I can relate. I do not want to reproduce without knowing that thus offspring(s) will be of an equal or superior intelligence. I also have ruled out certain "Colors" of the world that I will not even have sex with to even begin any kind of reproduction. In addition, I'm only proud of one of my inherited nationalities and If reproduction were to occur thus offspring(s) must have a larger amount of that nationality than I do (not sure if nationality is correct term).
Your desire in wanting to produce an highly intelligent offspring, and might I add naturally, should be more of a priority in the world. Instead I am under the impression that more research is done to further the ability to repair defects, mutations. Mutations that might not exist, or rather could become extinct naturally, by aiding in the achievement of a variation within your suggestion. However, that may only apply to certain "Color" groups and might not be possible for others. In addition, where Is the justification In researching the ability to change physical attributes, affecting appearance, in a fetus (or a baby)?