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Dear readers I forgot to mention that i don't speak english and translation is not fully professional and contains only main points. For interested i can give link to polish forum where we had longer discussion few years ago: http://www.sci.pl/forum/viewtopic.php?t=532 If there is a bigger number of questions i will try to reply to them and translate into english.
Introduction I am a physics teacher in a lower secondary school (gimnazjum). For many years I have thoroughly analysed and interpreted the results of scientific experiments in physics and confronted them with modern theories. The results of the experiments indicate that micro- and macroscopic world observe precise, consistent, explicit and clear rules. Incorrect interpretation of the structure and mechanics of the microscopic world lead to an erroneous division into quantum and classical physics. De Broglie waves and Schrodinger's quantum mechanics were introduced into physics as a result of incomprehension of the structure and mechanisms of the microscopic world. Some of the scientists introduce new, complementary, elementary, non-existent components of matter without proper understanding of lower-order matter. It is a fundamental, empirically proven fact that electric charges radiate electromagnetic waves when they are accelerating. This is a fundamental piece of information regarding the structure of electric charges. When external transverse deformation of a charge occurs, the axis of the main radiation is perpendicular to the sense of acceleration. This means that an electron in an atom cannot revolve, oscillate or change its geometry. Therefore interaction between the spin magnetic moment and an orbital magnetic field does not exist. Thus it was absurd to introduce the fine-structure constant. Any further deliberation on a constant that does not exist in reality is merely embellishing the facts. Both fine and hyperfine structures as well as the intensity of spectral lines can be unambiguously explained with an introduction of cavity structures of micro-objects. The experience unambiguously confirms that the previous ideas of the structure of photon, electric charge and atom are insufficient. The current models of atomic structure make it impossible to explain the fundamental process in the micro- and macroscopic world - the movement of matter. Many of the contemporary physics theories are incoherent, fragmentary, wishful mathematical creations unsupported with any solid experimental evidence. The analysis of experimental results and observations of various life forms and other material objects made me take a different look at the structure of matter. I would like to invite scientists and everyone interested to join a substantial discussion on the following topic: "A different look at the structure of matter." A different look at the structure of matter I. The structure of electric charge To begin with, I would like to quote a few empirical facts. It is known that accelerating electrons and other charges emit electromagnetic radiation. Electrons, for instance, are subject to influences in a conductor, ordinary resonant circuit, magnetron, klystron, X-ray tube, storage ring, etc. Figure The main radiation axis is perpendicular to the sense of acceleration of a charge. That perpendicularity is fundamental information on the structure of micro-objects. The intensity of the X-radiation, its frequency range and directivity increase rapidly when an electron experiences huge acceleration. The characteristic feature of a continuous X-ray spectrum is the existence of the short-wave limit. Electrons exhibit gravitational-electromagnetic nature. I have analysed the previous scientific experiments and, in my opinion, the structure of electron and other charges is as follows: electron is a cavity composed of the main mass part, filled with photons trapped in it; the trapped (compressed) photons can be named "cold" photons. The structure of a cavity (object) can be simple or complex. (Important.) Figure. Cross section of a simple cavity 1. Main mass (gravitational) part 2. Electromagnetic part (trapped photons have invariant mass; the electric field comes from these photons). A simple calculation proves that the structure of a cavity is less tight on the outside than on the inside. This is the main aspect of how a cavity works. It makes it easier for photons from the outside to get inside and complement electricity and mass. This process is a natural charge and mass regeneration. In the process of internal trapping the change of the direction of the reflected photon needs to be considered. An accelerated electron undergoes transverse deformation. As a result the boundary angle between the photon and the inner structure of the cavity changes. Figure At that point some photons gain a partial degree of freedom in the direction transverse to the sense of acceleration. This is how they get "unhooked" or "released". That provides a logical explanation for the mechanism of the X-ray generation, the main axis of which is perpendicular to acceleration. The shortwave end of the spectrum is determined by the inner size of the cavity. A photon with the compression length smaller than the size of the trapping space of a cavity is a moving, "hot" photon that will leave the cavity after short sampling. This approach enables us to reasonably explain the shape of the curve of the X-ray energy spectrum. The fundamental relations between a cavity and a photon are as follows: A/ A photon can bounce off the outer or inner structure of a cavity. B/ A photon can be absorbed by a cavity. In that case the kinetic energy of a photon can change into either internal energy of the cavity (elastic energy) or internal energy of the cavity plus kinetic energy of the cavity and the