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  1. APPLIED INVESTIGATION IN CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY Author Ioannis Lymperis Independent researcher of antiseismic construction technology. The anti-seismic construction technology has modern and good anti-seismic regulations! However, the structures do not withstand any major earthquake. There are too many unpredictable factors that can bring destruction to what modern earthquake structures. The factors that determine the seismic behavior of structures are numerous, and in part probable. Unknown direction of the earthquake, unknown exact content of seismic excitation frequencies, unknown its duration. The maximum possible accelerations given by the seismologists, and determining the coefficient of earthquake resistance design, have a probability of exceedance of more than 10%. The correlation of quantities such as "Inertial tensions - damping forces - elastic forces - dynamic construction features - soil construction interaction - imposed ground movement " is non-linear, directional. According to the modern regulations, the seismic design of the buildings is based on the requirements of efficient node design and ductility. The inevitable inelastic behavior under strong seismic stimulation is directed to selected elements and failure mechanisms. The incompetence of the nodes, and the limited ductility of the elements, will produce blatant forms of failure. The purpose of the modern anti-seismic regulation is to construct structures that: a) In frequent small earthquakes, with a high probability to happen, construction will suffer nothing, b) In medium-sized earthquakes, medium probability of becoming, construction will suffer minor repairable damage and c) In very strong earthquakes, little chance of happening will have no losses of human lives. So we should not use the term "The Ultimate Anti-Seismic Design." We should use the term "Quality constructions" This means applying the requirements of all modern regulations. The quality of construction and its safety is also a function of the economic situation of the countries. It is understandable that poor countries can not be compared with countries where they have very expensive modern anti-seismic regulations. Conclusion ... there is no Ultimate Anti-Seismic Design today, and we should not refer to Ultimate Anti-Seismic Design. So, there is a great need today to invent the Ultimate Anti-Seismic Design with lower construction costs. The design mechanisms and methods of the invention are intended to minimize the problems associated with building safety in the event of natural phenomena such as earthquake, hurricanes, and lateral gusts of strong winds. This is achieved by controlling the deformations of the structure. Damage and deformations are closely related concepts, since by controlling the deformations, controlled and damage. The invention controls deformations, irrespective of the duration and intensity of the earthquake. It regulates shaking to the limits of the elastic displacement, preventing, inelastic displacement. According to the present invention, this can be achieved by a continuous pre-stressing ( applied by the upper edges of the walls of the building) of both the building structure towards the ground and of the ground towards the structure, making these two parts one body Said pre-stressing is applied by means of the mechanism. Said mechanisms comprises steel cables crossing freely (through pipes) the edges of the structure vertical support walls and also the length of drillings beneath them. Said steel cable's lower end is tied to an anchor-type mechanism that is embedded into the walls of the drilling to prevent it from being uplifted. Said steel cable's top end is tied to a hydraulic pulling mechanism, exerting a continuous uplifting force. The pulling force applied to the steel cable by means of the hydraulic mechanism and the reaction to such pulling from the fixed anchor at the other end of it generate the desired compression in the construction project. Basically we have build one clamped structure with the ground from the nodes of the highest level. But if we want, we have the mechanism to impose compressive tensions from the nodes of the highest level at the edges of the wall sections. Before we build the foundation of the building, we apply tension to the tendons (twice the design stresses that the mechanism must take) between the height of the foundation soil surface and the anchoring mechanism at the depths of the drilling. When pulling the tendon, the anchor mechanism expands, exerting peripheral radial pressures on the loose slopes of the drill, ensuring (a) condensation of loose slopes, and (b) great friction at the interface of the jaws of the mechanism and the soil, creating conditions of relevance for the locking of the mechanism in the ground. While maintaining the mechanical stresses, we place an injection of reinforced concrete into the hole for further adhesion. By