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Everything posted by delboy

  1. I wouldn't say it proves evolution on it's own, but it's one of the strongest pieces of evidence. The first chapter in Darwin's Origin of Species was 'Variation under Domestication'. It seems to me that all the evidence from so may different sources proves evolution. I always feel uncomfortable that it's generally referred to as the theory of evolution. I know science has to be open to change but when does a theory become a fact. After all no one these days refers to the theory of a flat earth. Why do we have to pander to religion? They're not scientists. Would we still be calling it a theory if religion didn't exist?
  2. Thanks for the reply. What does this mean?
  3. I have wondered for a while about how species is defined for a purely asexual organism such as a bacteria. But I particularly wonder how such organisms remain grouped into different species. Surely if they are simply dividing and random mutations are happening all the time, then you would end up with a continuous range of types with no sharp divisions between them. Is there always some limited genetic exchange? Is it possible that early in life history there were no divisions between different types/species?
  4. Hello everybody. There seems to be a trend that new groups start from a small and fairly generalised form. The synapsid reptiles had diversified into some very large and varied forms yet the mammals evolved from a very small general type. And I think the first reptile was quite small and lizard like. Is it a trend that new groups normally stem from a small species (in invertebrates too?). If so is it known why?
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