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Everything posted by qisum

  1. I know it won't sound right from a 20 years old student but I actually had too much of life experience (to quote you) those past years and it wouldn't hurt me to stay for a while around my home to study... This is why my main concern is to know if the education I'll get there is worth it, since ecology doesn't seem to be really a big deal in Europe's education programs. But you are certainly right thanks for answering Up ?
  2. Well this sounds like a good advice, thank you. I can't figure out if it is really worth leaving my actual life behind for 4 years in the US though
  3. Hello all, as an international student, I applied this year to US colleges because I couldn't find any decent environmental / ecology degree in my country. I started a geography degree, which has some parts of ecology, and if I wait for three years I'll be able to take decent-but-not-more environmental courses. I honestly don't know if I can make a career out of it but I'm planning to apply to all jobs I can learn from while studying if I keep on this track. Meanwhile, I got accepted in some good schools in the US (which was nicely surprising with my school files) My first question is, if you have an opinion about it, should I go ? US studies are really bounding and expensive and I want to make sure I make the right decision if I come for 4 years of studies. Besides, if I decide to go, I still have to choose between my top choices. I got into SUNY-ESF, which is only focused on environment, and I know from having been there myself that its student are a really nice community, courses seem great, and its really affordable. I also got into Boston University and (maybe) NYU, which seem to give a very good education and a lot of opportunities of exchanges between majors, "field" studies (hope it's the right word) and study abroad opportunities. Plus NYC and Boston. I'm pretty sure I would get a clear idea of what I can do there. But it's very expensive, and not only focused on environment of course. If I go, should I choose ESF or BU/NYU ? Americans sell very well their schools, and I want to get neutral opinions from people who know US schooling system better than me... Thank you !
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