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  1. Definitely agree that our choices are our morality. I am not allowed to give hyperlinks, or say the J word, but Yes the J person knows our H***** and our motivations and everything we do and what everyone does or conspires to do. No one gets away with anything, everything comes out in the OPEN in the End, everyone gets exactly what they deserve. Nothing is hidden, all truths are seen and able to be understood. Mysteries are solved and light conquers darkness. Religions usually give laws rather than the principles upon which to make moral decisions. This is why the J person, b lasted the Religionist who said they beleieved the law and obeyed the law, by saying over and over and over to them, Thou has heard it has been said... The J person stating the law and then saying they did not fulfill the spirt of the law but circumventing the law, to pretend to be righteous when they were dregs and vipers, and worse. Sorry I am not allowed to say who that J person was, or what the religionsts did to HIM in conspiring against HIM
  2. No people who can not take a general overall view and learn the principles involved and the characteristics involved lose. Individuals have to be discerned individually. Just as all scientists are not bought by corporations and governments, but most are. That's called logic and set theory, study MATH. It means the majority, study set theory because it is valuable, even though you can not apply it to every individual. As individuals each must give an account of themselves and what they have done, to the J person. Sorry I am not allowed to say who the J person is, otherwise the censors shall ban me and this thread, and even now they are at the doors as they are very afraid of discussions they can not control and which might upset the comfortable flocks at peace in dream land. Sporry I am not allopwed to write about the J person nor can I say experience is better than theories. I received warnings twice for doing this. You can, because you are one of them and in their fold, I can not. Their minds are closed. You can say absolutely nothing and get away with it, I am rebiuffed for apparrently not giving citations for easy rational searchable facts. Science worshippers must stick together as a tight congregation, all speaking the same thing, and all obeying their heirarchical leaders. Science should be a search for knowledge but it has turned into just the opposite. Sad very sad. There is no fear in love, but I have been banned from mentioning love, and yet you can use graphics, I can not use graphics or words, nor would I be allowed to give a verse reference from my source. Nor would I be allowed to say what real love is or who real love is. Wake up Ender, get in the real world where real motivations cloud free thinking, and where force and coercion rule.
  3. Scientists like religionists want to upgrade their low self esteem so they pretend they know more of the real world than normal real people. They form forums to push their agenda among themselves so they can sing to the choir that must obey their directions and respond accordingly. They must theorise and hypothesize everything so that nothing is known or be able to be proven So rather than silencing the voices of foolishness within, they censor anyone that doesn;t respond according to the prescribed format of all scientists taught and trained by the worldly system. They promote the 'lack of design and laws' even though as scientists they are suppose to be looking for laws and truths that are objective and proveable. They support every wide theory ever imagined but say anything concrete and definite, and their censors ban and negate and lock, and try to stamp out any truths so as to protect their weak flocks. Instead of promoting thinking, they stop it before it happens as they have no answers and absolutely refuse to consider possible answers and the design of anything. How very sad. very very sad,
  4. Yea, but strangely you and I and others and all are HERE, so He must have done a pretty good job, even though very unappreciated, as you mentioned, even to the point of some like yourself saying they could have done a better job. But thanks for admitting He did create the DESIGN as that is a given and easy to comprehend. Complain if you must, but surely it comes from ignorance rather than knowledge otherwise you would have been the Creator. Now back to the Design of the Designer, which so many hate, as it is easy to believe and study nothingness and the lack of design, but studying design takes time. And why are you destined to live less than one hundred and twenty years, for those answers you have to ask HIM rather than me, I am just giving you the Math and the ratios and the template of design and creation. OK back to mathematics rather than peoples nerves and voice boxes.... and opinions that they could do better. What page of the 11 are you now on..... if done we shall eventually go on to asbolutely prove that you and your body are PHI TEMPLATED just as with the SOLAR SYSTEM. How's that for connectivity, you are part of the Solar System, or should we say greater than the distances of the Solar System, because you can be phi empowered........ remember phi is not limited by distance, it is a divine ratio, a spiral that retains its power regardless of distances. This thread is confirmed and proven as nobody can mathematically differ with its mathematical truths. And hence the censors of truth and mathematics must now ban me from posting more, as they are betxix themselves and keep pilling up more negative points and warnings, for some unknown reason. Anyway all are responsible for being shown design so that they are without excuse.
  5. Of course the rich conspire against the poor and normal people. Who said we can not talk about the truth of politics. And the truth about who hires scientists. This is suppose to be the POLITICAL FORUM and you say we have to believe ebverything the government says. Unbelieveable. I rest my case and my truth is confirmed. And therefore you must ban me instantly or lose face. Ender, study current events, Its all I can say. Study life and get real.
  6. I suggest you use your internet coinnection for at least a simple GOOGLE SEARCH to confirm all the frequencies I have posted, if not it seems you have nothing to add except a complaints, that show you can;t do simple research. Did you spend one or two seconds in researching before posting..... Do the math, and know the distances and measures, I didn;t make these the Lord did at Creation. Nevertheless be comforted that you shall not have to feel uncomfortable for much longer as the censors are about to strike.
