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Rajnish Kaushik

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Everything posted by Rajnish Kaushik

  1. Any simple school level yet effective explanations??
  2. i didnt got my answer yet
  3. simple school level functions in c++
  4. r u admin or staff?? since u interfare in topics which we are dissucing and ii dont think that its good indeed
  5. so therefore they are moved or removed right??
  6. need tutorials on Functions in c++
  7. Thats to hard can u have something more simpler please
  8. How to i use it in programs and why?
  9. i did not understood anything on functions
  10. that wasent my question but i asked that Cl is helogen yet diatomic so why hydrogen isnt an metal or non metal or metteloid??
  11. thnx bro but Cl2 is also diatomic nonmetal but its still helogen??
  12. but the laws are made by us not nature but Newton and newton is not an god indeed
  13. stingjunky nice answer but can me more better
  14. but u should know that our laws are made by us
  15. but how life camed on that comet??
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