photon. When emitted from a cavity a photon regains its energy. The cavity, however, gets partially cooled. This is a fundamental mechanism of the movement of matter. Photons move micro-objects, micro-objects move bigger micro-objects, etc. (inertia matching). C/ An absorbed photon (photons) of appropriate energy can tear the cavity out of the substance structure. This process explains in a logical way the mechanism of the photoelectric effect. D/ A photon absorbed by a cavity releases other internal photons. (Logical explanation of the Compton effect.) This is the result of a longitudinal internal deformation. E/ A photon penetrates the cavity. In absorption-emission processes the internal or external energy of a cavity can change. Known laser cooling or heating of micro-objects can be used as an example here. In that model the external electric field (static or dynamic) of a single cavity does not have to be central (in spite of focusing and high voltage an electron beam in a cathode ray tube should scatter). Most actual experiments deal with electrostatic field coming from a set of elementary charges. Non-central field makes it possible, in certain conditions, for charges of the same sign to combine (atomic nuclei, condensation of electrons - superconductivity). Such an electric field of a single cavity explains the structure, size and stability of atomic nuclei (and also non-stability of large atomic nuclei). By deforming the cavity we change the position of photons in relation to each other. That way we change the external electromagnetic field of a cavity and its optical properties (the piezoelectric effect). This concept allows for temporarily empty cavities to exist. We can say that charged particles are missiles, jet engines (e.g. radioactive decay) filled with photon fuel. When electric charges are significantly accelerated they radiate a considerable amount of photons and thus lose their electricity and mass. When they reach the speed of light, they lose their electric field. Thus a charge in an electromagnetic field cannot exceed the speed of photons (light). Photons emission causes loss of electromagnetism and mass. This leads to the correction of charges paths in an accelerator. The theory of relativity, which mentions the increase of mass, is incorrect. The mass-energy equivalence theory is also incorrect. The mc2 equation is correct only in the world of photons. Any changes (acceleration) in micro- and macroscopic world are followed by emission or absorption of photons. This is a fundamental mechanism of the material world mechanics. Vavilov's hypothesis that the luminescence discovered by Cherenkov is associated with the movement of free electrons in matter is incorrect. It is impossible for charges to move in a substance with no interactions. That radiation of some directivity is the effect of interactions (deformation of cavities) between charges and the medium. The current explanation of the Vavilov-Cherenkov phenomenon is another magic interpretation. The size of the constant speed of a charge is in no way related to the radiation (no deformation). A quote from physics literature: "Vavilov-Cherenkov luminescence in the only case when a charge that is moving uniformly radiates an electromagnetic wave." I also can claim that at some place in Unisław there is no gravity. Particles exhibit mass-field features. To attribute wave properties to micro-objects is a significant abuse. Diffraction is an ordinary process of interactions between particles of complex mass-field geometry and grainy matter that create a bands image (grainy). (Also interactions between charges.) The observations of relationships between photons and micro-objects clearly indicate that photons have invariant mass. Thus the relativistic mass equation is incorrect. To attribute some features, behaviour of matter to great velocities is a nonsense that results from the incorrect ?(1- v2/c2) expression. That expression is a "remedy" for everything. All the phenomena, processes in the world of matter are related to influences (accelerations). In my opinion the Michelson-Morley interference method does not enable us to confirm the constancy of the speed of photons in inertial frames. There are no rational obstacles that could prevent a particle (matter) from exceeding the speed of light in a space filled with an appropriate gravitational field. Question: Are the interference bands on the screen the result of: -) amplification and suppression of coherent electromagnetic waves. -) interactions between ordered photons in places of coercion (slit, sharp edge). -) interactions between a monochromatic beam and a sharp edge, slit. Such interactions of ordered photons can generate multiple images of narrow slits, sharp edges, irregularities. In an experiment conducted with the use of a grid, laser, photoelectric semiconductors and sight I did not observe any photons in the dark space. In order to fully explain the interference effect of electromagnetic waves we should measure the energy of the beam reaching the slit, grid and the energy reaching the bright bands on the screen. If they turn out to be similar (taking into consideration the experimental error), what about the suppression of photons then? This is an important issue in physics because Michelson used that fact in his experiment to claim that the speed of light is constant in inertial frames. II. Atomic structure. Physicists analysed the atomic spectra, particles dispersion, penetration of matter by particles and other types of matter behaviour and initially proposed an atomic model in which electrons travel on orbits (shells). The experiment, however, unambiguously confirms that an electron moving on a curvilinear path radiates energy what eventually leads to its halt. This is a fundamental experimental proof that needs to be taken