completing the locking of the mechanism in the ground, we have an in-depth foundation mechanism that successfully receives the upward and downward tensions of the construction walls. It follows the gradual construction of the project and the free passage of the tendons through the edges of the walls through diode tubes. The extension of the tendons is applied with bolt connections. There is the possibility, to have a simple clamped structure with the ground, or alternatively, we can apply compressive tensions to the cross-section with the mechanisms. One method of the design methods, includes the construction of a sufficient number and size of reinforced concrete walls, with cross sections of different geometric shapes and directions, placed in the appropriate positions, in which the mechanisms impose on their upper edges compressive loads on all sides of their cross-section, in order to apply torques of stability, against the wall torque overturning. The compressive loads in the cross sections are derived from an external force, that of the foundation soil. The walls may be on the perimeter of the building, (excluding shop facades) to surround the stairway and the elevator, (strong wells - cores) and possibly be internal walls separation of apartments, extending throughout the height of the building. The placement of many strong walls brings great stiffness, and a substantial reduction in the fundamental natural period of construction. This, combined with the view q = 1, leads to a correspondingly large increase in the seismic loads of the structure. However, it should not be overlooked that precisely because of the many strong walls the strength increases or, otherwise, the cross sectional loads are reduced, despite the large increase of seismic loads. The walls under seismic excitation receive torques (M), right forces (N) (compressive and tensile), and shear forces (Q). The wall under the compressive stresses of the mechanism, increases its strength, to the shear forces (Q) up to 36%. Enforcement of compressive forces in the cross-sections of the walls, is applied, to zero the tensile stresses, to create the torque of stability, against the wall torque overturning, and increasing the cross-sectional strength to the shear force. The application of compressive forces to cross sections has very positive results as it improves the orbits of the oblique tensile strength, ensures reduced cracking because there are compressive forces, while increasing the active cross section of the wall. ………………………………………….. The compressive forces (N) are taken up by the cross-section of the wall and transferred to the grounding mechanism, which sends them into the slopes of the drilling. The mechanism increases the strength of the loose foundation soil creating strong territorial zones to receive static loads. Upward tensions and vertical load components of the wall create tensile strength (N). Upward tensions, which overturn the wall, are received by the tendon from the nodes of the highest level and deflecting these directs them into the ground, removing one of the two forces that creates the tension on the wall side. This method stops the rotation of the base shoe, and the bend of the wall, causes, which generate the torque of the nodes (M) responsible for the bending of the trunk, of the beam and of the wall. The tensile stresses (N) on the wall side no longer exist. With the design method, of the clamped structure from the nodes of the highest level with the ground, hope I will deflect the inertia tensions of the construction and direct them straight into the ground, removing those from the areas currently driven, preventing and avoiding deforming shapes, which are so many, as well as the various directions of earthquake displacements, so that the tension in the structure, to appear limited, while at the same time ensuring a stronger bearing capacity of the foundation soil. If we design the correct dimensioning and shape of the walls, and place them in appropriate locations, we prevent the torsional buckling which appears in asymmetrical and metallic high-rise constructions. The opening of the drilling shows us the quality of the foundation soil, which hides many surprises because of its natural inhomogeneity. The clamped structure does not allow vertical bounces, eliminating impact stresses that increase construction and ground loads. It maintains the construction, within the limits of the elastic phase of displacement, irrespective of the intensity and duration of the earthquake, preventing coordination. The Mechanism of relevance. Problems and solutions. The collaboration between concrete and steel is achieved with the relevance. By the term relevance defined the combined action of the mechanisms which prevent relative slippage between the reinforcement bars and the concrete surrounding them. The mechanisms of relevance are adhesion, friction and, in the case of steel bars with ribs, the resistance of the concrete that is trapped between the