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Everything posted by robotoidhuman

  1. Hi... I'm New here and this is my first question... I'm not sure if here the proper sub-forum to ask this question... 2013 is almost over, every year in the edge of the year, I'm alwys curious about... According to the Gregorian calendar, the calendar system which internationally the most widely accepted and used in civil calendar. In Gregorian Calendar, 1 Year = 365 days, 5 hours, 49 minutes, 12 seconds. By that, can be defined as: 365 days, 5 hours, 49 minutes, 12 seconds is the exact time Earth will finish 939,889,368 km of its orbit around the Sun. Or, in other word, by that time Earth will completely Finished and begins new orbital period around the Sun. 2012 is a Leap year, Earth finished its orbit within exactly 366 days. 2013 is not a leap, Earth will finish its orbit within 365,25 days. Here's the question, When will the exact time Earth will completes its orbit and begins new one again? In my assumption, The new orbital period will begins at Jan 1, 2014 GMT +6. My calculation is simply, 365 (days) + 1 (day) / 0.25 (day). Is it correct? Where could i get explanation bout this? could somebody please help me explain to this? Thank you... Regards PS: - Sorry for my poor English, I'm not physic student, I'm just interested in Physics and astronomy, so I can't explain it very clearly. Hope you all get my point.
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