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In regards to the concept of the speeding magnet in space idea, what would happen to the field if the magnet approaches the speed of light?
While I agree that socialism is to varying degrees present in western governments, they are still basically capitalist. More specifically, capitalism in decline as populations increase...nothing will change in larger society until environmental issues force governments to address the issues. This will be met with a concordant change in corporate propaganda, as they all profess turning over a new green leaf. "Look to the future, not the past". Sound familiar?
It is a long standing criticism that capitalism causes social problems. I disagree. The problem is the overall stupidity of humanity that will screw up any economic system in place. I think any real social progress would be better served to analyze why we have this self-destructive species-wide behavior. The reason we have capitalism and variations of it, is that it is more resilient to this corrosive aspect of large populations of humans, and as the populations soar, the overall quality of life will continue to descend, regardless of any supposed improvement in governments or more well distributed incomes...I think the quickest and most effective single change that could effect positive social results is very tight regulations on the advertizing industry...a second and longer term change would be promotion of population reduction.
one question...are the mirrors first surface or standard ?
phi for all...I believe the variables are hidden in string theory, and the strings are composed of information, specifically mathematical information, as every possible (logical) form of information as expressed by PI. The logical component of the vast library of information as physical reality, the balance of illogical information as what can accessed only via sentience, hence an upper limit to free will...
If it is determined a physical origin cannot be entirely explained by the BB, and ongoing analysis of the BB points to the existence of a pre-BB state, available physical evidence may only infer a possible pre-BB state, as physical reality is too coarse a structure to show more than superfical recent events.
My post was hinged upon the idea that it is too soon to consider we have proper evidence as of yet to rule out substructure of the electron, since it and all other particles are not yet understood as to their source, of which the BB could have been a rather recent event in the process. Once we have the necessary facts worked out, we may have that evidence to rule out substructure of an electron in this universe, but not in others. It seems possible that hidden variables are indeed the major component of all "fundamental" particles, and the properties we can easily detect are the superficial ones supported by these variables...
I see no reason electrons cannot have slightly differing makeups in small details (hidden variables) that do not affect functioning. If you have two identical automobiles, one cannot attest small variations from a distance of such variations as the settings of the radio dials....it seems electrons have substructure if they are composed of information, and more than one bit is required to determine all electron properties. As far as any things in the universe being equal, I say the only true equivalence is within the realm of numbers, 1 is identical to 1.
In the early 60's a general push became apparent that tobacco was soon to be declared a carcinogen. The skeptics of that period included specialized "tobacco doctors" who, largely at the behest of the tobacco companies, made media claims that tobacco wasn't harmful, and in small doses, healthful. One such point made was the reduction of prostate cancer evident in populations of male smokers. In this particular defense, the doctors left out the fairly obvious conclusion that smokers tended to die before reaching the age most men die from prostate cancer...another disinformation campaign is in place today, by another set of mega corporations to stall the inevitable necessary steps to switch from fossil fuels.
andreasjva...I agree with your unitary fundamental value....I also see this as a theoretical value of the void. When I say "void", I mean "a" void, or (1) void, a default (theoretical) bit of information. Since it is more logical to have one void rather than 2, 33, or some fraction of void, I see the one theoretical bit as the default content of any void. This virtual bit existed, in my model, as an "impetus without form", as the maths hadn't developed yet to allow a proper description. From this impetus, I see the chaos forming, out of which a region of logic "froze out" within this domain. This necessary underpinning of the maths, along with the spherical geometry of the point, went on to eventually describe the universe as a mathematical object. I see the BB emanating from a point as an expression of the underlying information generated from this series of linear events...
didn't godel say something about the unprovability of certain propositions? Could that not apply here?
I don't know if it's proveable that it doesn't end, is it?