ribs. The combined action of these mechanisms considered to be equivalent with development shear stresses in the concrete and steel interface. When the stresses reach limit resistance, relevance of concrete is destroyed along the length of the steel rods and the steel rods are detached from the concrete. A) The first problem of relevance is created by the high strength of steel, which turns the failure in shear failure and is extremely brittle. To solve the problem of shear failure, we need to ensure that it will not be created. As a partial solution of the problem , we know the following. The reduction of stresses is achieved by increasing the concrete coating and reducing the diameter of the reinforcement bars. The increase in the limit value of strength, is achieved by increasing the strength of the concrete. Placing horizontal reinforcement works favorably, limiting the opening of growing cracks. 1) Requested. A method where the concrete receives only compressive forces and the steel receives only tensile stresses. B) Second problem, uncounterbalancing, forces When the wall is bent, are being developed, compressive forces on one side and tensile stresses on the other side. When the tensions reach to a marginal point a failure occurs in a specific area of the cross section at the bottom of the ground floor which it is called critical failure area which you notice the maximum concentration of compressive and tensile stresses. It's the area where it exists the bend of the wall and which separate their direction the tensile forces in left and right directions, and the region of the other side, where they collide the compressive forces. The contrast of the tensile forces in this area, separates the trunk of the wall in two parts with uncounterbalancing, forces. The lower region receives higher stresses, (those of the great moments where the lever arm of the wall lowers down to the base) with a shorter length of relevance. The result is early inexpediency and failure of relevance. 2) Requested A cooperation method of concrete and steel, in which will presented counterbalancing, forces. C) Third problem. Lever arm. The walls are powerful lever arms, where their height extends from the roof to the base. They have an invisible fulcrum at the point of bending and a articulation located at the side of the base. The method of reinforcing the concrete, with the mechanism of relevance, helps the lever arm to multiply and to lower very high torques at the base, imposing large torque loads in the cross section of the wall and the body of the foot girders. In the large longitudinal columns ( walls ), due to the large moments which occur during an earthquake, it is practically impossible to prevent rotation with the classical way of construction of the foot girders. Requested. A method of reinforcing the concrete where it does not exist the mechanism of lever arm that multiplies the tensions of torques which drops to the base. SOLUTION OF RELEVANCE PROBLEMS WITH THE NEW DESIGN METHODS A) In the new design method for the cooperation of cement and steel, the concrete receives only compressive forces at their two opposite ends, up and down, and steel receives only tensile strengths. We know the concrete it can withstand 12 times more in compressive forces than it does in tensile forces, and that the steel has high tensile strengths. Conclusion, The absence of shear stress in the concrete and steel interface, which is achieved by the free passage of the tendon through the concrete cross sections of the wall with the help of the passage pipes, combined, with the high strength of concrete in the compressive forces, as well as the high strength of steel in tensile stresses, are three great factors offered by the new method which contribute to higher strength of construction, with less steel. Because with this method do not exist the premature material failure of the concrete and the concrete, giving steel the time to exhaust its specifications for its high tensile strength. Result Economics in steel with greater durability. All that needs to be calculated is the cross sections of the concrete, to has the required strengths to compressive forces and the steel the corresponding strengths in tensile stresses. B) The new design method does not present non counterbalancing, forces as presented in the relevance Tensions are applied at both ends of the tendon. At the upper end it receives compressive forces resulting from its application torque stability of the mechanism, against upward tensions of the wall overturning torque. At the lower end of the tendon we have frictional tension between the bars of the clamping mechanism and the drilling slopes. The tensile stresses in the cross section of the tendon separate in the middle of its length. Result. balance of tension equilibrium, counterbalancing forces, up, down C) The new design method eliminates the lever arm mechanism and the large torques that are lowered near the base. Because there is no torque at the nodes, there is no bend in the wall responsible for the lever arm mechanism, which increases the torque intensities, if there is no tensile on one side of the wall, as well as if there is no turning of the wall. Result. a) Removes stresses from the construction b) Removes tension from the tendon of the mechanism c) Does not lower any torque on the base. Question. And where are directed these tensions are removed; Answer Inside the ground. Today we drive them cyclically over the sections of the bearing elements Experiment Higher Acceleration Measurement. