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Scott Thorpe

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  1. This is an open discussion concerning the recent thoughts that have occurred in the months passed, all thoughts below are theoretical and are my own. The fear of the afterlife is a world wide known eventuality and many avoid the thought processes involved with its understanding. In my personal and partially relevant beliefs the afterlife is a continual nothingness, many believe or find comfort in the thought of an afterlife which aids in the acceptance of death. So the theory that I have succumb to in the recent months is of a virtual reality in which we are entwined into on the date of our ends, the system it's self is completely theoretical. Please excuse any layout mistakes in advance. Once the body begins it's process and the medical prognoses of death is made if we were to extract the brain and contain it using proven chemical techniques (or any preservation process) then the brain it's self would be in a state of inactivity. Following this if we were to provide the excavated brain the necessities it's requires to create brain function (top class nutrition, a steady supply of energy and a steady supply of oxygen) then it is possible to restore brain activity. Once preservation is complete, using similar designed technology to the retina implant known as the 'bionic-eye' connect the visual cortex if the brain to a virtual image. Once the connection is made the brain will be able to observe the image presented to it through the retina implant, almost like imagining an open field or your local town. For this discussion we will use the example of your own bedroom as the presented image, once a created 3D virtual room is created we then connect technology using the same principal as a electroencephalogram which is already being used to harness brain power and apply it to physical reactions, this can be seen basically in the website 'emotive'. When combined with the virtual image this would theoretically allow the brain to interact with the room and perform tasks in the virtual space. Once the process is perfected we could allow the deceased to live on in the virtual afterlife and be re-united with one another through a merged mainframe of computer systems. Living minds could also connect to the virtual system and interact with their lost relatives and friends. The sustainability of the preservation can last up to 100 years providing longer existence. The use of the system could become the greatest resource of knowledge and guidance. I understand that this my conflict with religious beliefs and only ask that people take this concept on board with open minds. More detailed research has been conducted on my behalf which I am more than happy to discuss if any wishes. Please comment with any thoughts. Scott Thorpe
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