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Everything posted by Mad-Scientist

  1. The absurdity of terrorism continues to grow. Society isn't perfect but that shouldn't warrant senseless murder. We can wonder if society alienates people to become this way, is this prevalent as a new phenomenon or has it always been. Condolence to those affected
  2. Great show but the science can be disproved. But who knows, there may be nothing cooler than using a phone and a microwave to simulate a wormhole
  3. Any follow-ups to the magnetic monopole (work by UAB, Spain) created by the Magnetic 'Wormhole' earlier this year?
  4. I'm looking to help someone with a few chemistry experiments that I need help improving. 1) How do I get the best out of distillation 2) Structure and use of anti-foam 3) The role of gas laws and inter-molecular forces in distillation. 4) How to record tables and graphs for this Thanks for the help in advance
  5. I'd like to take up your offer on that, playing chess online can be quite exciting.
  6. I was also taken back by quantum entanglement at first and it is still quite odd. But it has to do with the spin of particles, suggesting that multiple particles are linked. It was tested using mathematical data and not as observation apparently. Here's a good read: http://physics.about.com/od/quantumphysics/f/QuantumEntanglement.htm
  7. Interesting, this would mean that completely synthesised organisms are possible in the future. But doesn't this cell-structure look quite a lot different from the conventional cells we find today?
  8. I think that it was quite interesting actually. There are many devoted admin, moderators and members on this forum. They deserve to be praised/awarded for their consistent efforts. I support it.
  9. This is interesting, if what the article states is all correct, then this proves that monopoles do exist. Even in this unstable form, it opens possibilities to creating new forms of technology in the future.
  10. Oh...i see what you mean, but I'm quite sure the substances you mentioned are quite safe. In this case his age should also be taken into consideration though...
  11. Quite an epic forum this is. Greeting to all the members, I'm new here and I've been looking for a good forum like this for a while now. Hope to share in the intellectual discussions with fellow members.
  12. Wow, this is a hard choice, I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to choose both. Well, as you stated, it would be obvious to pick the one you are more interested in or need most for your future career. Both fields are broad/extensive, so you have to do in-depth research on both fields to learn more about it and which would be you personal favorite.
  13. The sentence is in past tense, 'already' is probably to emphasise that the program had gone past the normal schedule. The hotel has been given over to host another event because of this.
  14. By the description, it might seem like you might need an electron microscope. It would depend on the size of magnification that you are looking for, but for the the clearest picture on parts per million and bacteria, an electron microscope would be best. This is not to say that a compound light microscope wouldn't work. To see bacteria generally a microscope with a magnification of 1000X is needed, this is about the max magnification of a light microscope.
  15. Ah i see. How much depth context do you think would be necessary usually? I'm sure it does depend largely on the level of the presentation, ranging from well, school to university level.
  16. Much of the greenhouse gases released through the combustion of fossil fuels is in the production of electricity at power plants. Carbon Capure and Storage (CCS) is a known method to capturing CO2. Through the implementation of CCS, approximately 90% of CO2 emissions from coal power stations can be reduced and the cost of electricity increased by no more than 20%. http://www.canadiancleanpowercoalition.com/pdf/CAS3%20-%20Ammoniakk%2520CO2%2520capture%2520NETL%2520febr.%25202005.pdf The initial cost are high and this could be seen as not cost-effective, but what if the stored CO2 is used to produce fuels or recycled into useful commodities/substances? 1.) Naturally reacting carbon dioxide with nickel particles in water creates calcium carbonate (chalk). This is used to make cement and plaster casts. On the 7 Feb 2013, Scientists at Newcastle University, discovered the natural process in sea animals. http://mg.co.za/article/2013-02-07-sea-urchins-could-save-the-world/ 2.) Enabling Technology uses excess carbon dioxide to produce acrylate. Researchers at Brown and Yale, March 21, 2013, have demonstrated a new technology that could use excess carbon dioxide to produce acrylate, a valuable commodity chemical involved in the manufacture of everything from polyester cloth to disposable diapers. Still in progress of completion. http://news.brown.edu/pressreleases/2013/03/acrylate 3) The use of microorganism to produce fuels from CO2. Mar. 26, 2013, researchers at the University of Georgia have created a microorganism that uses the process of photosynthesis to produce fuels. Aug. 21, 2012, Research scientists at MIT genetically modified a bacteria so that instead of storing food as a polymer, it produces isobutanol. Isobutanol can be used as a substitute for gasoline. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/03/130326112301.htm http://www.geek.com/news/mit-is-bioengineering-bacteria-to-turn-co2-into-fuel-1510493/ In conclusion, the CCS system can be linked with methods to make it a possible feature of all power plants to reduce CO2 emissions and create an alternative source of creating clean energy or valuable resources.
  17. Why would you say that? This may be based on the scientists you've known or seen, but that might be a generalized view and biased. Besides, it depends on how you perceive 'love', for some scientists; science is love.
  18. Great, think that is a good thing to aim for. While your 'IQ' might not always give an accurate reflection of you abilities or intellectual capabilities, but it does stand for something. To improve yourself there are a few things you could try. You have to constantly be using your brain and try learning new things. Puzzles, video games and board games are said to work. Do not think that there is much solid evidence to support this but its worth a shot.
  19. Notes and tips to correctly and effectively presenting all types of projects. The Scientific Method:http://www.sciencebuddies.org/science-fair-projects/project_scientific_method.shtml Referencing/Citation styles:http://library.nmmu.ac.za/Information-resources/Reference-styles http://www.harvardgenerator.com/references/website Feel free to add any personal tips or information regarding project presentation.
  20. Interesting, I was wondering about this when I came across it in many of the recent text books. Still seems like there quite some discussion about this going on.
  21. Copper sulfate has many industrial and agricultural uses, but is this project efficient and can it be presented in an innovative manner?
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