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RoM5pEy7n9Q I did a lot of experiments microscale with a scale of 1 to 7, mass 900kg with steel reinforcement with double squares 5Χ5 cm Φ / 1,5mm, with concrete material on a microscale. I used sand with cement proportion 1 part of cement 6 parts sand. Width of oscillation 0.15m Shift 0.30m Full oscillation 0.60m Frequency 2 Hz Acceleration in (g) a = (- (2 * π * 2) ^ 2 * 0.15) / 9.81 a = 3,14x2 = 6,28x2 = 12,56x12,56 = 157,754X0,15 = 23,6631 / 9,81 = 2,41g of natural earthquake. Inertia power (F) ground floor F = m.a 450 X 23,663 = 10648 Newton or 10,65 kN. first floor 450 x 23,663 = 10648 Newton or 10,65 kN. Total force F (Inertia) 10,65 10,65 = 21,3 kN Moment of inertia Strength X Height ^ 2 Ground floor 10,65x0,67x0,67 = 4,8 kN First floor 10,65x1,35x1,35 = 19,4 kN Total Moment of Inertia 4.8 19.4 = 24.2 Kn The term measurement can mean either enumeration using natural numbers or comparing the amount of a physical size to a standard, that is, comparison with a fixed quantity of the same physical size. These are comparable homogeneous physical sizes. They are made to compare the method of designing the invention with that of today's seismic design. The comparison results are visible towards the end of this video, which includes both experiments next to the screen to compare the two methods together with all the measurements. (measurement of damage, acceleration, etc.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhkUlxC6IK4&fbclid=IwAR31sYNgTBbgGLxL1PArdvyvYP-tJRkQAYqLBeBJCebrP61hGQa_OO5W_nQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RoM5pEy7n9Q https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-X4tF9C7SE https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZaFAWh80Zs3gvEulYCex2A?disable_polymer=true
  2. Tensioning between of the upper edge of the walls with the earth reduces the displacements responsible for all the stresses that develop on the structural carrier. The patent is stacked into the ground to draw from it a force that transfers it to the upper end of the wall in order to apply a counterbalance to the torque of the wall Τhe patent achieves the following 1)The consolidation of the nodes of highest level of the walls with the ground, using the mechanism of the invention, deflects the upward tensions created by the wall overturning torque transporting them freely and directly from the roof into the ground and in this way stops the displacements responsible for all growing tensions on the body of the bearing elements which they cause inelastic bending deformations and failures in a major earthquake. 2 ) Also the mechanism and method of anchoring provides very strong foundation in soft soils 3)The wall receives only compressive stresses at both ends a) at the upper end b) and the facing lower end near the base. Does not exist anymore tensile strength. This means that there are no longer torques in the nodes Does not exist anymore mechanism of concentric forces failure The floor mechanism (soft floor) does not exist anymore 4) Does not exist anymore coordination because the whole construction is shifted with the same frequency and the same oscillation amplitude 5) The wall also receives horizontal shear forces. Apply tension at all edges of the wall with the patent mechanism increases the ability to horizontal shear forces.
  3. I hold a patent in America. http://patft.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-Parser?Sect1=PTO1&Sect2=HITOFF&d=PALL&p=1&u=%2Fnetahtml%2FPTO%2Fsrchnum.htm&r=1&f=G&l=50&s1=9%2C540%2C783.PN.&OS=PN%2F9%2C540%2C783&RS=PN%2F9%2C540%2C783 Ιs it possible to control the elastic deformation over the body of bearing elements? In an earthquake, the columns lose their eccentricity and their bases are lifted, creating twisting in all of the nodes of the structure. There is a limit to the eccentricity, that is, there is a limit to the surface area of the base which is lifted by the rollover moment. To minimize the twisting of the bases, we place strong foot girders in the columns. In the large longitudinal columns (walls), due to the large moments which occur during an earthquake, it is practically impossible to prevent rotation with the classical way of construction of the foot girders. It is a method that uses a mechanism to pontoon nodes of higher level of constructions with earth and which dynamically deflect the lateral load of the earthquake through the vertical