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Everything posted by husmusen

  1. Wow Herme. I don't know what to say. Power is not all it's cracked up to be Herme. If you are responsible it's a weight on your shoulders. If you are irresponsible it will destroy you. Husmusen
  2. I always thought he was a little crazy but he seemed like a good guy and certianly had infectious enthusiasm. No doubt he'll be missed. ---------------------------------------- Nothing wrong with being a bit crazy. Most of my best teachers had that kind of enthusiasm. I have no doubt he would have made a kickass biology teacher. Husmusen.
  3. My sincere sorrow, especially for his young child. Husmusen.
  4. Err, Pregancy? Gravid? As for Parasite, no. 1) Parasite can't be of the same species. 2) The foetus contributes to the reproductive sucess of the mother and father. 3) The foetus is part of the normal human reproductive cycle, indeed essential. So in the biological sense, a foetus is not a parasite, people who describe it as such are basically twisting words for their own agenda. Symbiosis, at a stretch this would fit, much better than parasite, which is just blatantly false. I just don't know if symbiosis is between two memebrs of one species or if it has to be two seperate species. Regards, Husmusen
  5. Yeah YT, been there done that, 1) Coffee. 2) Playing music. 3) Stop what you are doing and just play for an hour. 4) If it's a fine day, go for a bikeride. Works for me at least. Husmusen P.S. As for texts I found they made a huge difference. Some texts are superb, some really suck. More often one is superb for one bit and the other superb at explaining somethign else.
  6. Welcome to naked airlines. The only truly SAFE way to fly. Husmusen
  7. The gall bladder is a storage vessel, the body stores it up there and then when you eat a meal, especially a fatty one, it releases it in one big hit. If your gall baldder is removed, all that happens is that instead of being stored up it's just released in a continuous trickle, obviously for patients who have had such an operation, large meals high in fat, should be judicously avoided. Husmusen.
  8. Gutz in topic : http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showpost.php?p=294064&postcount=7 What's your favourite animal: Gutz's Famous last words: Sorry, couldn't resist Husmusen.
  9. I'd have to say my Dog as well. He was an expert escape artist and he used to follow me around on my paper round when I was young. Husmusen
  10. 10. "Oh hey I've always wanted a little bear cub". 9. Ahhh koala bear very very cute (pat pat) Aaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrgggghhhh! (people have never seen one of these things get nasty). 8. Trying to smuggle a ferret in your underwear. (True story). 7. Going deep south with a bumper sticker, "Yo confederates! You lost, get over it." 6. A woman trying to use a mouse as a biological vibrator. 5. Jumping into a whale aquarium to try the spock thing.(true story). 4. Hey I've heard taipan tastes really neat, like chicken. 3. Jumping into a polar bear enclosure to get a close up shot waiting until it opens its eyes and saying "Surprise" (Flash!) 2. Running with the bulls in an electric wheelchair. 1. Going ANYWHERE with Steve Irwin. Next: Top ten most embarressing reasons for getting your arse hauled into the Emergency Department.
  11. Working 80 hours a week across two jobs and recovering from surgery. Glad to see you're still in the land of the living, but take it a bit easier OK Regards Husmusen.
  12. husmusen


    Yes these are friends. And there concerns stem from what are called 'bonds'. We form these bonds by the process of caring for one another. And yet they are in some way seperate from that process. Herme3 has people who care about him, this is a good thing. But it is possible to have people who care about you and to still feel alone. To feel that there is no one who understands you. I think this may be how Herme feels. Regards, Husmusen
  13. So named because they crawl around the (world wide) web. Regards, Husmusen.
  14. In places without access to first world medicine, all the time. In places with first world medicine, yes but much more rarely. I know of one case where a tumor eroded the Aorta, that was only discovered post mortem. Cancer ofcourse is not a single disease, it's a cluster and can refer to lots of different diseases. Just like there are different infectious diseases like Typhoid, Flu, Chicken pox , German measels, Ebola. And the only thing these have in common is that you can catch them from other people. You also have different cancers, lung, liver, bowel, prostate. And the only the have in common is that some of the bodies cells have gone completely bananas. Lung cancer would be pretty hard to die of without a doctor figuring out what it was. It basically means that the lung is growing wrong, and cells from the lung are/will be moving to other parts of the body and growing there as well. The lungs start to die and the person can't breathe. Wether you can be cured of it or not depends on what stage it is. That's something that only your/his doctor can tell you/him. Regards, Husmusen
  15. Someone has to do it, "No computer will ever need more than 640 KB of RAM" -- Gates, B. Husmusen
  16. This is a known side effect of SSRI class drugs, especially Zoloft. Regards, Husmusen
  17. husmusen


    Cup's half empty this morning, I take it? Cheer up mate. Husmusen.
  18. I think it stinks. Husmusen.
  19. If you've had unprotected sex with a promiscuous person, you should get tested whether you have any symptoms or not. And besides it would be worth it for the peace of mind alone, no? Husmusen. P.S. And if you have had symptoms consistant with it, then you should definately get tested, no ifs, buts, ands, or maybes.
  20. Bascule wrote: ecoli wrote: Well if you did it stone age style it would hurt like heck. As an adult it's much safer to give you drugs like Tramyl and Morphine. And I can assure you the doctor would give you some form of anaesthetic before doing the cutting. It's not the stone age. This IMMENSE PAIN argument therefore seems to me to be baseless. Ecoli wrote: If you evaluate vaccinations with the 4 principles rule, then you get a quite different result, a normal vaccination does not harm a child, there is a small risk that there may be an adverse reaction, but only a few of these are serious and pale into insignifigance with the risks of the disease they protect against(Mumps, Measles, Tetanus, Whooping Cough etc etc etc). Most importantly, if you wait until the child is 16 the child will have contracted many of the infections they protect against, hence one reason why we give them at that age. In many cases I think it is more a culture or tradition. If it's done for cultural reasons then the medical benefits or lack thereof is a side issue and not the primary motivation of the people seeking the circumcision. Husmusen
  21. OK well lets look at the medical aspect only. And examine this with the 4 principles. Does it do good? All the arguments are for minor benefits at best. It may reduce the risk of penile cancer in adulthood. It may offer a small protection against HIV. However none of these apply ti children. The biggest argument seems to be hygiene for which a nonsurgical and non-invasive alternative exists. Does it do harm? It amputates and destroys non-diseased, viable and normal tissue. It has a range of side effects from pain and excessive bleeding, as the most common, infection and excessive scarring in the mid-range, and the rare end, gangreene, blood poisioning and death. Is it just, and does it violate the autonomy of the person? Given the procedure is not readily reversible, of dubious medical benefit, with potentially serious side effects, and given that apart from hygiene all the other benefits relate to the adult form, It would seem prudent to wait so that the individual concerned may give appropriate informed consent to the procedure as a medical intervention. As such as a medical intervention I find no case for it at this point in time. Husmusen P.S. Obviously in the case of an existing morbidity that will cause major damage or death, e.g. a foreskin so tight the child cannot urinate(rare but not unknown), then that would obviously change the balance, my argument is based on the general case of a typical child.
  22. In response to bascule http://www.abc.net.au/worldtoday/content/2005/s1307515.htm Correction: Being asleep is a form of altered consciousness, not unconsciousness(as in insensate). There is a world of differance between someone who is asleep and someone with a GCS of 3. Husmusen.
  23. To suggest surgery in place of a simple hygiene procedure is a bizarre argument. And this is really important for little babies HOW? Husmusen.
  24. Most importantly after "correcting" your vision, do not look at laser tool with your remaining functional eye. Husmusen
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