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Everything posted by JulietteSV

  1. Hello, I have a question regarding an experiment. First, a quick introduction. I want to study resistance mechanisms of cancer cells to an antibody. My goal is to block the efflux pomps (major MDR effector) with cyclosporin A and so I am trying to determine a dose that will do this, without being "too toxic" for the cells. In order to determine which dose to use, I performed an MTT test. Let's say I have 100% cells to start. I want the drug dose corresponding to 90% of cell survival. Do you know how I can do this? I tried drawing curves on excel and getting the equation...but its a "n" degre polynom that I remember seeing in high school but that I am incapable of solving at this point. I'm thinking that there's got to be a simpler way of determining the dose concentration....right!? If you have used cyclosporin A or any ideas on how to determine the dose please help me!! Thank you!
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