support elements and directs them into the ground controlling in this way the oscillation of the construction which causes elastic deformation responsible for structural failures on the trunks of bearing elements. The reaction of the mechanism to the raising of the roof of the longitudinal column and the opposing reaction of the at the bottom part of the base, divert the lateral load of the earthquake in the strong vertical section. With this diversion of the lateral load of the earthquake to the vertical columns, the twisting of the nodes is abolished because the lateral loadings of the earthquake are 100 per cent borne along the length of the columns, so it is impossible for them to twist in their main sections. Experiment 1,8 g more here http://file.scirp.org/Html/6-1880388_59888.htm
  4. This is my opinion on the research I did. a) Frequency call the number of repetitions of an event per unit time. The frequency characteristic of any physical size varies periodically, ie repeats the same values ​​at regular intervals. b) Natural frequency Coordination, called the phenomenon of forced oscillation, in which the frequency of the exciter coincides with the natural frequency of the oscillator. Each oscillator may oscillate at one or more frequencies. When the system is excited momentarily, then starts oscillation, which occurs at a frequency that coincides with the natural frequency. When the oscillation is stimulated, its frequency is the frequency of the exciter. When the frequency of the exciter, coincides with the natural frequency of the oscillator, then there is coordination. In coordinating the system has the maximum width, and maximum energy. If there were no damping forces, then the amplitude of the oscillation is theoretically infinite. Thus, the oscillation can be so strong as to destroy the oscillator. If the energy is higher, then there is a risk of destruction of the oscillator. c) The moment of inertia (or angular mass) is the distribution of points of a body to an axis of rotation. The moment of inertia, when performing rotational motion, has the meaning that has mass, in linear motion. The moment of inertia is defined to an axis of rotation. d) angular acceleration is called the rate of change of the angular velocity of a body. All these above for to be correct, need the freedom of movement of bodies at least one direction. Example If we have a rod anchored at one end, will coordinate, when the frequency of the exciter, coincides with the natural frequency of the oscillator. If, however, at a free end of the rod, apply a damping force, the phenomenon of oscillation does not stop, but this is not multiplied. If you're in a boat, you will have noticed that the tables have one leg, coordinated with the floor board. But as soon as you touch your finger on the table, immediately stops the large oscillation. The same happens if we apply an external force, on a steel shaft. The steel shaft, slowly stops rotating. Example, the brakes of a car. That is, ... with this applied force, stopped the angular acceleration, and if the force applied is large, then finally stop, the rotational motion of torque. What does my invention. Do the same, which makes our finger on the table, and the brakes on the car. My invention is applied damping in each charging cycle, or period. If the force is too great, then eventually stops the angular acceleration and torque of the roof of the building structure. That is, the method of the invention, implements, balance equations for the moments, and damping of vibration of the bearing so that the oscillation can not multiply and cause the phenomenon of natural frequency of the oscillator and exciter, which in natural conditions grows gradually the amplitude of oscillation, resulting in the collapse of building. The torque of the buildings, and the natural frequency are the main causes of failure of structures. The invention has solved these problems of construction. And many other problems of construction. The force that applied to the roof, must come outside of the building, and not anchored to the building I, this strength, ripped from the ground, and with the help of the tendon, brought it to the roof. The force that applied to the roof, must come outside of the building, and not from the same building I, this reaction force on the roof, grabbed from the ground, and with the help of the tendon, brought it to the roof. The anchoring to the ground, is much better than the embedding of the base and the roof, because this stops the clamping torque nodes effectively. If the tendon is anchored to the concrete base, and not on the ground, (in the drawing) generates torque on all nodes. If the tendon is anchored in a deep drilling beneath the foundation, then there is no torque is generated at junctions. This is because the tendon pulls the ground, and not the basis of Reinforced Concrete The invention achieves and better foundation. The reason is the large condensation of foundation soil that achieves...
