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Everything posted by hoola
I have heard that is "how it works", but that doesn't explain the internal workings of the black box attributed to the idea. I did get the gell mann video to load, and having seen it several times before, still leaves one with the impression that "it works this way because it works this way" and not a real explanation, nor much of a hint as to what is in the black box. I can see one option and that is that quantum entanglements are independent from geometric space notions of distance and act as such being composed of i based mathematical numerical structures, and as so, rely on that structured, yet illogical underpinnings to explain their behavior.
This does seem rather deterministic, and I thought that was not current thinking, but the gell man video wouldn't load, so will try later on that. It does seem as if the pairs sense no distance between them, and therefore act as such.
it does seem that there is a faster than light signalling with quantum entanglement issues, but that it cannot transfer any signal other than the basics used to determine a static outcome. Is this because no information can be "added on" to the basic mathematics that determines what is only allowed to happen in normal nature? Could it be possible to artificially "add on" signalling by building unique entangled structures that have a greater bandwidth?
I realize I mispoke when attributing the #1 piezo as contributing to damping, only the #7 piezo contributes damping, the #1 acting as a reflector only.
it has ocurred that the asymmetrical weights used by the Woodward team at each end of their stacks may have a better alternative. The weights are used, to my understanding, so as to have the piezos something to react against to give directionality to the travelling waves and selective damping. If I have normally not used such things, and have preferred to simply amplify what can be started with the sequential scan method I use, and accept that inherent limitation of having "nothing to push against". I have taken the first end piezo, normally used as a turn around and a scope sensor source, and shorted across it. This I think accomplishes what a passive weight would do, as used elsewhere. As an analogy to a common loud speaker, if you thump it, it rings and can be easily pushed in and out. If you short across the speaker terminals, the cone becomes quite stiff and naturally resists any physical movements. The piezos are like speakers in a sense, so shorting one at the front of the stack seems to offer a "variable mass reactor" acting as a stiff surface for the first active element to react against and damps out any remnant vibrations as the scan proceeds along and as they travel back and forth. The stack end piezo is now the only scope signal source. I have measured the voltage appearing across it, and have found that a 1.2K resistor cuts that voltage in half, so I figure that offers the lowest "SWR" at today's first attempt at the new idea. This is to dump that energy into the resistor so that less is reflected back, hence raising the efficiency of any possible thrust production. The stack setup now is piezo #1 shorted for variable mass reactor, piezos #2-#6 driven elements, #7 as scope sensor and dummy load.
a July 24, 2022 youtube video Roger Shawyer - Em Drive: NASA's "impossible" Fuel-Less Thruster may be of interest to some.
just today a youtube video "Mike McCullough - Quantized Inertia & The Horizon Drive - You Tube" is online that describes his quantized inertia idea, and then covers how it might relate to the Shawyer microwave device, the Woodward mechanism, as well as other ideas that seem to describe propellantless thrust from something as simple as capacitor plates giving a thrust from cathode to anode in a DC circuit. I remember reading something about the cap plates concept back in the 70s, I think in Omni magazine, perhaps in it's "antimatter" section.
time seems a measure of change within a particular system with a default periodicy essentially the same everywhere, but modified by large gravitational forces. I see the fundamental increment of time a function of the appearance/annialation frequency of the virtual particles. If the orbits of the particles within the system are elongated by gravity, that slows time, as in black hole dynamics. Relative velocities slow time, but by a seemingly different mechanism.
While the idea of coming up with an efficient phononic diode is quite beyond mine (or perhaps anyone at this point) to design one specifically adapted to the Woodward device, it does occur that a half way measure might be tried. The stacks as I have designed them are done so to maximize the transfer the shocks as efficiently as possible, and the simple expedient of simply introducing a resistance to shock transfer might have some positive effect. The underlying theory is that the shocks are "helped along" by the sequential stimulations, whereas the echos are not as the directional pulse trains are paused after each sequence finished. If the hard poly washers now used are replaced with rubber washers and the overall stack torque is somewhat lowered, the inevitable loss of transfer might favor a certain directionality, and produce an inefficient pseudo-phononic diode effect. It seems interesting now that I do recall Mr. Woodward remarking that no thrust was seen at all until a single rubber washer was introduced into his stacks. It seems possible that by replacing the 5 hard plastic washers which I use to electrically isolate the elements from one another, with viton rubber or some such material, this will preform the duty of electrical insulation and provide the inherent loss of impulse transfer to perhaps work to some advantage in my situation.