  7. Away from your sex lives or lack of sex lives, and back to the 33 hertz frequency, that shoots up to your brain if ever a person achieves, lets call it bliss. OK so we have 111 hertz confirmation exactly from the Soilfeggio notes, and 111 brain wave frequencies, when going from left to right cortexes, and we have 111 resonant frequency in sacred stones and temples, and we have 33 hertz frequency in crystals and sex that relate exactly to 111 hertz, so go to an overall F sharp board and see all the other confirmations... http://www.davidjayjordan.com/EarthPyramidHumanResonanceChart.html
  8. Prove it for yourself or believe everything that governments tell you. Your choice, your life. Stop looking for evidences and supposed excuses from others, Prove things for yourself. That is what personal responsibility is all about. Blame no one but yourself for your actuions or lack of actions. The governments of this world and their corporations are not benign. I know, most scientists would not want to admit this. So rationally and logicaslly say that I am wrong and that governments and corporations are loving caring institutions created for your beneift and happiness. Then prove it with your evidences and first hand experiences in the real world. The Lord's science helps people, the Lord's plants cure people, the world's pharmacies are drug dealers for the most part and are onl;y in operation to make money. FULL STOP
  9. I suggest reading and understanding prophecy, and then reading current events. But the principle remains, scientists are bought by corporations and governments not for the advancement of mankind but for the impoverhment of mankind for the benefit of the few. That's a given.
  10. You must connect the dots and rather than writing dischord write chord and harmony in how things relate to one another.. SEE and study http://www.davidjayjordan.com/EarthResonance33.html You,ve got a lot of studying to do... Again note that the Earth's Resonance of 7.83 is directly connected to the speed of light around the sacred demensions of the size of the Earth. Not by chance but by design OK you should have noted that 33 hertz is also involved, so ask yourself why.. Its the sexual frequency, the frequency recorded inside a quartz crystal, a quartz crystal being again phi designed and phi ratioed..... and incorporated into our computers as a memory source, which allows us retrieval of information. http://www.davidjayjordan.com/33Hertz.html 33 hertz is all important and connects up to 111 hertz the gateway. 33 is the resonant frequency of quartz crytals !!! Its the resonant frequency of .... our base chakra or you could say our divine means of reproducing. And it spirals up our spines through 33 vertebrae, to our brains, and BOOM the endorphins are released and we climax and that power is more than just a pleasure trip. Or at least it can be and was for the ancients..... as they used it for soul projection.
  11. Medicines purpose is to make money before the death of the patient, This is what pharmaceutical corporations are all about. Do the research and find out who controls the FDA. Cures are not as beneficial as symptom killers. Keep the patient alive but in pain that they can relieve with their drugs. Study the health of our kids now and study what they are forced to eat, and study how oil companies are destroying the water and the land. Do the research, know current events. Know the absiolute destruction that the Japanese meltdown has caused and how nuclear energy is so destructive and unhealthy and then do repost again. Scientists are bought by big money by either big corporations or by big government, all for enrichment rather than for the common good. Not all scientists, but most. Its sad but true.
  12. Back to mathematics and the phi ratio of creation of our Solar System and even the pathway of sub-atomic particles, the spiral of life. Ha even the decahendron phi racheted DNA of our very being...our blueprint. Design is repeated over and over again in every field of science. Study the golden section, study how our image our bodies are not by chance and by evolutionary luck but because we ourselves are phi designed. Don;t believe it study it. Be open minded, because to truly understand phi power, you have to literally do the measurements of your own bopdy as well. For in doing so you WILL discover sceintifically and mathematically that you are phi designed..... its not hocus pocus, but mathematics do the math. http://www.davidjayjordan.com/GoldenSectionDesigninHumans.html Measure your finger's digit length, that's the beauty of your hands and it shows phi design.
  13. Yes, the circle of the Earth as stated by JOB, was rather advanced so he must have been communicated with. But Yes, the Designer made the shape of the Earth exactly as to its curvature, right within the Great Pyramid's sides.. Now did Enoch know, the exact size of the Earth, the standard rounded off figure in all sacred Geometry measurements throughout history and within all mystery schools, of 7920...... that's it the Creator of the Earth's distance or diameter told him. Do the study, do the research, take time out and realise the sides of the Great Pyramid are convex inward in the exact shape of the Earth. A bunch of Egyptians using string and a 5-4-3 knot did not figure it out, it was supernaturally told them. Study the greatest stone structure ever built and marvel. Use the internet for a search.. try GOOGLE. Just takes seconds.
  14. Sadly governments and corporations fund universities and the last thing they want is free thinkers..... and logical rational thinkers. They want scientists that will work for them to either give them more power or more money. Hence most graduates are bought by corporations to suit these not so honourable ends. Sadly the worst deployment for scientists is the horrible arms race where countries vie for better and better armaments to sell to others, to destroy others and impoverrish others ....... to make bankers even more powerful. Wars should not be the aim of science, but peace. Yet governments and corporations can not be stopped.
  15. Lets make it simplier, and incorporate the basic phi ratio, the template of creation at the same time. The Vitruvian Man, or Naked Man within the Square was taught by the ancients because it is phi based..... PHI is another term for golden section. OK you've all seen the graphics of Leonardo DaVinci, and you should know that Enoch's Pyramid also called the Great Pyramid of Giza was phi designed. Right ? There's a reason why this is sooooo important. The Square is the square of the Earth 7920 The circle is square root of PHI larger, at 1.272 times Meaning the difference is the addition of the Moon.... 2160 7920 plus 2160 eq equals 10080, or 1.272 times the base length. Graphics HERE ... http://www.davidjayjordan.com/Earthmoonphipyramid.html This showing the design of the Earth and Moon. ...as well as the Pyramids design That's a start for you. So try this simple article to understand measure, lengths or distances... http://www.davidjayjordan.com/WhomadetheDistances.html Montainman, phi is not subject to size, whether micro or macro, it is a ratio, in fact called the divine ratio. Whether macro in creating the stars or micro in creating sub atomic particles... SEE http://www.davidjayjordan.com/PhiSpiralofCreation.html
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