  5. Right .... but these are technical terms and I'm not a civil engineer to know English so well .. Anyway thank you!
  6. Thank you.! My English is not good. I have the results of simulation in Greek language. It's too good. I'm not a civil engineer. I'm just construction foreman
  7. 1) Strong pretension between surface soil and slope drilling before construct the building. This method a) This ensures strong adhesion of the anchor and the slope of the hole b) Do not strain to compressive vertical elements. ( No stress on the columns with compressive loads. ) After .... Joining the tendon with a connection and transfer freely through a pipe on the roof. Then apply a small pretension on the roof. For this reason they gave the patent. There are no torques nodes anymore. Deflecting the lateral loads in the vertical cross section of the column. The horizontal earthquake load generates oscillation, and the result is that the upper plates shift more than the lower ones, the columns lose their eccentricity exerting a lifting force on the bases, as well as creating a twisting action in all of the nodes of the structure . I apply a reaction to the rise of the roof and stop the oscillation of the supporting structure. This video shows the mechanism of the seismic system and a seismic design method. It presents also experiments with and without the seismic patent, side by side on screen to compare the seismic protection offered by the invention. The utility of the invention has been shown experimentally. Patent Idea We have placed on a table two columns, one column screwed on the table, and the other simply put on the table. If one shifts the table, the unbolted column will be overthrown. The bolted column withstands the lateral loading. We do exactly the same in every column of a building to withstand more lateral earthquake loading. That is done, by simply screwing it to the ground. This pretension between the roof of the structure and the soil has been globally disclosed for the first time. The horizontal earthquake load generates oscillation, and the result is that the upper plates shift more than the lower ones, the columns lose their eccentricity exerting a lifting force on the bases, as well as creating a twisting action in all of the nodes of the structure. The ideal situation would be if one could construct a building framework where, during an earthquake, all the plates would shift by the same amplitude as the ground without differing phases. The research I have carried out resulted in just this. The method of the invention eliminates all these problems of deformation in the building construction applying pretension, through the mechanism, between the roof of the structure and the soil. 1) Comparing with existing anti seismic systems, the invention increases the strength of the structure to an earthquake over 100% and reduces the cost of protection more than 50%. 2) I believe that with this method, prefabricated houses can be placed in towns constructing several floors. Manufacturers and all of us will profit from this change because they are industrially produced 30-50% cheaper. 3) The Patent mechanism can be applied to all building projects being under construction, however, it may also be placed in many existing structures, ensuring seismic protection. Patent mechanism and method offer protection to lightweight constructions against tornadoes. It may also be used as an anchor for the support of ground slopes on highways. It ensures a strong foundation in soft ground. And all this in a patent There is no absolute seismic design. The invention provides the absolute seismic design. Its uniqueness makes it very marketable. Our scientific team consists of: A) Professor Panagiotis Karidis, Seismic Technologist-Engineer and Founder of the seismic base at The National Technical University. B) Nikos Markatos, Chemical Engineer and former Rector of The National Technical University.
  8. The ultimate antiseismic system My name is John Lymperis. The video shows the mechanism of the seismic system and a seismic design method. Also presents experiments with and without seismic patent, one beside the other to compare the seismic protection offered by the invention. The utility of the invention has been shown experimentally. Patent Idea If on a table put two columns one column we screwed on the table, and the other simply put on the table. If you shift the table, the unbonded column will be overthrown. The bolted column outlast the lateral loading. What I do in every column of a building to withstand more lateral earthquake loading. That is, simply screwed to the ground. This pretension between the roof of the structure and the soil becomes world's first time. The horizontal earthquake load generates oscillation, and the result is that the upper plates shift more than the lower ones, the columns lose their eccentricity exerts a lifting effect on the bases, and creating twisting in all of the nodes of the structure. The ideal situation would be if we could construct a building skeleton where, during an earthquake all the plates would shift by the same amplitude as the ground without differing phases. The research I have carried out has this resulted. The method of the invention stops all these problems of deformation in the building construction applying with the mechanism pretension between the roof of the structure and the soil. 1)Comparing with existing anti seismic systems, the invention increases the strength of the structure to an earthquake over 100% and reduces the cost of protection more than 50% 2) I believe that with this method, prefabricated houses can be placed in towns constructing several floors. Manufacturers and all of us will profit from this change because they are industrially produced 30-50% cheaper. 