If the universe is born, it will end. That doesn't mean it will not be born again. There is no absolute nothing, as even in a supposed "pure" void that existed at any point, there was a default minimum bit of information, in that there was a void (and logically that means "1" void), as the identifier of the state....that is why I choose PI as the delivery method, as it is based upon the parameters of the spherical point, regardless of size, and, explains the primal linkage between information and geometry. If the universe were to de-materialize, the process would repeat for the same reason. Once any material universe were to be extant, the question remains of could there ever be a void of sufficient purity ever to exist again. If not, then no further universes might be produced, or one skewed by the contamination of the leftover information...so, I vote for a cyclical universe, of perhaps an evolutionary process of recycling information from the previous universe, if indeed any should escape de-materialization. I see de-materialization as possible as the completion of the algorithm PI, which in the scenario I describe. I see PI as the driver of reality, and if that driver is gone, then material reality will have no scaffolding to exist upon...
to continue with your mentioning of understanding thought and truth, my model describes all information within the universe, including thoughts and truths. I see the universe driven by 2 types of information, logical and illogical. The physical universe is composed from the logical component, and the illogic component can now be expressed via sentience, from a domain previously hidden. Since the algorithm PI is still describing new information, the logic component allows for the expansion, and the illogical component allows for new thinking to be expressed via sentience. Any thought or truth we may conceive is discovered data from the driver, and our success is only in having the ability to access it. This places a limit on free will, albeit a very liberal one. I see a reason why we are yet to see aliens visiting the earth, as all sentient beings are bound to have to pass the test of not destroying themselves with their new ability, so high intelligence has a built in limiting factor, the " Edward Teller" paradox, with additional risks to animate life on earth, vastly exaggerated by the new abilities ...this self destructive aspect of sentience has a rough analogy to the property of material entropy...
the construction of manifest reality allows sentience to occur at certain points under certain conditions. Thank you for the good comment, but I don't consciously ignore sentience....only that it is described information, and that allows for it's potential expression. I see the maths not only describing physical laws, but also many meanings and truths. but not all. The wheel is still in spin. I see the universe as using sentience to puzzle out how things came to exist. In reverse order of expressions I see....... Math supported by logic, logic assembled from chaos, chaos supplied by the void's initial single bit of proto-information. That is, of one (1) void. The only bit of information possible in a void is that there was "1 void".....With no logic or math (yet) to describe that "1" implies that an "impetus without form" existed, and the extant universe is the process of constructing that form....to resolve that impetus. When we as individuals were born, we had no knowledge of how we came to be. I see the universe in the same position, and reality as it has come to be seen as partially sentient, with us as some of those pieces, in an overall attempt to understand the "why anything" question.. and by doing so give meaning to existence itself by "doing work" in one particular aspect of sentient abilitiy, even if that prior realm is never fully ascertained. I see a major problem with the analysis of prior BB events due to this "firewall" of information construction...
if the universe is a mathematical object, what could be a formulation of a containment of such an object? If the source of the data that writes the universe is the algorithm PI, and that the running calculations are not only functioning forward from the beginning 3.14... but are back-calculated from the most recent calculation happening at each present moment, towards the original digit, what could be a result? This would be similar as the equation also read backward with each iteration forward. This occurring constantly and since the beginning of time, might create a mathematical wave-flux interference pattern, and upon reaching some critical density, could in some sense create this or some potential universe. If so, then the boundaries of the universe(s) are on one end, 3.14... and the ever-expanding end "edges" are the latest digits of PI ...as two parallel "mirrors" flying apart. This could explain the acceleration and how space could expand forever (or as long as the calculation continues in the forward direction), never be infinite and how there is no real center or edge in a classic physical sense...If PI were to end due to completion, or repetition, then the universe may still exist, but expansion might stop. This also might explain one part of entanglement, in that the particles are of similar data makeup, but link up in opposite " write-directions", causing them to be of always opposite spins, yet synced together in their current segments of PI expressions within the Flux Cloud due to their initial close association. When entanglement is broken, each particle will diverge into it's opposite direction of calculation, freed of the restriction of synchronization until becoming entangled with some other particle and becomes "data specific" to it, at some opposite but equal iteration sets, positioned between two counter-calculated threads of the Flux Cloud. This is not to infer that time ever moves backward, only that back-calculations constantly occur within the sequence in real (forward) time.
