I was thinking that this could be used to accelerate spaceships.
Here is the hypothisis:
If i have a closed system with a disk that moved up and down, and the disk was made to spin by a motor at the top of the system and made to stop spinning at the bottom of the system, the whole system would feel a force that would accelerate it upwards.
The system could have a similar disk that moved up and down but spun the opposite direction than the first to stop the whole system from spinning.
I have thought about how It mightn't work, such as if you spun up the disk, would it lose translational inertia?
I think no, since according to relativity, there is no preferred frame to slow down against.
I understand that there would not be much translational force produced for 'non relativistic' speeds, but sensors are quite good, so this might even be experimentally testable on earth.