3) Apply placement in all building projects are under construction , but and in many existing structures, ensuring seismic protection. Protects and lightweight construction of tornadoes . Use also as anchor for the support of ground slope on highways . Εnsures a strong foundation in soft ground. And all this in a patent There is no absolute seismic design. The invention provides the absolute seismic design. This monopoly makes it very marketable. The scientific team consists of Professor Panagiotis Karidis seismic technology and Founder of seismic base at Technical University. B) Nikos Markatos chemical engineer and former rector of the Technical University. All of us have over 40 years experience, and this is the guarantee of the investment that we ask you to do. Please vote for my patent. Please vote for this entry on the ID-GC page https://www.socialappshq.com/fb/video_contest/?website_id=id-gc-323881081056730-263241163769223&from_id=312276Yiannis Press '' Yiannis Lymperis '' Entry '' and Vote
  9. All the answers are in this forum My anti seismic systems - SkyscraperPage Forum The seismic base represents the foundation soil. In experiments there is no anchor. There is a screw which is screwed with screws bolts on top of the roof and below the seismic base. The lower bolt (represents) is like the anchor The first experiment has screws and is screwed above the roof and and below the seismic base. In the second experiment have screwed with screws the base of the model with the seismic base. ( This is not very effective ) In the third experiment, not screwed at all with the seismic base. This makes the difference. The first video is another method of fixing. Τhe anchor won't pull out of the ground in an actual earthquake because the hydraulic system of the mechanism of the patent retains the tendon always stretched. In rocky ground no problem, because we know that the hard rocks not recede from the pressure If you have a moly bolt, and screw it to the wall you can not push through or pull it out. The same system with the screw of the wall is the patent system.
  10. my friend Strange. Ι come and live in Greece Opinion of the International Patent Office for Hydraulic tractor Has a very positive opinion for hydraulic tractor. From what the examiner says that I have something patentably new and useful. Improved anchoring means comprising expansion anchors in combination with hydraulic tensioning means to keep the building tightly tethered to the ground. This would also be good for hurricane country, like the US Gulf Coast. http://postimage.org/image/32vfj43z8/ http://postimage.org/image/2g4sfacsk/ http://postimage.org/image/332ou0y04/ http://postimage.org/image/33322bpyc/ in Greece I have the patent. I had filed for international patent in pct passed Research Report (A) Filing in america at the patent office. I have not gotten a patent in america yet .... expected Patent publication in America. http://postimg.org/image/8ox3ft743/
  11. The ultimate seismic system Patent Idea The patent is the ultimate seismic system that will change the world's seismic design method of construction . We have invented a method and mechanism that joins the roof ( roof ) construction with the ground . This pretension between the roof of the structure and the soil becomes world's first time , and stops deformation generated in the building during the earthquake , so ensure absolute durability. Comparing with present construction , the invention increases the strength of the structure to an earthquake over 300 % and reduces the cost of construction of over 30 % Video Apply placement in all building projects are under construction , but and in many existing structures , ensuring absolute seismic protection. For example, houses, skyscrapers , dams , windmills , bridges , roads. Even protects and lightweight construction of tornadoes . Use also as anchor for the support of ground slope on highways . Brief description of the invention The principal object of the hydraulic tie rod for construction projects of the present invention as well as of the method for constructing building structures utilizing the hydraulic tie rod of the present invention is to minimise the aforesaid problems associated with the safety of construction structures in the event of natural phenomena such as earthquakes, hurricanes and very high lateral winds. According to the present invention, this can be achieved by a continuous pre-stressing (pulling) of both the building structure towards the ground and of the ground towards the structure, making these two parts one body like a sandwich. Said pre-stressing is applied by means of the mechanism of the hydraulic tie rod for construction projects. Said mechanism comprises a steel cable crossing freely in the centre the structure's vertical support elements and also the length of a drilling beneath them. Said steel cable's lower end is tied to an anchor-type mechanism that is embedded into the walls of the drilling to prevent it from being uplifted. Said steel cable's top end is tied to a hydraulic pulling mechanism, exerting a continuous uplifting force. The pulling force applied to the steel cable by means of the hydraulic mechanism and the reaction to such pulling from the fixed anchor at the other end of it generate the desired