So if I was approaching 2 black holes the force between the two could develop a sweet spot. If I was to ride this sweet spot, I would travel in a figure eight around both black holes and end up in the same exact starting spot. Only this time I would be there long before I ever made the original journey. That would be time traveling into the past, theoretically at lest it is possible. But what if we did find a way to time travel? I always hear about different paradoxes that undermined time travel, Today I just have a thought about returning to the past that I am sure you good folks could rip apart or play along with.
My thought is: If we could travel to the past, What reassures us that "The past" exists. Right now we are in the present. We can see, feel, touch and so on. It is a fact that everything has only been observed from the view of "Present". Nobody has ever seen a situation from the past or the future. So is there a physical universe in the past? or is the past just a memory of what was? After you read this text does it still exist in the past. or can you only see it from the present? If we found a way to time travel to either the past or future would we find anything? or would it just be truly nothing.