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Everything posted by UCF-Forensic
Well, as you may know, antibodies and other useful goodies are passed along through human breastmilk, as well as some medications, hense the advisory that breastfeeding mothers take warning before doing so when they are on certain meds. I would think that the same applies to cow's milk.
I am aware of the horomones that animals are given, which has been a thesis idea of mine for quite awhile. I wanted to study the correlation between the type of drugs/steroids/horomones/medications that animals are given to make them grow faster etc. and their possible relation to the amount of children who are starting puberty at very early ages. I have studied puberty before and have acknowledged that the body needs a relative amount of fat to start puberty changes, and fast food was the likely cause, since most Americans consume fast food at least once in their lives. I've done some preliminary brainstorming, and have hypothesized that some animals recieve growth enhancement drugs/horomones. By us eating too much of these products, I believe that we are unknowingly dosing ourselves with the same drugs, and over time, as we consume more and more, possibly affect our bodies negatively. But about the dairy question, thanks!
Hey guys, I have been consuming dairy and other animal products for my entire life. I have also recently come onto the animal rights front, and have been studying PETA propaganda / ideas. One of their campaigns states that beer is better for you than milk, and in another part of the ad, says that at just two glasses a day, increases male's chances of getting prostate cancer. My whole question is....Is this information legit!?! PETA has been known to make some pretty outlandish statements and then retract them, if any of you have seen their fur opposition page, you'll understand what I mean. Can dairy products and other forms of animal products be that bad for you!?!?! Or is this just scare tactics to get people to boycott the entire industry? I mean COME ON...If dairy and meat products are so bad for you than why are they so high on the food pyramid!?! About half of the 5 food groups are derived from animal products.... I am not a die hard sponsor of PETA or their affiliates, I am just interested in animal rights, and believe me, nobody on this Earth can stop me from getting my freakin steak & eggs breakfast. Personally I think vegetarianism is just as bad for you as eating meat, and I believe veganism leads to paranoid personality disorder. I DON'T WANNA STOP DRINKING MILK!! TELL ME IF IT'S TRUE!!!! ::edit:: The gallon of 2% milk in my fridge is on quarantine until you guys decide....and the expry on it is Feb 1st...SO THINK QUICKLY!!!!
Blike!! I think we saw the same video. That really sounds like my general chemistry video! Since we're in the same school system, we probably have seen the same videos!! LOL. Right now i'm at SCC in Sanford on my way to UCF next year.
Being a huge pink floyd fan, I have adopted the english spelling....I dunno why I use it, but I guess it's because I sound cool using british english words....
I'm suprised none of my many lab safety videos went over "Duck and cover"
Hey guys, thought I would do something funny and interesting for my first thread. We in the scientific community all know that MOST lab safety videos are from the 1970's and are sometimes found drop dead hilarious by the viewing public. I would like to know your experiences, and what has been the funniest event described by a lab safety video, give details!! Ok fine I'll post mine first. The funniest thing I have seen in a LSV was: There was a student heating a test tube over a bunsen burner, and pointing it toward an adjacent student. The scene cuts and shows the adjacent student being shot in the eyes with an off-screen super soaker, and then calmly saying "ouch....my eyes". Another funny moment was when a student was shaking a thermometer (which isn't necessary to begin with) and impacting the lab counter, breaking the thermometer....must have been a football player....hehe ... and now that I've wasted entirely too much time...I have a lab write-up to complete. Later!! ~Steve
Ok who's next on Guinea-pig duty?? I call not me! If I were to guinea-pig this, how would I go about doing it???