compression in the construction project. The skeleton of a building consists of the columns (vertical parts) and the girders and slabs (horizontal parts). The girders and slabs are joined at the nodes. Under normal conditions, all loading is vertical. When an earthquake occurs, additional horizontal loading is placed on the skeleton. The resultant effect of horizontal plus vertical loading puts strain on the nodes. It alters their angle from 90 degrees, creating at times acute and at other times obtuse angles. The vertical static loads equilibrate with the reaction of the ground. The horizontal earthquake load exerts a lifting effect on the bases of the columns. In addition, due to the elasticity of the main body of the columns, the earthquake acts by shifting the heights of each plate by a different amplitude and a different phase. That is, the upper plates shift more than the lower ones. The modal shifts of the skeleton are many, so many that the differing, shifting directions of the earthquake deform and destroy the skeleton. The ideal situation would be if we could construct a building skeleton where, during an earthquake all the plates would shift by the same amplitude as the ground without differing phases. In this way the shape will be preserved and we would not have any deformation of the frame, hence no damage. The research I have carried out has resulted in the creation of an anti- seismic design for buildings which achieves exactly this result. I have succeeded in doing this by constructing large elongated ridged columns shaped -, +, Γ or T to which a pulling force is applied from the roof and from the ground, applying bilateral pressure to the entire column. This force acts to prevent bilateral shifting of the columns and curvature at their bases so preventing the deformation which occurs throughout the whole structure during an earthquake. In an earthquake, the columns lose their eccentricity and their bases are lifted, creating twisting in all of the nodes of the structure. There is a limit to the eccentricity, that is, there is a limit to the surface area of the base which is lifted by the rollover moment. To minimise the twisting of the bases, we place strong foot girders in the columns. In the large longitudinal columns (walls), due to the large moments which occur during an earthquake, it is practically impossible to prevent rotation with the classical way of construction of the foot girders. The following result occurs with this lifting of the base in combination with the elasticity. When one column of the frame lifts one end of the beam upwards, at the same time the other column at its other end moves violently downwards. This stresses the beam and has the tendency to twist it in different directions at the two ends, deforming its body in an S shape.The same deformation occurs with the columns also, due to the twisting of the nodes and the differential phase shift of vertical plates. In order to prevent the lifting of the base, we clamp the base of the structure to the ground using the patented mechanism. However, if we want to prevent the lifting of the whole columnar structure which stems from the lifting of its base as well as from the elasticity of its main body, then the best point for enforcing an opposing, balancing force is the roof. This opposing tendency on the roof must come from an external source and not applied from within the structure. This external source is the ground underneath the base. From here the external force is applied. Underneath the base of the structure, we drill a hole into the ground and clamp it with the patented anchor. With the aid of a cable which passes freely through a pipe in the column, we transfer this force which we obtained from the ground up to the roof. At this point in the roof, we insert a stop with a screw to prevent the raising of the roof of the longitudinal columns which happens during an earthquake and deforms all the plates. In this way, we control the oscillation of whole structure. That is, the deformity which the structural failure causes. With this method, we do not see changes in the form of the structure, because it maintains the same shape it had prior to and during the earthquake. The reaction of the mechanism to the raising of the roof of the longitudinal column and the opposing reaction of the at the bottom part of the base, divert the lateral load of the earthquake into the strong vertical section. With this diversion of the lateral load of the earthquake to the vertical columns, the twisting of the nodes is abolished because the lateral loadings of the earthquake are 100% borne along the length of the columns, so it is impossible for them to twist in their main sections. In the experiments I have carried out in actual scale earthquake acceleration of 1.77g and amplitude over 0.11 in a two story building model to scale 1:7.14, the difference in the model with and without the patented mechanism can clearly be seen. See the link below for the experiment: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheLymperis2/videos experiments 1) With the seismic system. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RoM5pEy7n9Q 2)Without the seismic system first experiment https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZsSJJhOfwq0 3) Without the seismic system second experiment https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-X4tF9C7SE 4)damage Control https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZkCKY0EypM
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