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Rajnish Kaushik

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Everything posted by Rajnish Kaushik

  1. My tips are just forgot about the spellings since they can be done by pc also just take care about the placement and delivery of your words hope i helped
  2. Since its the basic and by this it will help in atomic structure and chemical equilibrium then thermodynamics and in organic go for GOC first
  3. Thnx for that
  4. start with mole concept
  5. so i can logout when i m banned?
  6. Life is an Adventure !!! Live it !!!

  7. when i was suspended i was not able to log out y was that happened?
  8. it is an project on environment studies and i need something intresting on that(only written nothing model or figure)
  9. Hello i m in 11th std and need your help in chossing an evs project since i m not able to find anything good Every suggestion will be appreciated Thank You
  10. they have none of them first i have ordered one book from school before 2 months which didnt came until now only 10$ so how will they buy them
  11. It do kill them but its too painful so be ready for the pain
  12. its not good to comment on others religion by the way i m Hindu but still not good to comment on Islam Due to some whole cal is seen b bad way
  13. i cannot find anything in my budget so do they have some suggestion?
  14. I want to make a working science project to show my family and it should be cheap as well as working!!!! every suggestion will be appreciated
  15. in then i will be the one too
  16. nothing interesting just solving sums and theory nothing practical
  17. BOY Asked for cureocity
  18. see my boring portion
  19. My Thought is that pics should be sent since he isnt forcing and just asking and in touch from last 6 monts any other suggestions will be appreciated
  20. should i say sorry or stay on my point now?
  21. i think the same so what should be done now? ??
  22. talking from a long tome 6-7 month !
  23. no no reason just face pics
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