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About davidivad

  • Birthday 07/15/1973

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  • Location
    south pole
  • Interests
    i am pretty much interested in everything i can learn about.
  • College Major/Degree
    somewhat educated
  • Favorite Area of Science
  • Biography
    i like cats and coffee, i'm single, and i'm a night owl.
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  1. I am a high functioning schizophrenic. I have used weed on occasion. I found that, while it makes you paranoid, it also helps relieve anxiety that happens due to schizophrenia. If common sense prevails against overuse, then it is helpful. I could believe that it might detour cancer if administered in the right way. If it makes you cough, its probably not good for the lungs. Edibles and vaporizers seem to be the best way to administer since you are not taking in smoke from the plant material. too much thc without cbd causes a state similar to schizophrenic symptoms and clearly can cause damage. here is a video that shows the effects of pure thc compared to thc with cbd. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6U8XARojnbM
  2. thank you for the formula. i need one more thing... would you mind showing it in action?
  3. This is definitely different than our current views in physics. Does it do the same thing? does it do that and more? can you do work with your idea? i would feel better if it had numbers or a formula.
  4. you would lose your phone hole to immediate evaporation. a black hole this size evaporates much quicker than one that is the mass of a star.
  5. en·tro·py ˈentrəpē/ noun 1. PHYSICS a thermodynamic quantity representing the unavailability of a system's thermal energy for conversion into mechanical work, often interpreted as the degree of disorder or randomness in the system. entropy can increase with time until there is no more thermal difference. it does not cause time. it is just a measurement of disorder in a system.
  6. word salad..
  7. it has been a year or so since i last posted on this forum so i will reintroduce myself. my favorite subjects are black holes and quantum theory. hopefully I will be able to practice my argumentation skills and get better at it... or at least learn something new. hello everyone!
  8. such a subject should be considered too important to ignore. throwing people in jail is a quick fix to the problem. however i am unsure how surgery would treat an addiction.
  9. guys, i just met a player from a band that uses chap stick too. however i asked why and he laughed at me... he said it was an old secret and that i shouldn't worry about it myself not being in a band.
  10. thanks stringjunky. that was very informative. i will continue my method with the strat. i'm planning on getting a less paul as a present for hours of practice. i will definitely use your water and detergent method. much thanks.
  11. and it is sky blue because the sky is blue.
  12. well, let me first remind you of a mistake that many people make. we can see out to 13.8 billion light year's distance. that means it is twice that as it is a radial measurement. pi*r^2=A to find the area of the galaxy roughly would be 7850000000 yr^2. that's plenty of space even enough to fit all those brown dwarves we cannot see. fact of the matter is that stars are much closer together towards the center than at the outer reaches.
  13. i have a stratocaster which i use furniture polish rags on to clean it. i wonder if this will mess anything up over time. i figure this is a good place to ask as i see at least one player here. hopefully this isn't too far off topic.
  14. i would also consider that as it softens, it travels up the string too and spreads out a bit probably requiring more
  15. yup, it could. it doesn't take much heat to end up with a bit of aroma with flavored wax.
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