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  1. World’s Largest Nuclear Fusion Reactor to be Built with Enterprise Engineering Technology from Intergraph® News story link provided. commercial url deleted
  2. I hate to say it, but the French have never been reknowned for the strength of their convictions. Therefore, it beggers belief that the French have taken a 'leap of faith' to commence construction of a facility of this magnitude for the purpose of generating power using an the unproven method of 'Fusion'. However, through further research, and to my utter astonishment, I discover that the French are being assisted both financially and technologicaly. This assistance is coming from the Chinese, Indians, Russians and,.....surprise, surprise the Americans. So.....the question here to be asked is, with these kind of $'s being invested, why is no one jumping up and down to take credit and get their due 'pat on the back'?
  3. At the meagre cost of some 3 Billion Euros plus, the French Government has now commenced construction of it's Fusion-based power plant. Why?
  4. Impact will splash outer shell at light speed.
  5. Somebody is building a starship. The engines are being manufactured in France......Fusion Drive
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