-I love the idea of rapidly changing enviroment, Martin. Also I had been wondering about the cause for dolphin intelligence for a while now, and that explaination seems plausible.
-Advanced communication is another good point I never considered.
-I don't think i've ever hear anyone defend that point of veiw before, 5614. But it does make sense.
-Let me define intelligence here to prevent further debate. The type of intelligence I care about is the kind that developes technology similar to our own.
I'm interested if anyone who knows more about how our brains work than I do can point to any other requirements for brains to function like ours. For instance I heard someone say reptiles could of never gotten this smart because their cold-blooded nature required a different type of brain functioning. And I would assume if ants had been larger they would have been more likely to develop an intelligent brain instead of communicating on instincts, the same may be true for birds.