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Smooth Jazz

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  • Favorite Area of Science
    Inorganic Chemistry

Smooth Jazz's Achievements


Lepton (1/13)



  1. My collection: 6 Carbon - Graphite. 7 Nitrogen - Air. 8 Oxygen - Air. 9 Fluorine - Small piece of fluorite. 13 Aluminum - Foil. 14 Silicon - Silicon chip. 15 Phosphorus - Ampoule containing 1 gram of amorphous red phosphorus, from ebay. 16 Sulfur - Chunk of native sulfur. 18 Argon - Argon-filled light bulb. 26 Iron - Cast iron pan. 28 Nickel - Small strips from chemistry set. 29 Copper - Small strips from chemistry set. 30 Zinc - Small strips from chemistry set. 36 Krypton - Krypton flashlight bulb. 47 Silver - 1 oz silver coin. 50 Tin - Tin fishing weights. 51 Antimony - 50 Gram chunk, from Metallium. 52 Tellurium - 10 grams, mostly powder. 54 Xenon - Xenon flashlight bulb. 73 Tantalum - Piece of tantalum foil. 79 Gold - 1/20 oz gold coin. 82 Lead - Fishing weights, small strips from chemistry set. 83 Bismuth - 10 gram pellet from Metallium. Getting soon: 12 Magnesium - Disk from United Nuclear. 14 Silicon - Vial from United Nuclear. 24 Chromium - 100 grams of chromium pieces. 27 Cobalt - Chunk from United Nuclear. 31 Gallium - 20 Gram portion. 49 Indium - 10 gram piece. 80 Mercury - Several mercury thermometers. Also, I do have a question: If the ampoule were to rupture, would 300 mg of bromine be a serious hazard? link removed Moderator note: please do not post links to commercial sites.
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