I think this is good. With the waking up early, I kind of think sleep is a waste of time, so I only get about 5 hours a night. I understand that I need to plan. I have a really good internal clock and can usually remember when I need to do things, except for the schedule.
That is a really good idea to use different colored pens, and I need to do that. I am a really spontaneous person, so it is hard to keep a schedule. I often go for random walks and the like. With the don't spend a lot of time on anything, that is also a good point. I obsess on things, then forget life around me(over Christmas vacation I was learning the programming for Arduino I obsessed on it and was awake for two days and nights straight. I, at the end of vacation found out the core reason why I obsess with things. I always feel like I don't have enough time to do everything. I also need to get into a habit of going things at certain times. I forget to eat a lot because I am in my own world of doing something more important. I also don't like doing a schedule because I am a perfectionist, and if I am always thinking of doing a schedule I can't fully focus on my other stuff.. I will admit, as much as I hate schedules, I love school because of schedules. It makes it so I have to eat at a certain time, classes at these times. I am still behind because I don't keep an assignment book. I am trying really hard this quarter to keep it. I just guess I am very arrogant because I usually get A's and A+'s, so I have no reason to keep a schedule I'm trying so hard though I will win!!! Thanks for the advice.