Hey all, need some help. I'm running an experiment exposing Vicia Faba (beans) to UVA and UVB light, observing chromosome breaks, and repeating the process with sunscreen added.
I need to find a way to introduce the sunscreen somewhere in between the path of the light and the plants (whether this involves application to the leaves, some sort of glass plate or other)
whatever the solution entails, the following must be true:
1)The sunscreen must be uniformly administered to all plants at once
(ie: no gradients in distribution, no "by hand" application, etc...)
Any ideas? I've already attempted to press the sunscreen between two glass plates to spread it uniformly, but this doesn't work because of the viscosity of the sunscreen. Optimally, I would like to be able to use the sunscreen agent on glass, but need a fix for this problem.
Thanks to anyone willing to read that and reply