New simulation shows Einstein was correct about hidden variables
hoola replied to Theoretical's topic in Speculations
wouldn't it be a good idea to presume temporarily that hidden variables exist, then formulate a possible source for these variables? -
still a very cute idea especially in consideration of the early 1690 origins. Even if the effect were to be proved, the cause of gravity would still be elusive and would hinge upon why virtual particles exist in the first place...similar to why does matter warp space of today...thanks for the link strange
Some time ago I saw some reference to virtual particle appearance / annialation creating a positive pressure in empty space, and that the presence of physical matter causes a reduction of the number of particles that can appear within matter, or proximate to matter, as demonstrated by the casimir effect. The overall thrust of the idea was that matter (a planet) shielded the force from behind any particular surface point, so the positive force would be expressed as gravity function on the surface. The effective surface gravity force would be higher with higher matter density shielding, the ultimate model being a black hole, which would shield all the counteracting pressure, allowing a max of gravity force to be derived from the particle pairs. I write this only to have it dismissed as a working model of gravitation as I could not find a reference to this in the search engine..
in postulate 2, does he mean that a description of any physical object, if complete enough is indistinguishable from the actual object in a sort of equivalence principle? If so, Postulate 1 needs some reference to a time limitation of the life span of any physical object or description thereof to be finite due to the universe being finite in duration
A big stumbling block is simply not knowing why the universe exists....how can we as self-aware beings be expected to form a logical system of collective behavior under such conditions as these? A resolution of the "why anything" question seems almost easier for physicists to figure out, than our own evolutionarily contrived miasma...I think the human race should be re-named from homo sapiens to homo awarens.....we certainly are not wise, although I realize the obvious semantic issue when we were named incorrectly from an inproper translation from the latin of "aware"
I certainly agree that human greed must be suppressed, but religion is not up to the task (globally), due to the contrarian aspects of human dynamics. Nothing will "cancel out" the problem until a fundamental knowledge of how the human mind works is known and used as another tool to resolve problems. The best we can hope for without this information is a slowing of the rates of destruction that all societies contribute to, by action and even more importantly, inaction to respond on issues easily dealt with...Here is an example.....why does anyone shop at walmart? that is one very obvious way people have been tricked into working against their own best interests, and easily avoided....propaganda is the rule, and the internal conflict that we all have is easily exploited by communications majors who specialize in advertizing, both in and out of government. A further example is the lack of enviornmental actions, which I consider the worst example of unresolved internal conflict. Consider foreign policy of the US...destabilizing large regions of the planet for no good long term reason ....our survival is at stake here, not just tweaking our ignorant society into being slightly less objectionable, and that is all religion is capable of, regardless of how well meaning and humane it is...
religion can suppress the human instinct in certain populations for certain periods of time, but (in large part) tends to strengthen personal internal conflicts .....you are right about "certain societies" handling government better than others, but from the perspective of an alien observing earth from a safe distance, those internal conflicts are expressed differently in self-sabotaging actions, but still expressed in all societies, and with a lack of a physiologic analysis of the true cause of human internal discord (on the micro scale), progress will be too slow to really help much in politics (macro scale)..
I agree that buddism is the best of the lot of the religions I am aware of.....and capatilism is obviously failing as it is destroying the environment by exploiting the planet more efficiently, hence more quickly, so provides a higher standard of living of excessive populations, until the inevitable "bottom line" is reached. Religion can have a stabilizing influence on any society, and under certain circumstances can slow the dominations of other agressive societies. Buddism helping protect tibet from china is a prime example...
doesn't matter which religion or lack thereof is dominant...or capitalist or socialist in structures.....we are still functionally the same animal and will work against our own best interests, by action or inaction...it is easy to blame capitalism as that deflects the attention from our (species-wide) internal inconsistencies...the reason capatilsm is dominant is that it "fails well"....any society that dominates can easily subvert another society that has a productive system. That still seems group dynamics writ large...