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  1. I believe the first entry of energy into the universe at the big bang,will eventually be proven to be a primal form of light, Actually a photon with a wavelength much longer than radio waves. It's currently invisible to us, but I believe it's what we now call Dark Matter.
  2. "What drives the universe through this thing that is called TIME what exactly is it??" I don't believe that the universe is driven through time, I believe that time is driven through the universe At the "Big Bang" energy streamed into the emptiness, and Time, Space and the Universe came into existence. It's logical, at least to me, that: TIME=Is the movement of that Energy in the Universe and SPACE=Is the medium used to measure and record that movement.
  3. in regard to MIGL's post, "the past is gone". The past is Never gone. The past is recorded in the cosmos. As we peer further into the universe, we see further into the past.
  4. time began at the supposed "Big Bang" which I believe constituted the first movement in the universe.
  5. if there is NO movement, there is no existence. to answer your question more directly, if a person stands still in a cave, the atoms that make up his existence still have electrons MOVING around nuclei.
  6. We live in a SPACE/TIME reality. Simply put, Time is "Movement" and space defines that movement.
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