaking or learning Russian. Swedish, Korean, Italian and Chinese have 2/24 each. And between all 24 Japanese, Spanish, Urdu, Nepalese, Finnish, Swedish, Russian, German, Hindi, Punjabi, French, Korean, Italian, Chinese, Dutch, Malaysian,and Ukrainian are spoken. (17 total). Not bad.
  19. husmusen


    I paraphrased the last quote because it was in the post directly above mine, and anyone who wanted the full post only had to glance up to see it. Secondly if I was trying to put words into your mouth I wouldn't have asked you if it was an accurate gist of your views. Additionally I was not distilling the *issue* but rather my perception of *your view*. There is a differance, see below. husmusen: "So then in your view temporary dependency of one life on another nullifies the right to life, do I understand you correctly?"(Emphasis added). Lastly I did read your explanation. Suffice to say that given abortion is a fairly black and white procedure, either the foetus is dead or it's not, I find the notion of relative rights to be more theoretical than practical. You see killing something does rather nullify it rights, at least in my view.
  20. There is no such thing as a war without hideous suffering often by those who least deserve it, while the generals hole up in nice safe bunkers and dine on officers food,drink officers coffee and smoke officers cigars. I don't know why people think firebombs are evil and a bullet wound with earth contamination, and possibly rotting corpse juice, leading to 3 days of pain, delerium and death isn't. Perhaps too many movies in which it's 'bang bang, people get funny expression and fall over'. Not that I think napalm and firebombs et al are good. I'm feeling just a tad cyncial today I fear. Cheers.
  21. husmusen


    Phi for all: In post #12: 'I think life starts when the child could reasonably be separated from the mother.' In post #59: 'The fact that an 8 week old fetus has everything that establishes it as a human doesn't alter the fact that it is still dependent on the mother for life for several more months.' husmusen: 'So then in your view temporary dependency of one life on another nullifies the right to life, do I understand you correctly?' phi for all:(paraphrased) No you don't and that's a ludicrous suggestion. I don't mind your disagreement, but I'll defend my question.
  22. yschung: Do you find that if you get woken up after about 1/2 hour of sleep, that's it you're awake for the next 24 hours or so? Also be very careful of some sleeping tablets, if you use them for more than about a week your body will adapt and start needing them. Cheers.
  23. If the brainstem isn't working then it's unlikely anything else is either. It's death is a) Imminent. b) Unavoidable by any means known to man. c) No sensory conduction, so no pain? To me this situation sounds like 'should we perform euthinasia on the twitching body of someone who's just been decapitated'.
  24. For classic stuff I'd have to go with Asimov, inparticular the 'foundation' sieries and Bicentennial man(the book that is).
  25. husmusen


    #1 So then in your view temporary dependency of one life on another nullifies the right to life, do I understand you correctly? #2 While I understand the political need for accomodation of various views, one should still as much as possible try to ground a law in physical realities, It's good for sanity For example, I think it was this thread, I saw the parasite label dragged out, while they are entitled to their view it does not change the fact that it is factually incorrect. By definition a species cannot self-parasitize, also since the unborn contributes something in a biological sense(preservation of genes) the relationship is one of symbiosis not parasitosis. All opinions are equally valid can lead to fact free debating. (Just my personal opinion ) Cheers.
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