hmm. Interesting. I'm not sure how it would effect the nominal physiology of the system, but I do believe that we would probably get sick more often, as you know, body heat rises in response to infection in an attempt to kill thermosensitive microbes. My guess is how much of a change in temperature are we looking at here?? I would posit that we would still be generating peaks in temperature while exerting physical force, even when doing something as trivial as meandering around a hallway. My whole take is that biology dictated our body temperature for a reason, and there is no reason why we should think of running any cooler...for all we know, this temperature may be the only thing that has kept us as a species alive....ok that was a bit dramatic, but does anybody else see my point?? Open to criticism, ~Steve
Even though I am not jewish, I have heard that in practice, one shall not 'eat the mother and calf in the same meal' I am not sure if this pertains to a biological, or merely a theological standpoint. I dunno just my $0.02
Well wouldnt you like to know?? I will be enrolled in a forensic science program at the University of Central Florida in January of 2006. Right now i'm finishing up my sophomore year at my present college in Sanford Florida. Since I am transferring to UCF, I am completing the A.A. requirement for transfer. To start getting into the program, I have centered my studies in Criminal justice (2 elective classes), Psychology (3 elective classes), and Anthropology (1 elective class). The program is heavy in biochemistry and there is more lab work than you can shake a stick at. I am going to be enrolled in UCF's Forensic Science B.S. Program, and then later into the M.S. Forensic science program. This is one of 6 accredited Forensic track programs in the nation. If you can't get into one of those 6 schools, it is highly suggested you center your major in biology or chemistry, and then go from there. My personal advice is to find a school with an accredited forensics program and get in as quickly as you can, their programs are hard to get into, and EVERYBODY wants to study forensic science nowadays. Also, i suggest watching such shows as "The new detectives: Case studies in forensic science" as well as the other shows available on TLC or Discovery. It also will help to find out what you want to do in the forensic field, there are many specialties. Mine is Toxicology -The study of chemicals, toxins, and poisons and their effects on the body. A representitive from a NJ crime lab conference instructed me also to get training in the DNA/genetics areas, they are in high demand in the field. Any questions, shoot me a PM, or AIM me: Shad0wk24. The O is a zero. Oh yeah, UCF's website is http://www.ucf.edu Search for their forensics BS degree, I guarantee that you won't be dissappointed! ~Steve
what first sparked your interest in science?
UCF-Forensic replied to blike's topic in Science Education
Got interested in science at a very early age. I was always facinated about how stuff worked. I was criticized as being autistic, but they can go shove it cus I'm too cool to be autistic. lol that made no sense at all. Anywhoo, I can also vouch for Bill Nye, he RULED! I got interested in forensic science by doing research on the John List case. I then became obsessed with forensic science, and it added to my infatuation with death. I used to be gothic, but grew out of it because people are too freaking depressed. Yes I still listen to the music and dress in black, only cus i look damn fine in it. Oh yeah, and I don't watch CSI, i get that question from EVERYBODY. I prefer the non-dramatized "The New Detectives: Case studies in Forensic science" as well as Forensic files, the entire "Autopsy" series, as well as old classics like Trauma Life & Death in the ER. -
easy way to remember it. Mitosis is cell cloning. It happens in all autosomes. Meiosis only happens in sex cells. Meiosis imparts diversity because it results in 4 genetically different daughter cells. Just thought I'de sound smart! ~Steve
1. Age? 19 2. Gender? Male 3. State? Florida 4. Natural hair color? Brown 5. Natural eye color? Blue 6. Do you dye your hair(what color)? Or what do you want your hair color to be?(you don't have to pick a different color) Past colors: Bleach. Present color -Black Wish it was black 7. Do you have colored contacts? Or what color would you prefer your eyes to be?(you don't have to pick a different color) No, I love them blue 8. Heritage? ex. Swedish, German, etc. Czech all the way baby
Why the right/left hemisphere/body crossover?
UCF-Forensic replied to Mokele's topic in Anatomy, Physiology and Neuroscience
I was always a fan of the "alien hand" experimentation. I have been intriqued about how the lack of communication between hemispheres via the corpus collosum causes the strange behaviors including not being able to identify certain unseen objects with one or another hand. Very strange, and very interesting indeed. -
The Official "Introduce Yourself" Thread
UCF-Forensic replied to Radical Edward's topic in The Lounge
Hi My name is Steve, I'm from Lake Mary Florida. I will be attending the University of Central Florida in early 2006, And I will be enrolling in their Forensic Science B.S. program, One of 6 accredited in the nation. I am 19, and I consider myself proficient in general biology, chemistry, and psychology. I happened upon this forum by accident, and i've been glued to it with no hope of ever leaving. I also work for an Acura dealer, and I modify import cars as a hobby. -
You know, this information would be good in another thread about defeating the AIDS virus....I unloaded my entire worldly knowledge on tRNA, mRNA and their role in transcription and translation, and this information here is very very interesting, as I have not studied antisense mRNA. Could I get a link to some good information?????? Also do you think this antisense mRNA could be a tool to help us fight AIDS??