into consideration as far as atomic structure is concerned. In that difficult situation Louis de Broglie introduced the concept of matter waves which are a figment of imagination and do not exist in reality. The experiment confirming the existence of matter waves was misinterpreted. Diffraction rings are merely gravitational-electromagnetic particles (interactions between the particles also need to be taken into consideration) reflecting from a complex grainy structure of a crystal (it is an ordinary image of the structure of a crystal). We can observe a similar band effect when particles interact with the grainy internal structure of thin metal foils. A process like interference amplification, attenuation of the stream of particles does not exist. At this point I would like to suggest having a close look at the images of matter structure obtained with an ion microscope. De Broglie's concept became a lodestar in the new Schrödinger's theory. On the basis of de Broglie's incorrect deliberations and other laws of classical physics he introduced his own wave equation which has nothing in common with the description of the behaviour of the real microscopic world. The interpretation of the results of that equation provides only an apparent truth about the real world. A debate of physicists is needed now to reject that equation. On the basis of the results of previous studies (experiments) we can quite accurately define the parameters of the structure and behaviour of electrons. Any motion of a charge in a limited space causes emission of photons. The process of an electron moving into the orbit of an atom from the outside or entering oscillation or other mysterious states is a pipe dream. That way Schrödinger intellectually deepened the untruth about the atomic structure. Later on the process of mathematical "embellishment" of that untruth began and it lasts to this day. It is impossible to explain the fundamental process of movement of atoms, particles and matter with the use of the above-mentioned models. By adopting this atomic model (modified models) physicists took a wrong turn that takes us away from the real structure of the microscopic world. The previous atomic models are "poor, useless building elements" that cannot be used neither for logical constructions nor explanation of most examples of matter behaviour. We should ask - on what basis do physicists assume that the nuclei components of different elements are of the same type? In my opinion electrons in an atom stick to the nucleus or move influenced by the energy. Line spectra have nothing to do with electrons stuck to the nucleus (photons come from the insides of cavities and inter-cavity space). A process like electron transition, transferring energy from one state to another does not exist. Also, there is no such a phenomenon as creation, annihilation of particles, photons (there are no solid proofs, only wishful thinking). Photons are specific components of matter that exist in reality. They can rest in relation to the cavity (trapped) or move independently at the speed of light. We can say that photons are gravitational-electromagnetic oscillators that are the main factor that makes matter move. For that reason micro-objects cannot exceed the speed of photons. Photons are lossless objects. In nature they function as energy stabilizers. Non-central electromagnetic field of cavities makes various combinations of protons possible. Protons and neutrons are cavities that form the nucleus of an atom. The simplest atom is a single cavity filled with photons and neutralized with the negative charge of electrons. That mechanism of combining explains the issue of size, stability, radioactivity of atomic nuclei. Protons, neutrons, space between the nucleus components and space between atoms are traps for photons. Bodies in condensed phase (macrocavities) brought to a suitably high temperature (e.g. mechanical deformation) produce a constant spectrum that contains all the wavelengths distributed in the spectrum in a constant way. That experiment proves that the space between atoms is a nest of photons. When atoms (simple or complex cavities) in a gaseous state are subject to external activity (deformation), they emit radiation and thus generate atomic line spectra. In the Franck-Hertz experiment we observe a resonant energy exchange between an electron and a cavity. The type of cavities and their arrangement in an atom determine the structure of the atomic spectrum. Each distinctive place inside a cavity, between cavities, can contain a different number of photons. This mechanism explains the issue related to the intensity of spectral lines. Appropriate types of cavities may combine with each other in many different ways to form isotopes. According to the new model, complex internal and external geometry of atoms and particles enables them to combine in many different ways, e.g. diversity of living organisms, cancers, new materials, isotopes. This means that the same substance may exhibit different (to some extent) electric, magnetic, optical and mechanical properties. Connections between such objects allow for smaller or bigger gaps between the micro-objects of a given structure. To explain the gaps of a given structure with the use of the orbital model etc. is incorrect. The new model makes it possible to pass logically from micro-objects to various macro-objects that exist in nature. Some combinations of atoms, particles are followed by their slight deformation that causes emission or absorption of photons (chemical reaction). To interpret chemical bonds on the basis of the present models is absurd and at odds with common sense. When huge deformations of cavities occur (fusion, fission) the shortest photons are released from the smallest recesses of the matter. When we use a strong electric, magnetic