a quick search of the sonogram spectrum states that frequencies in the 2-18 mhz range are normally used.
an earlier article dated October 2010 in researchgate.net/publication/47535210_An_acoustic_rectifier states that rectification was observed by "coupling a superlattice with a layer of ultrasound contrast agent microbubble suspension".
I found a site that describes a paper in the August 2020 issue of Science Advances that asserts the successful development of an "acoustic diode". This can be googled at "nonreciprocal surface acoustic wave propagation via magneto-rotation". They specifically describe the material as a direct analogue to the diode in standard electronics, and suggest it's usefulness in medical testing, specifically sonograms. The need to inhibit the reverse direction of the acoustic energies in the woodward thruster mechanism could make this development of primary interest, should it be adaptable to it's particular requirements. The woodward thruster uses a 44khz signal, and that is perhaps in the range used in sonogram scans.
ssi.org is a website.
the idea comes to me from John Brandenburg, a plasma physicist who has worked with others on the Woodward thruster, based upon piezo materials being stimulated to give a propellantless thrust with only an electrical input. Youtube videos are online from SSI.org that cover various other subjects they have lectures on. They claim to have measured micronewton levels of thrust. Another propellantless thrust idea is the Shawyer engine, based upon microvaves, is online, and has reported some NASA testing by Sonny White, putting the device in a vacuum chamber, shielded in a Faraday cage, although these results seem difficult to verify. The immediate idea of both type of thrusters is for satellite station keeping duties, as the thrust, if at all possible, is very low. Both ideas are rather "cold fusionish" but interesting, nonetheless.
I read of 3 phase motor cores, without the armature, as having some small weight loss when energized. Although the evidence is not much more that anecdotal, it does seem as an interesting experiment, although any weight loss is most likely due to interactions with the earth's magnetic field, from other external sources such as house wiring or simple error. I wonder if anyone on the forum has personally made a device to see if any effects could be seen, as the experiment itself could be a simple one to fabricate. Thanks for any input.
a few comments on the project, since I have falsified any previous scale readings or physical movements of the arm assy. as to having "real" thrust. One presumed limitation on any positive results seems due to the waveform of the stimulating signal, which is somewhat sineosoidal. That limitation was not intended, but seems inevitable with normal, transistor or tube drivers, plus the inherent inductance of the elements themselves. The signal input is a pure square wave from the 4017, but with the circuity that I have used, the intantaneous travel, or wave energy instilled into the elements is limited, and this peak speed limit could be a crucial factor for limiting thrust, simply due to this "rounding" effect. This seems a limiting factor in the devices used by the Woodward team, as they use a transformer drive, which presumably delivers a rather pure sinosoidal drive. Another issue is the materials used, in that a nanomaterial that has a quicker response time to stimulation is needed other than rather heavy piezos, and has a low inductance. The insulating material between elements likewise needs to be a nanomaterial that exibits a "phononic diode" effect, in that it allows physical impulse to transferred in one direction easily, and offer a high impedance in the other, thus limiting back reaction. The question of how it even could work at all is perhaps that the acceleration of the elements must be fast enough to "interfere" with the virtual particle pairs of space/time, and under such conditions, become a physical medium capable for mass to interact with. I do think I have developed some miniscule actual thrust, but only slightly above the plank limit, as an analogy to waving your hand might create gravity waves, but only just above plank limit.
leonard susskind mostly as per einstein's formulae
hearing of the possibility of worm holes allowing quick travelling throughout space, if 2 holes were to be entangled in the purpose of using them for such travel, wouldn't they need to be entangled near each other, then one of the them would have to be physically moved at slow speed, to provide a terminus of the other one? This seems like taking a long time to string a comm wire, then once that is completed, near instant signals be sent between them, only with worm holes the physical travels are instantaneous.