Although an interesting topic I think that the benefits of such research would be better spent elsewehere. I read a new york times psychology article for one of my earlier psych classes on how a woman who had a tumor in her brain, and had her amygdala removed, and as a concequence she did not know how to interpret feelings of fear and anger. I agree with earlier posts, I do not believe that there are such things as negative and positive behavior patterns. Need I unearth "A clockwork orange"? Honestly if you haven't seen it I highly suggest you do before proceding with your research. Certain responses can be deemed positive in some arenas, and sometimes negative. If you don't want to watch A clockwork orange, Shoot me a PM, or AIM me on Shad0wK24. Note the O is a zero. ::Edit:: VIOLENT TENDENCIES can be viewed as positive responses in some arenas, as well as negative in otheres. It merely relies on context. If you shut down those responses, it will be like taking candy from a baby....quite literally... Agree / disagree??
Why the right/left hemisphere/body crossover?
UCF-Forensic replied to Mokele's topic in Anatomy, Physiology and Neuroscience
Has that actually been proven???? I vaguely remember reading somewhere that that theory was / has been discarded.... Correct me if i'm wrong....If it's true i'de also like to know why the crossover exists.... I would like to think that the corpus collosum was put there for a purpose ::edit:: Rakuenso you think you're screwed up?? I'm left eye dominant, left foot dominant, right handed while writing, and left handed when using a rifle or shotgun (as if eye dominance didn't tell you that already). -
YT2095 has the right idea, although it is a broken record lol J/k I would think that anything containing essential amino acids would do well in replenshing your body's supply, and helping out with keeping your brain well fed. I would venture to say Taurine would be high on my list, but don't get it from red bull....that stuff is wayyy over-inflated for its benefits....as are most drinks that come in an 8oz can...
To be perfectly honest I do not know how the brain changes at the moment of death. I would like to say if a person was hooked up to a heart / lung machine, that you could probably live allot longer...dare I say forever, i think not. What has to be acknowledged is that brain cells die VERY easily. After 3 minutes without oxygen brain cells start dying, and after 8 minutes, there is permanent brain damage, please correct me if i'm wrong, i may be a bit rusty on my figures. I'm not sure if you could really bring somebody back unless it was through horribly invasive surgery before death in order to to either keep oxygenated blood flowing to the brain, and concequently the rest of the body. I do not think this would be possible in the long run because a person hooked up to such equipment would have little or no mobility, and without that we see blood clotting, muscle atrophy, and a whole other range of physiological and psychological nasties. But i'm probably a million miles from your question, mybad! ~Steve
Alcohol and Memory Loss
UCF-Forensic replied to bloodhound's topic in Anatomy, Physiology and Neuroscience
The only really cool thing I find about drinking is the fact that I fall asleep much quicker. I have a hard time falling asleep normally, its a function of my mind being mad hypersensitive. When i get really drunk i generally pass out quickly, and its usually on a good note. If I pass out in the wrong place, one of my good friends usually picks me up and puts me on a couch and tilts my head towards the ground. But anyway to the point at hand, I myself also wonder why I cannot remember certain events, or more commonly, the clarity of such events. Perhaps the brain toxicity of Alcohol should be re-defined. Any thoughts?? ~Steve -
Lack of sleep: Consequences?
UCF-Forensic replied to Gilded's topic in Anatomy, Physiology and Neuroscience
I would also like to note *as if it werent mentioned already* that sleep is a function of the body to repair damaged tissues, and prepare for the next wake period. Effectively staying awake multiple days increases the probability of sickness, and muscle deterioration because you are denying the body and mind the necessary time to heal and take a break from the rigors of the waking hours. I have experienced this myself in 24 hour gaming marathons in my home town in Basking Ridge, NJ. At a computer club we would play several games, some involving strategy, some just requiring very quick reflexes. during the night we consumed high levels of caffeine, and Guarana, mostly in the form of BAWLS. We did not like purely highly caffeinated drinks because of the jitters, and for the strain it put on our systems, making us tremor, and slowly go insane...you think i'm joking..we actually became psychotic at times, and had difficulty seperating what was part of the game and what wasnt. Examples would include trying to remain silent in walking over to the community fridge to get a drink, immediately restraining people you saw in the halls and bringing them to the floor....that kind of thing.... Well that was more of a rant than anything, just understand that sleep is a function of repair for the body, and denying the body the time to repair, you increase the chances of your body breaking down to stress or other factors condusive to stress.