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  1. yeah i agree. just completely confused as the next question is: -compare your calculated mass with the weighed quantity. must be a missprint/i'm missing some information. Thank you for confirming
  2. Im stuck on this practical question below because i believe i don't have enough information to answer it. If anyone could point me in the right direction it would really help: -Calculate the mass of a compound with a molar mass 392 in 100cm3 of solution All i know was to: accurately weigh 0.7g of this compound and transfer it into 100cm3 graduated flask containing 80cm3 distilled water. shake to dissolve and then make the solution up to 100cm3 with distilled water. As im being asked to calculate the mass of the compound i cant use the 0.7g (as i'm supposed to be calculating this), i cant use mass=conc X volume as i don't know the concentration. so i can only think of using mass= number moles X Molar mass but i dont know how many moles there are. Only other think i can think of is using the density/volume of water i used but that's presuming the volume of the compound in the 100cm3 is negligible which i havent been told to presume. surely i need more information such as concentration or total mass of compound and solution? Thanks to anyone who helps!
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