field against appropriate matter (deformation of cavities) we can change its emission-absorption features, e.g. new spectral lines, resonant absorption of electromagnetic waves (e.g. so-called nuclear resonance). Prolonged influence may result in a slight change of the geometry of a cavity. In that way the possible combinations of these objects change so we can talk about evolution of matter here. In deliberations on black-body radiation many false assumptions lead to fairly correct results. The introduction of an abstract quantum oscillator that takes the En=nh? energy has neither no real sense nor experimental confirmation. Current knowledge enables us to provide a photon structure model and clarify the ideas of these objects. A model that enables us to explain, among others, the mechanisms of: reflection, polarization and propagation of photons in non-uniform media. Generally speaking - the relationships between photons and micro- and macroscopic world. The elementary parameters of a photon are finite and definite spacial aspects, as well as energy and mass features of that object. By bringing appropriate photons (and only photons) to a gaseous state we bring it from lower to higher energy level. Gas completely devoid of photons is dead gas, condensed (the gravity of Earth allows for a leakage of photons). This experiment indicates that the energy spectrum of particles is the main image of the energy spectrum of photons. Current knowledge indicates that photons (specific particles) which are moving in an appropriate box and fulfil certain conditions are subject to Maxwell energy distribution. A box characterised by a total internal vacuum (devoid of photons and other micro-objects) has zero intrinsic energy. The new model of the structure of micro-objects, photons solves in an unambiguous way the problems related to the definitions of the notions like: temperature, energy density, zero energy. All the processes in nature are closely, precisely and logically interconnected (we can proceed to the mathematical description now). There is one accurate, precise and coherent mathematical method that describes the behaviour of matter. An actual division into classical and quantum physics does not exist. Such a distinction results from the lack of understanding of how the material world works. I would like to invite scientists to create a new theory of the structure and mechanisms of the real material world, that is coherent and in accordance with the experience. A new look at the structure and mechanisms of microscopic world will make it possible to direct, in a predetermined way, the flow and configuration of matter (e.g. removal of degenerate matter), as well as release, in a controlled way, pure photon energy. A different look at the mechanism of the Compton effect and the photoelectric effect. The current explanation of the Compton effect raises many objections. On the basis of current experimental knowledge I claim that the theoretical explanation of this effect is false. The transition of the same photon of ? frequency into a lower energy photon of ?' frequency as a result of contact with a resting electron is incorrect interpretation. Many physicists took up the issue of photon "fission" but the results of their experiments did not confirm that phenomenon. To use the mc2 equation to describe the energy of an electron is an utter mistake. Mass-energy equivalence does not exist in nature. The mc2 equation is applicable only in the case of photons that have invariant mass. On the basis of detailed experimental knowledge we can assume that electric charge is a cavity filled with trapped photons. Large deformations of cavities when nuclei are split and fused result in huge amounts of photon energy being released. To talk here about mass of micro-objects changing into energy is a mistake. A cavity deprived of photons is in a way "energyless mass" (self-coined term). This approach to the structure of charges makes it possible to list some basic relationships between a moving photon and a resting electron, that provide a logical explanation for the Compton effect. Photon penetrates the cavity or releases another photon of the same frequency. Trapped photon moves along with the cavity. Trapped photon deforms the inside of the cavity longitudinally (longitudinal deformation) and releases other photons (?' ? ?). The loss of the photon energy changes into the kinetic energy of the photon. Figure The geometry of a photon, the structure of an electron and the spatial orientation of an electron in relation to a photon are the main parameters that determine the energy and angular relationships in the scattering process. As far as the photoelectric effect is concerned, when a photon of appropriate energy gets inside an electron it is reflected and trapped. The result of that entrapment is an electron being released from the external structure of matter. The trapped photon moves along with the electron. This is a logical explanation of the photoelectric effect mechanism. Individual stages of both phenomena are subject to the laws of conservation of momentum and energy. Often photons of lower energy are released in the above-mentioned processes. It is worth mentioning that a moving electron gets cooled when it emits a photon. Figure The collision of high-energy particles results in their huge deformation. In extreme cases disintegration, splitting of the cavities may occur. As a result of such strong deformations penetrating electromagnetic radiation is emitted from the insides of the cavities. Process of annihilation (destruction) of particles does not exist (no solid experimental proofs). More elaborated version with discussion is posted on polish physics forum (unfortunately in polish). I invite everybody to discussion and to ask question. My contact email: bogdanfiz@wp.pl