Rightey, first things first, Neil Armstrong wouldn't be as famous and rich as he is, and the night sky would be darker than usual. But moving on to a more serious matter, we rely on the moon for many many things, probably the best known one is how the moon affects our tide, how it uses our oceans to keep it tidally 'locked'.
Our days would be shorter, the tidal pull from the gravity of the moon slows us down. The Earths rotation slows down because of the moon, but only by about a second every 50,000 years or so. But this difference on the cosmic scale is very large, in terms of millions of years, our days would be considerably shorter!
Before leaving you guys to think and discuss this, I need to ask you to admire the moon, as it wont be here for long, every year it gets four centimeters away from us.
Tell me what you guys think about this!
~ Science Lord