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Everything posted by Kh112

  1. Saw this on Kickstarter last night and thought it looked like fun. Figured I would share it with you guys. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/941796769/ph-d-the-game my friends and family love playing games, what games do you guys play? we like (in no particular order) Gloom, fluxx, Settlers of Catan, Carcassonne, ticket to ride, etc
  2. Videos help a lot in understanding...This one is ok.
  3. Here are a few tips: - (like everyone else said) Practice a lot. Practice at home. Practice in a large empty auditorium. Then practice in front of friends and people you feel comfortable with. - For me, I always have to remember to speak slower. If it sounds super slow in my head, it probably sounds about normal to everyone else. Even though you have heard it 100 times and want to rush through it, it is your audience's first time hearing it. Slower is better. Faster is confusing. - Don't use a lot of words on your slides, but visual cues to guide you through your slides and transitions are helpful in keeping you confident. - Start strong. If you know your first few slides and nail them, you will feel very confident with everything that comes after. Early mistakes make you very self conscious.
  4. One of my coworkers learned to speak English by listening to Duran Duran! Music, TV Shows and movies (with subtitles) are all great ways to help you learn to speak English. The best way though is to speak one on one with someone willing to help you. The more you do it and have it explained to you, the better you will be!
  5. Hey all, I'm new here too. I like Biology, Physics, and then not doing science when I want to unwind and relax!
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