as to how i presume that the observed thrust is from ultrasonics, I simply placed a solid flat surface below the right side stack, and observed the weight gain in the scale positioned below the left stack. But, the first time I did this a few days earlier, i noted a weight decrease, as if the surface was somehow attracting the right stack, and not repelling it as expected. I proceeded to use the existing setup for the "conjoined" dual piezo arrangement and hooked it up to piezo #1 feed line, and turned off the other four. To my surprise, the #1 output was dead, and quickly found that with building the new 4017 board, I had mistakenly switched the firing arrangement. I rewired the board and made the firing order correct, and then place the solid surface under the right side stack, and the weight in the scale at the opposing end, did now increase, as I had originally expected it to do. How the first trial of checking for acoustics could have displayed an attractive force is puzzling. I will reverse the normal scan order to attempt to replicate this attractive behavior the ultrasonics seemed to produce, or find it was a measurement error and was meaningless. I know little of ultrasonics behavior and it perhaps certain phase relations with a nearby surface can cause and attractive force. Anyone with knowledge of this sort behavior being possible, please advise.
I have considered that the poly insulators separating the elements within the stack are a limiting factor in transference of shock, and therefore are a limiting factor in it's peak value as the wave travels through it. The washers currently used are a little over 1 mm thick and rather soft in density. It seems that a replacement of the washers with either a more solid substance, such as a ceramic of the same size, or by using thinner poly washers, or perhaps cutting ones from thin mylar sheeting. The thinner washers idea will be tried before proceeding with the direct contact approach as described in the previous posting.
I have determined to a near certainty that the apparent thrust of last November was due to audio ultrasonics emitted from the stacks and not due to a "real" thrust from the mechanism. I do have an idea that stacking the elements directly touching and stimulating with a higher potential, using a two contact arrangement , one on each end. The potential across each element will be divided by the number of elements, since they will be in a simple series circuit, (connected by their faces) so the needed voltage will be quite high, needing upwards to 3KV across each piezo. The central nylon rod arrangement will still be used to constrain the stack as before. The physical movement of the end piezos will be the accumulated movement of all of them. I will use a large mass at one end of the stack, as in the Woodward scheme, to cause an imbalance of physical movements in stack ends. So far I have tried one, then two in series with the established voltage used of approx 2KV, which divided within the series arrangement is too low to expect even a false ultrasonic output. To have any chance of achieving any output, real or false, will require reverting back to the tube drive, with the higher voltages that they can handle vs. the horizontal output transistors, and attempt to drive a stack of 3 piezos with a 10Kv p-p signal to attempt to attain 3kv p-p across each element. I have determined that 3kv is the maximum voltage across each piezo before arcing will occur.
It seems you are saying that the waves are indeed carrying away and thus preserving the information into the "entire" spacetime (universe)
while it is presumed that information is not lost when matter falls into a black hole, it seems understood that overall mass is lost when black holes merge. What happens to the information contained within this "lost" mass due to it's conversion into the wave energy? Is this not lost, or can be somehow reconstructed from the waves, as they extend across space, or perhaps resurrected from space/time itself after the waves have passed?
along with possible determination of environmental factors affecting the stacks concurrently, another aspect I have considered is to see if there is any interactions between the stacks as related to their proximity and relative angles, that are not from normal emf or simple acoustic transfers.
I have been considering the idea of making two more identical devices, running concurrently and adjusted as close as possible with the same drive freqs. and delay intervals. These "twins" would be adjusted for identical scope traces and monitored for any duplications in the weight changes. They would be two single stack arrangements, as the waveforms on the double stacks are much less predictable and less able to remain fixed on a stable set of resonances. This I determine due to the crosstalk between the double stacks setup since they are run in direct parallel, and in non buffered connection. Not only are the traces more unstable, but less "pretty" and don't have the character generator feature of the single stack arrangement.